Burning Heaven

Chapter 82 Competition

The roar of the dragon roared continuously. At this time, the golden coiled dragon pillars around the center of the square began to brighten. The golden light continued to shine, and the dazzling light instantly illuminated the sky and the earth. It was dazzling. Lin Mofeng, like most of the disciples at this time, They all covered their eyes not to look at the shining sun.

Youlong pillar stands in the center of Wenwen Square. Legend has it that there is a five-clawed golden dragon soul hidden in the Youlong pillar. The square dragon pillar stands in the center of the square and surrounds the eight trigrams stone platform. The huge Youlong stone pillar Tall and mighty, bright as new, despite this, but invisibly, it exudes a very simple atmosphere.

On each of the Youlong stone pillars, there are many Taoist talismans, gossip figures, and many unknown symbols, but among them, the most conspicuous one is the golden big panlong on each stone pillar, the whole body of the panlong Flowing gold, winding pillars, Yaojiao vivid, even lifelike.

Youlongzhu, which used to be called Sleepy Dragonzhu, no one knows when it appeared in Wendao Square, but according to the records of the school, Youlongzhu had already appeared in Wendao Square when the sect was opened. There are many different theories, but the most popular one is that the four Julong pillars were given by Tianzun in the fairy world and guarded Wendao Square.

Lin Mofeng smiled slightly after hearing this, the Julongzhu may be unfamiliar to others, but to Lin Mofeng, he often heard the elders mention that the Julongzhu was not a gift from the fairy world at all, but a gift from the fairy world. It is what was left behind when Lao Tzu, a sage of heaven and earth, ascended to Taoism.

Youlongzhu and Baguatai have witnessed the vicissitudes of the Sanqing School for tens of thousands of years, and they will always stand in Wenwen Square, unshakable.

The square trembled even more, so that Wang Xiaohu, who was carrying a sledgehammer, couldn't help but fell to the ground. Luo Yanxue was even more exaggerated, and fell into Lin Mofeng's arms all of a sudden. I don't know if it's true or not. , made Lin Mofeng very nervous.

But then, at the same moment, the four golden coiled dragon pillars emitted a golden light soaring to the sky, straight up to the sky, and the four golden lights merged together in the air. , It seems that there is a behemoth gathering shape, and the sound of dragon chant is constantly roaring.

"Hehe, Great Elder, I didn't expect this divine beast to be so grumpy. Every time it comes out, the ground will shake, hehe." The head of Daokun, who was holding the golden jade Buddha dust, smiled at the standing The Great Elder Qingwu beside him said.

"Hehe, this big guy is afraid of Master Daoxu. Back then, when Master Daoxu was the head of the Sanqing Sect, this five-clawed golden dragon soul never dared to do this, hehehe..."

Great Elder Qingwu stroked his white beard and said with a big laugh, it can be seen that when Great Elder Qingwu talked about the past, his face was very happy.


There was a loud noise, and the golden light in the convergence suddenly exploded at this moment, with a roar of anger, and then, a huge golden dragon with antlers, a camel head, a snake body and eagle claws suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes at this moment.

Suffocation, absolute suffocation, Wang Xiaohu, who was beating the drum, was dumbfounded at the moment, and stammered:

"Dragon, dragon... The legend is, it is true, it is true, there is really, there is a dragon..."

There was an exclamation in the square.

At this time, the sky and the earth were not changing colors, and colorful auspicious clouds came one after another. In the haze, Lin Mofeng seemed to see the rainbow emerging in the sky.

After the golden dragon appeared, it kept roaring at the gossip platform, seemingly with infinite anger. The huge golden scales shone in the air, and the sharp golden claws made people look intimidated, but what made people feel even more intimidated was The invisible coercion emanating from the five-clawed golden dragon.

On the gossip stage, the head of Daokun smiled at the five-clawed golden dragon and nodded slightly. Afterwards, the five-clawed golden dragon Yangtian let out another angry moan, and without saying a word, he circled over Wendao Square.

After a while, the disciples of the Three Religions were surprised to find that within a few miles of the sea of ​​clouds centered on Wenwen Square, the figure of the Golden Dragon Roaming was constantly churning in the sea of ​​clouds.

The disciples in front of the gossip stage were dumbfounded at this moment, but most of them were new disciples. To the other disciples, they seemed to be familiar with it. Then, the voice of the master Dao Kun sounded, waking him up. The disciples of Zhongjiao who are suffering from dementia.

"The disciples of the Three Religions obey the order."

With a sound of "swipe", the disciples who were still in a state of obsession woke up in a hurry after hearing this sound, and quickly knelt down towards the gossip platform.

The head of Daokun saw the black kneeling disciples in front of him, suddenly his face was expressionless, and he said solemnly:

"Today, my Sanqing faction held a 20-year martial arts contest. I presided over this conference, and the elders were the judges. The contest was divided into three groups, A, B, and C. They played in turn according to the list shown in the battle report. A game is three incense sticks long, if there is no winner at that time, both sides will lose, this meeting is based on the Eight Diagrams table, and the loser is the loser, no disciples are allowed to cheat or take pills until the point is reached , Those who violate the order will be punished severely, disciples of the three religions, do you understand it!!!"

"Disciple obeys!" All the disciples kneeling below shouted in unison at this moment.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I announce that the martial arts competition will start now. The drums are beating, and Group A is invited to face the first group. Wu Yue, a disciple of the Puritan sect, and Du Shengjie, a disciple of the Puritan sect, will come on stage quickly."

The head of Dao Kun laughed loudly after he finished speaking, and said to the people behind him:

"All the elders and teachers, let's go to the sky to watch the battle."

The head of Daokun laughed loudly, and with a flick of Buddha dust, several colorful auspicious clouds floated over. Afterwards, the elders and teachers all smiled, stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, and flew away with the head. He stopped and looked down at the two disciples who had already stepped onto the stage.

Wu Yue, who was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, and Du Shengjie, who was dressed in a gray robe, came to the stage amidst the enthusiastic applause of all the disciples in the audience. It can be seen that these two people are extremely important people in the Sanqing sect, and there are many more The audience discussed that this person will be the head teacher of the next Taiqing and Shangqing sects. One can imagine how intense this first match will be.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The war drum was beating fiercely, and Wang Xiaohu kept turning his head, although he was exerting force, he shouted:

"Come on big brother, Xiaohu will cheer you on"

After Wang Xiaohu yelled, he beat the drum vigorously with all his body, and it was faintly visible that the flesh on his face was trembling constantly. One could imagine the intensity of the force! ! !

Two people, standing on the gossip table in black and white, looked at each other with expressionless faces.

The journey of cultivating immortals is a long way. In the past eight years, the years have not changed on Wu Yue's face, and she is still so chic.

But the young man named Du Shengjie was tall and mighty, with long hair and fury in his sword eyebrows.

"Wu Yue, a great disciple of the Puritan Church, please enlighten me."

"Du Shengjie, a great disciple of the Puritan religion, please enlighten me."

The two were talking with each other with a strong fighting intent. Amidst the screams of the audience, Du Shengjie finally couldn't hold back his silent anger. He frowned, grabbed the green sword hilt on his back with his big hand, and shouted loudly:

"Break the air, get out of the body!!!"

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