Burning Heaven

Chapter 89 The Flower and the Sword [Part [-]]

It was another face-to-face meeting, Luo Haoyu was almost knocked out, Luo Haoyu gritted his teeth, he really couldn't figure it out, he had already pulled out the thunderbolt sword, but he still couldn't hurt Lin Mofeng, every time he was beaten by Lin Mofeng Maybe he didn't know that Lin Mofeng had never stopped practicing the Mizong Phantom Step every day and every night in the past eight years. In the past eight years, Elder Bi Ya gave Lin Mofeng more than one time. Feng said:

"Mo Feng, cultivating immortals requires perseverance, while practicing kung fu requires concentration. Any kung fu method, as long as you practice it patiently and persistently, there will be breakthroughs. In time, it will definitely make you terrified. Dripping water will wear stones down, and there is only a measure. Accumulation will lead to qualitative change."

This sentence has formed a deep-rooted impression in Lin Mofeng's heart. Therefore, Lin Mofeng has put all his cultivation thoughts on "Six Ding Qingyuan Swordsmanship" and "Misty Phantom Step" in the past eight years. Now Lin Mofeng Feng's attainments in these two sets of exercises, looking at the entire Sanqing sect, no one in the same age can compare with them, even the elders praised them again and again.

The fierce fighting was still going on, and the two sides were still inseparable, but a sensible person could tell at a glance that this battle, for Lin Mofeng, did not have any suspense at all.

Lin Mofeng didn't rush, he swung his sleeve robe in an extremely chic way, stretched his right leg forward, leaned his upper body back, his sleeves fluttered, it was as beautiful as a dance, and bound all the sword energy into one invisibly. The cluster, like a balloon, slowly expands, getting bigger and bigger.

After exhausting the sword energy, Lin Mofeng stood up, swept his sleeves, and with a sound of "coaxing", the sword group flew towards Luo Haoyu with a powerful momentum.

Luo Haoyu quickly propped up his furious thunder sword and stepped forward to resist, a sharp and ear-piercing sound sounded, shaking Luo Haoyu back again and again, very annoyed.

Lin Mofeng's swordsmanship became even more fierce, the sword energy suddenly surged, and he moved forward quickly, encircling Luo Haoyu in it.But a whistling sound passed by, mixed with a little thunder, Luo Haoyu turned around and escaped, quickly dodged to a corner of the stage, his body suddenly soared into the air, dancing swords in the sky, and slowly Transformed into hundreds of sword shadows.

"Fourth floor six Ding Qingyuan swordsmanship?" Lin Mofeng smiled lightly.

"Haha, I, Lin Mofeng, will accompany you to the end!!!"

Suddenly, Lin Mofeng also rose into the sky, dancing swords and transforming into shadows like Luo Haoyu in the sky, which surprised Luo Haoyu in the air.

The disciples of the three religions are all boiling at this moment. The invisible grievances between the two geniuses, the same level of advanced swordsmanship, and the unyielding domineering aura, at this moment they are fighting at the top at the same time at the same time.

"It turns out that they are all four-layer six-ding Qingyuan swordsmanship?" Dao Kun's head was shocked. If Lin Mofeng's previous strength still made Dao Kun's head doubt, then at this moment, Lin Mofeng also used "Six Ding Qingyuan" "Swordsmanship" is enough to convince the head of Dao Kun and praise him endlessly.

All of a sudden, there were hundreds of swords gathered in the sky at the same time. In the sky, the shadows of the swords flashed continuously, and the swords chanted continuously. Suddenly:

After the "Six Ding Qingyuan Swordsmanship-Hundred Shadow Style" was condensed, Luo Haoyu in the air brought hundreds of figures, shouted, and quickly spun around and stabbed at Lin Mofeng.

"Six Ding Qingyuan Swordsmanship—Hundred Shadow Style" Lin Mofeng also yelled loudly, and quickly turned to meet him.

Thousands of figures on both sides turned into huge light clusters at this moment, colliding suddenly in the sky.

With a loud bang, thousands of lights instantly illuminated the sea of ​​clouds, and the dazzling brilliance made it impossible to look directly at.

After the glory passed, only a painful howl was heard, and everyone took a closer look, and the two figures fell down extremely fast at this time.

Luo Haoyu's gray daoist robe was covered with swords, his face was extremely pale, and he was covering his heaving chest, showing a look of distress. It seemed that he was not at all like the handsome Luo Haoyu just now.

And Lin Mofeng was half lying on the side, not feeling well, his whole body was entwined with lacerations, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding slightly, thinking to himself: "Even my cultivation in the late stage of leaving the body, plus the four-layer Qingyuan swordsmanship, just now They can't suppress Luo Haoyu at all, it seems that it really has a lot to do with the Thunderbolt Sword in his hand."

Today, the shock that Lin Mofeng gave him was really too great. Luo Haoyu couldn't tolerate someone of his age who was better than him, and he couldn't tolerate the disciples laughing at him. Today, everything stimulated Luo Haoyu. In Haoyu's aloof heart, he cried out loudly:

"Why can't I detect your cultivation at all?"

"Lin Mofeng, what kind of realm have you reached?"

After Luo Haoyu finished speaking, he raised his furious thunder sword and stabbed Lin Mofeng desperately.

Although Lin Mofeng was not in a hurry, his body was not feeling well either. He hurriedly got up to avoid the sharp sword, turned around and raised his sleeve robe, and forcibly sent out a burst of energy. Luo Haoyu was startled, and hurriedly turned his sword back prick.

Lin Mofeng quickly slashed under the sharp sword, his eyes were cold, and he quickly stepped back to Luo Haoyu's side, waving his sleeves, the sky was spinning, and a powerful momentum surrounded Luo Haoyu.

With a "boom", Luo Haoyu was blown away by Lin Mofeng's powerful internal force again, and slid to the edge of the gossip table like a lost dog.

"Dinglingling..." Such a crisp sound seemed to be the sound of the thunder sword hitting the ground.

With a sound of "噗嗤", Luo Haoyu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that Luo Haoyu was seriously injured just now.

"Brother, brother, brother..." Luo Yanxue in the audience burst into tears.

"Lin Mofeng, don't hurt my brother anymore, I beg you, please!" Luo Yanxue's cry seemed to be close to madness.

In the auspicious clouds, all the elders and headmasters have already exclaimed. They never expected that this Lin Mofeng would be so strong...

Seeing the third stick of incense being lit, Master Ming Gu in the auspicious cloud trembled again and again, cursing, muttering something like "use it quickly" back and forth, while Elder Yun Lan patted Ming Guzi lightly. Headmaster's shoulder, signaling to keep quiet.

Luo Haoyu, who was lying on the gossip table, vomited blood and laughed endlessly, and said frantically to Lin Mofeng:

"Lin Mofeng, I admit that you are very strong, really strong, hahaha..."

The disciples of the Three Religions didn't understand why Luo Haoyu was laughing at all at this time, and he was still stubborn when he was about to die. At this time, almost all the disciples on the field supported Lin Mofeng to step forward with a sword at this time to end the battle, and Lin Mofeng Feng didn't do that. Holding the Fanxing Sword, he stood motionless in one corner, constantly giving Luo Haoyu a chance to breathe.

"I can't lose, I can never lose!!!"

Suddenly, Luo Haoyu with a ferocious expression seemed to have made a decision, his face was painful, his right sleeve trembled slightly, as if something had fallen out of the cuff, in the blink of an eye, Luo Haoyu quickly grabbed it into his palm and there was nothing Let anyone notice that the veins in Luo Haoyu's right fist bulged, and he clenched it suddenly. In an instant, it seemed that something had flowed into Luo Haoyu's palm. Before he knew it, Luo Haoyu's momentum seemed to be expanding Endless...

Lin Mofeng could vaguely feel something was wrong, and hastily clenched the Fanxing Sword once, and stabbed towards Luo Haoyu.

Suddenly, Luo Haoyu slapped the ground with his big hand, and his body suddenly took off. Luo Haoyu swallowed the blood in his chest again, grabbed it with his big hand, and the Thunder Sword flew towards him immediately.

At this time, Luo Haoyu, who was in a panic, suddenly jumped to a corner, and hummed in a low voice, holding the huge sword of fury thunder, stepping on the seven stars, and walked seven steps in a row, the giant sword suddenly pierced the sky, and said in his mouth:

"The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law, the righteousness of the three cleanses, the sword is used as coal, and the sword of anger and thunder - Yin!!"

"Xuansha Shenlei?" Elder Bi Ya exclaimed loudly, and turned his head to Elder Yu Lan with the corners of his mouth twitching:

"Yulan!!! You, you, you actually taught him this kind of magic technique, and practiced at such a low level, aren't you afraid that he will die in the future?" Elder Bi Ya yelled, very angry.

For a moment, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly surging, thunder rumbles, and there are flashes of lightning on the edge of the black clouds.

ps: The next chapter of this volume will be over, please vote and bookmark it! ! !

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