Burning Heaven

Chapter 65 The Lantern Chapter

Blackwater City.

As the sun sets, the sun that shines for a day is still full of flames and never tired.The moat in the city is winding, the river is clear, and the oars sound and the boat shadows.

From the majestic city walls, market layout, merchant shops, to residential courtyards, Buddhist temples and temples, it shows the prosperity of Heishui City all the time.

Lin Mofeng, dressed in white, walked quickly on the main street of Heishui City. Lin Mofeng was very excited when he saw the endless stream of people. Walking on the road, he looked at this, touched that, and the smiling Lin Mofeng showed his eyes all the time. Huya.

Not long after, a booth selling masks attracted Lin Mofeng. Lin Mofeng stopped in his tracks. He was really happy to see many strange masks placed in front of the booth, so he bought one casually.

"Mizong Phantom Step." Lin Mofeng shouted wearing a bull-head mask.

Among the densely packed crowd, a phantom passed quickly like the wind, leaving many puzzles for everyone on the street.

The sky is gradually dimming, the setting sun is like blood, and the setting sun on the western mountain is like a gold-rimmed sunset. At this time, it is perfectly round, shining brightly, piercing

The human eye mask is like a dream, so unreal.

Under the setting sun at this moment, there was already a long queue at the entrance of Ouyang Baozi Shop, and the sky above the bun shop was full of smoke and mist.

"Hmph, I can tell you, the last twenty cages of steamed buns are about to come out today. If they are sold out, I will close the shop. I don't care how long you wait in line..."

In the window of the shop, an angry woman in floral dress held a broken fan and said to the crowd outside the window. At first glance, this woman in floral dress was Liu Qing.

Not long after, twenty cages of steamed stuffed buns came out, and bursts of white smoke caused the crowd outside the window to crowd around frantically.

"Little sister, hurry up and get me a few steamed buns that have just come out of the cage."

Lin Mofeng, who was wearing a bull-head mask, squeezed in front of the window and said dissatisfied.

"I, we, we don't sell human meat buns here." A young girl stammered through the window, and then Ouyang Ruohan's small head poked out from the window.

Lin Mofeng under the mask smiled slightly after hearing this, but shouted angrily again:

"What? There are no human meat buns for sale. Hmph, I don't care. If there are no human meat buns, I will chop you up and make buns."

"Big brother, really not, really not" Ouyang Ruohan's delicate face flashed a trace of shock and a slight frown.

"Hmph, okay Lin Mofeng, don't play tricks on me, do you really think I can't hear your voice?"

At this moment, Liu Qing's hand was as quick as a cat's paw, and instantly stretched out the window to grab Mo Feng's mask off. Lin Mofeng immediately showed a playful smile, scratched his scalp and said:

"Hey, Aunt Liu, Ruohan and I were just joking, don't mind, hey hey..."

"Ah, it's really Brother Mo Feng!" Ouyang Ruohan exclaimed loudly.



The night was bright and clear.

After dinner at Ouyang's house, Lin Mofeng was forced by Ouyang Ruohan to go out to play, because today is the annual Lantern Festival in Heishui City.

"Ruohan hopes that brother Mo Feng won't catch the demon this time." On the trail in Heishui City, Ouyang Ruohan, dressed in plain clothes, prayed to the sky with his hands together.

"Stupid pig, you are so vicious, you actually cursed me for not being able to catch the demon." Lin Mofeng, who was holding a dog's tail grass in his mouth, said disdainfully.

"That's right, as long as Brother Mo Feng can't catch the monster, Brother Mo Feng can stay in Heishui City to continue searching for the monster, then Ruohan can stay with you all the time, hehe..." Ouyang Ruohan walked on the street. Han continued to close his eyes and pray.

"Hahahaha, what kind of person is Lin Mofeng, the only direct disciple of my majestic Sanqing Sect Zhenyao Pavilion? That's not a jade tree facing the wind, powerful in all directions, handsome, righteous hero, and a few vulgar words can describe it. Who among the demons and ghosts on the road doesn’t know me, Lin Mofeng, the great master of catching monsters and subduing demons? Which monster dare not call me Grandpa Lin when he sees me. Hmph..."

Lin Mofeng held the dog's tail grass in his mouth, pinched his waist, and said staggeringly on the street, full of pride.

"Brother Mo Feng is bragging, last time you told Ruohan that when you were catching a fire and water demon, it was fortunate that you ran fast, otherwise you would almost have been roasted." Ouyang Ruohan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Well, cough..., that time was an accident, and in the end, wasn't that fire and water monster subdued by me, a dignified master of catching monsters and subduing demons?" Although Lin Mofeng was breaking out in cold sweat, he still puffed up his chest , said proudly.

"Okay, okay, brother Mo Feng is the hero in Ruohan's heart, isn't it okay!!! There is a lotus pond in front of brother Mo Feng. Every year during the Lantern Festival in Heishui City, there will be many floating lanterns in the lotus pond. Han likes to watch it the most, Brother Mo Feng, hurry up."

Ouyang Ruohan took Lin Mofeng's hand and ran forward. Lin Mofeng deliberately slowed down, letting Ouyang Ruohan pull him, and then a flash of inspiration flashed, he made a seal with his fingers, and shouted:

"Mizong Phantom Step, let's go" "Whoosh", the laughing Lin Mofeng ran forward quickly holding the screaming Ouyang Ruohan, almost instantly, he ran under a willow tree beside the lotus pond .

"Brother Mo Feng is a big villain, and he teased Ruohan like this, blowing Ruohan's hair into a mess." Ouyang Ruohan hurriedly fiddled with the messy hair, pouted.

Lin Mofeng smiled with a ruffian face, and then turned his gaze to the lotus pond in front of him. At this moment, the lotus pond is crowded with people, the sound of firecrackers and music are mixed, there are many shops, and it is very lively. All kinds of lanterns can be seen everywhere. Yes, there are lifts, and there are some with mouths, but most of the lanterns are really floating in the lotus pond as Ouyang Ruohan said.

The whole lotus pond seems to be like a starry sky at night. Tens of thousands of lanterns float down along the moat in the lotus pond. It is so beautiful that Lin Mofeng couldn't help but sigh:

"It's so beautiful" Just when Lin Mofeng turned his head, Ouyang Ruohan took out a red semi-circular lotus lantern from nowhere, and the names of Ouyang Ruohan and Lin Mofeng were written on it. Ouyang Ruohan smiled at Mo Feng. Feng said:

"Brother Mo Feng, this is made by Ruohan, hurry up, let's go to the lotus pond to put lanterns," Ouyang Ruohan said excitedly.

Ouyang Ruohan pulled Lin Mofeng and forcibly squeezed into the crowd by the pool. After Ouyang Ruohan put the red candle into the lotus lantern, he suddenly found that there was no fire. Under such circumstances, he secretly lit the red candle with the fairy method, and then, Ouyang Ruohan came to the steps by the pool with the lighted lantern in his arms, and said to Lin Mofeng who was standing behind:

"Brother Mo Feng, Ruohan is going to release the lantern. Before the lantern was put into the pool, Ruohan said 321, and we two will make a wish on the lantern with our respective names. Only in this way can the wish come true and the lantern will also come true." Can drift farther and farther.

"Okay, okay, brother Mo Feng, remember to make a wish and remember not to open your eyes, or it won't work."

Ouyang Ruohan and Lin Mofeng held up the bright lantern together. After the two sides giggled for a while, Ouyang Ruohan and Lin Mofeng slowly closed their eyes together and said to the lantern:



But at this moment, the jade slip around Lin Mofeng's waist suddenly trembled, causing Lin Mofeng who was smiling to open his eyes instantly, and his face changed drastically.


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