Burning Heaven

Chapter 77 Prelude

two months later.

Sanqing faction.

Wenwen Square stands in the sea of ​​clouds of Taiqing Peak. Behind the extremely spacious square is the grand and solemn Sanqing Hall. According to legend, Wenwen Square has existed since the time when the Sanqing Sect was not established. It is a sage of heaven and earth. Lao Tzu set it up with his own hands.

Now, with the passage of time, the Sanqing sect has gone through tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes, and its orthodoxy has grown stronger and stronger. Up to now, it has developed into the three veins of Taiqing, Shangqing, and Yuqing, and the three veins advance together.

In the vast land of Shenwu Kyushu, the orthodoxy of the Sanqing Sect can be said to have spread all over the world. Countless Taoist temples, temple towers, and ancestral halls can be seen everywhere in the vast and boundless Kyushu.

According to legend, Wendao Square, a long, long time ago, was not called Wendao Square, but Shengxiantai.

When the clouds and mists were pushed away, what one saw was not the blue sky, but the crowd floating in the sky above Wendao Square.

At this time, the black crowd was all floating in the Sanqing sect, and there were hundreds of people in the sky above Wendao Square, and they were all dressed in Taoist robes of different colors, and they were floating in the sky with various magic weapons and flying swords on their feet. middle.

Taking a closer look, the crowd floating in the sky vaguely presents three human walls, all facing the Eight Diagrams Stone Platform directly in front.

The human wall on the far left is all dressed in cyan Taoist robes. If you look carefully, there is a leading middle-aged man in the front, wearing a yellow dragon Taoist robe and stepping on a light-colored disc. If you look carefully, it is Lingbo Zhang. Hey, right now, behind Master Lingbo, the eldest disciple Wu Yue, the second disciple Lan Hu, the third disciple Guo Dingding, the fourth disciple Li Dazhu... etc. are all among them, of course, there is someone who is not very happy at the end Wang Xiaohu.

Among them, Wang Xiaohu, with a thick and thick rusty giant sword on his feet, kept showing resentment and looked at the gossip table in front of him. He kept touching his swollen belly with his fat hands, and kept repeating a sentence:

"Elders, hurry up, Xiaohu is about to starve to death"

"Elders, hurry up, Xiaohu is about to starve to death"

"Elders, hurry up, Xiaohu is about to starve to death"

"Elders, hurry up, Xiaohu is about to starve to death"


The voice of Wang Xiaohu's repeated repetition was more like a fat fly, buzzing continuously, making the head teacher Lingbo in front of him tremble uncontrollably. At this moment, head teacher Lingbo seemed to be unable to bear it anymore , clenched his fists, his angry face with black and white eyes suddenly turned his head, glared at Wang Xiaohu several times, grinned, and the corners of his mouth were twitching constantly, his eyes were full of the aura of killing a pig...

When Wang Xiaohu saw it, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything...

Looking to the right, there is a middle-aged woman standing on a crane not far from the head teacher Lingbo. At first glance, it is Qingzhi who is the head teacher of Yuqing school. At this time, the head teacher Qingzhi is the same as the dozen or so female disciples behind her. , all dressed in blue Taoist robes, Yuqingjiao has only accepted women since its inception.

This group of women in blue Taoist robes all formed a beautiful landscape in the sky, and the dark fragrance of their bodies was constantly exuding in the breeze, causing the disciples of the two religions to keep glancing at them from the corner of their eyes and whispering eagerly. They were discussing, and Wang Xiaohu was also one of them, but his eyes were always fixed on one target.

Among the group of blue and blue women, there is a very tall and beautiful woman. Compared with the women around her, this woman has a beautiful face and a beautiful appearance, which is obviously refined, as if she is a flower in a green bush.

At this time, the beautiful woman with a flying sword kept looking around with her beautiful eyes, as if she was looking for something.

"Yanxue, don't look around, the elders of Zhenyao Pavilion will be here soon." A slightly obese woman reminded her next to her. After the meeting, they still looked back and forth.

On the far right is the Upper Puritan sect, all dressed in gray robes. The entire Shang Puritan sect has the largest number of people in the Sanqing sect, with more than 70 people, which is enough to show the strength of the Shang Puritan sect in the Sanqing sect.

Under the leadership of the head teacher Ming Guzi, everyone in the Taiqing sect stepped on flying swords, looked at others with arrogance and disdain.

Looking around the several head teachers, it seems that there is a disciple with a flying sword standing next to the head teachers. They are: Li Dazhu, the fourth disciple of the Taiqing Sect, Ruxuan, the seventeenth junior sister of the Yuqing Sect, and Luo Haoyu, a disciple of the 72nd generation of Puritanism.

[Note: The Sanqing sect draws a generation every 500 years. Whether it is a person who passed away after the deadline or has already ascended to the fairy world, all disciples who joined the sect in the past 500 years will always be disciples of this generation and cannot be changed. 〕

Eight years later, Luo Haoyu is still so handsome and radiant, so unrestrained, his coiled hair is constantly fluttering, and his face is cold. Although he is stepping on a red long sword, he still has a dragon head on his back. The giant sword, the giant sword was not out of its sheath. At this time, Luo Haoyu's eyebrows were slightly lowered, and his expression was full of arrogance.

"Haoyu, tomorrow is the martial arts tournament held every 20 years by the Sanqing Sect. I have high expectations for you as a teacher in the 72nd generation disciple martial arts competition held this time. Don't let me down, let alone disappoint the one in your hands." Don't forget about the Thunderbolt Sword, it was bestowed by the head of the sect himself."

Ming Guzi, the tall and thin head teacher of the Puritan sect, said to Luo Haoyu sternly at this moment.

Luo Haoyu smiled slightly after hearing this, turned his head and respectfully said to Ming Guzi:

"Please rest assured, Master Minggu, Haoyu has made great preparations. In this martial arts competition, Haoyu will make the reputation of the Puritanism even bigger in the Sanqing Sect."

After hearing this, Ming Guzi nodded to Luo Haoyu in satisfaction, and said:

"Hehe, Haoyu, this martial arts competition is extraordinary. Even the elders of the Supreme Court paid attention to it and gave me a mysterious treasure. You are the most qualified disciple I have seen as a teacher for thousands of years. In just eight years, You have already reached the middle stage of leaving the body, hehe, I think it took 50 years to reach the middle stage of leaving the body as a teacher, hehe, with your current strength, with the middle-grade spiritual weapon Fury Thunder Sword and "Four Layers Six Ding Qingyuan Swordsmanship", hmph, it is more than enough to deal with disciples of the same level."

[Division of realms of cultivation: Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Nascent Soul, Leaving Body, Distraction, Fusion, Mahayana, Crossing Tribulation, Shenxuan Ascension]

[Classification of magic weapon: treasure weapon, spiritual weapon, fairy weapon, and divine weapon.Each magic weapon is divided into upper, middle, lower, and three levels. This book will introduce some ancient and rare treasures in the future. I hereby declare that all the so-called strange treasures are not included in the classification of magic weapons. 〕

Ming Guzi taught with a well-thought-out approach.

"Master, it's just a martial arts tournament for the 72nd generation disciples, and you want Haoyu to pull out the Thunderbolt Sword? Haoyu can't afford to lose that person." Luo Haoyu said proudly.

Before Ming Guzi answered, someone yelled loudly at this moment:

"Everyone, look quickly, all the elders and the real head of the sect are here."

At this time, the sky began to change, and the cirrus clouds began to dissipate rapidly. In less than a while, the sky was filled with thousands of rays of light. Looking carefully, these thousands of rays of light seemed to come from the west.

After hearing this, everyone who was stepping on the flying sword hurriedly adjusted their appearance, and looked towards the west nervously.

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