Burning Heaven

Chapter 79 Anger

After the silence, before the disciples of the Three Religions came back to their senses.

"Great Elder, Ming Gu has something to say." The head teacher Ming Gu who was out of breath shouted loudly at this moment.After hearing Ming Guzi's foreword, all the teachers, and even the elders behind Qingwu couldn't help saying:

"Great Elder, Lingbo also has something to say," Headmaster Lingbo said in a panic.

"Elder, Yulan also has something to say."


Lin Mofeng was also shocked for a long time after hearing this. Tai'a Sword Lin Mofeng knew it, and it was a treasure of the same level as the Stars Sword bestowed by the Great Elder. But it is like thunder, and it is one of the unique skills of the Sanqing School, which shakes the world of self-cultivation. It is said that the "True Art of Transforming Void" can stimulate potential and temporarily improve one's cultivation. It is the highest realm of emptiness.

But as far as Lin Mofeng knew, only the three masters and elders of the Sanqing Sect could learn the "True Art of Huaxu". Unexpectedly, in this martial arts competition, the elders would be willing to give "his "He took it out, which really surprised Lin Mofeng.

However, Lin Mofeng was scratching his head about the Spirit Tempering Immortal Liquid mentioned by the Great Elder at the end. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what it was?In desperation, Lin Mofeng bit the bullet and asked Elder Bi Ya who was standing in front:

"Master, what exactly is that Quenching Immortal Liquid? Why are everyone so shocked after hearing it?"

Lin Mofeng, who was standing at the back of the stage, asked puzzledly to the short elder Bi Ya in front of him.Elder Bi Ya sighed deeply after hearing this, and whispered to Lin Mofeng:

"Boy, the Tempering Immortal Liquid is a fetish handed down from the prehistoric era. Looking at the entire cultivation world, there is only one bottle left in our Sanqing Sect. According to legend, the Tempering Immortal Liquid was made by the Taishang Laojun himself. , is to use the horn of the ancient auspicious beast Bai Ze, use the fire of the nine heavens to refine the spiritual liquid, and then use the fairy liquid in the Tushi Gonghua Immortal Pool to blend with the spiritual liquid. After spending seven to seven days in the Bagua furnace, the It is considered a success in refining.

And the bottle of quenching fairy liquid in the hands of the great elder was given by Tiangang Xianjun 11 years ago, and the quenching fairy liquid has one function, that is, it can allow mortals to achieve the legendary fairy body."

After Elder Bi Ya finished speaking, his eyes were filled with endless envy.

"The body of a fairy?"

Lin Mofeng gasped when he heard that, maybe he didn't know about the Tempering Spirit Immortal Liquid, but everyone in the cultivation world knew about the body of a fairy.

Cultivation world legend: Anyone who has the body of a fairy will be able to ascend to the fairy world, and even without practicing, his own realm will continue to grow rapidly.

This news caused an uproar in the world of comprehension a long time ago. However, the shock was the shock, but no one knew how to achieve the legendary fairy body. It is beyond reach in the nine days, but according to legend, the patriarch of the Chiyun Cave, the real Ye Chen, is the body of a fairy.

"Great Elder, you have to think twice, after all, this bottle of Tempering Immortal Liquid was given by Tiangang Immortal Lord, and it is the only bottle in the world." At this time, Elder Bi Ya behind him couldn't help but say something.

Asked about the square, it was like a vegetable market at the moment, many disciples were chattering non-stop, some complained that this was a nonsense, some complained that the elders were too unfair, and some complained...

But Lin Mofeng knew that the invisible atmosphere in the air was gradually suppressed.

Great Elder Qingwu didn't say a word, but the corners of his mouth were twitching all the time, his face was trembling, and then, no one expected that a monstrous aura burst out from Great Elder Qingwu, with a slight Enraged, the pupils of the disciples who were still discussing in the square widened instantly after seeing it.

In an instant, the entire Wendao Square began to tremble slightly. The four Julong pillars on the square kept making dragon-like noises, making everyone in the Wendao Square, including the heads and elders , all showed shocking eyes and looked at all this in front of them.

Only now did they realize that Qing Wu, the great elder of the Sanqing Sect, was angry at this moment.

A very angry voice sounded in the sky:

"Hmph, disciples of the three religions, all the heads, all the elders, it is the meaning of the Supreme Elder to bestow the Tempering Spirit Immortal Liquid. The order of the Supreme Elder cannot allow you juniors from the Taoist sect to discuss here."

Great Elder Qingwu stopped at this point, and scanned the people in the square who were motionless at this time with thunderous eyes.

"Hmph, the rewards and treasures have been fixed and cannot be changed. At noon tomorrow, the martial arts competition will be held as scheduled. Now, whoever has any objections to the rewards given by the Supreme Elder, speak up!!!."

The ear-piercing voice resounded all over the world. After finishing speaking, Great Elder Qingwu gave a cold shout and waved his hands lightly towards the sky. The terrified disciples of the Three Religions suddenly recovered from their static state. After all returned to normal , Wendao Square was still silent, none of the terrified disciples of the Three Religions dared to say a word, and some even trembled.

"Okay, since the disciples of the Three Religions have no objections, let's end here today. Before noon tomorrow, all the personnel of the Sanqing Sect must be in place. I believe that this year's martial arts competition will be the biggest in the history of the Sanqing Sect. I am looking forward to the most exciting meeting, hehehehe..."

After the Great Elder Qingwu finished speaking, he kept laughing and laughing, and then, the Great Elder in white gradually, gradually, disappeared on the eight trigrams stone platform.

After a long time.

The head disciples and elders of the various factions have already flown away one after another. The entire Wendao Square is far less lively than before. Only a few disciples are left, stepping back and forth in the square.

Lin Mofeng, who was dressed in white, was still standing on the gossip table, gesticulating with his hands back and forth, with a puzzled face, as if he was thinking about something.


"Lin Mofeng, Lin Mofeng"

A rough shout made Lin Mofeng, who was gesticulating, look up, and it turned out to be the tall and slender Luo Yanxue. At this moment, Luo Yanxue was stepping on a flying sword in the air, smiling, and flying towards Lin Mofeng quickly.

At this time, behind Luo Yanxue, there seemed to be another figure flying towards Lin Mofeng. Looking carefully, it seemed to be Luo Haoyu...

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