After Mo Feng went back, Lin Nanxuan, who was also Mo Feng's father, saw Mo Feng's distressed appearance and hurriedly put down the flute he was polishing in his hand, and went up to ask what happened. Mo Feng didn't say it was Brother Ming and the others. A group of people did it.

Instead, he said that he accidentally knocked out his tooth while playing with Wu Fei and the others, but he felt uneasy because this was the first time Lin Mofeng had lied since he was a child.

After hearing this, Lin Nanxuan reprimanded Mo Feng, taught Mo Feng to protect himself in the future, and then asked Mo Feng to change into clean clothes and prepare to eat.

After Mo Feng finished changing his clothes in the room, Lin Nanxuan had already put the food on the stone table outside the door of the thatched house. The food was very simple, only wild vegetables, ginkgo and two bowls of rice porridge, but Lin Nanxuan took out from his bosom A package of things wrapped in oiled paper was handed to Mo Feng and said:

"I went to Ouyang Steamed Bun Shop to buy it for you after selling the flute in Heishui City this morning. Eat it quickly."

After listening to this, Mo Feng smiled with two rows of white teeth, but unfortunately, one of his front teeth has fallen out, which is very disharmonious.

"Father, you are so kind." He said that he was about to eat the meat buns, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Father, you can eat one."

"I ate this morning." Lin Nanxuan said with a smile on his face.

"If you don't eat it, I won't either." Mo Feng seemed very stubborn.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid you can't make it?" Lin Nanxuan took out a boxy meat bun from the oil paper and chewed it in his mouth.

Mo Feng also laughed and ate, then suddenly thought of something, and called out to the thatched cottage: "Heizi"

With a whoosh, a black shadow rushed over from the back of the thatched hut and ran in front of Mo Feng. This black shadow turned out to be a big black dog. The dog's whole body was black and slightly strong, but the black fur was not particularly obvious. There are still many white hairs in the fur, and it seems that the dog is not young.

Heizi ran up to Mo Feng, his dog nose kept sniffing at the pack of oil paper in Mo Feng's hand, his tail wagged wildly, and even his drooling dog mouth gradually explored into the oil pack.

Mo Feng immediately took out a steamed bun and handed it to Heizi's mouth. Unexpectedly, Heizi swallowed it like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, and then Gouzui began to slowly explore the oil bag again, which provoked Lin Nanxuan and Mo Feng There was a wild laugh.

The two, a dog, chatted, ate, and laughed all the time under the bright moonlight and amidst the cicadas singing in the bushes.


in thatched cottage.

On a medium-sized wooden bed, Lin Mofeng looked left and right with the eight-sided mirror hanging around his neck in his hand, and then asked: "Father, father, why did mother pass the family heirloom before she left? Leave me such a precious treasure?" Mo Feng pouted and asked doubtfully, in this thatched house, there is almost no decoration, only simple wooden beds, wooden benches, and the rest is full of room The bamboos of the flute were piled up all around, while Lin Nanxuan was sitting on a wooden bench beside him at this moment, his eyes were closing right and left open, facing the oil light, observing the fineness of a emerald green flute that had just been polished and the size of the flute hole.

When Mo Feng asked this question, Lin Nanxuan replied without even looking at him: "That's because you are your mother's most beloved son, how could your mother not leave you the most precious thing?" Woolen cloth?"

After listening, Mo Feng smirked a few times, and continued to look at the small bronze mirror on his neck.

For so many years, such questions, such answers, and even such laughter seem to be staged every night...

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Nanxuan came back from cutting bamboo in the bamboo forest a few miles away from the village. After putting a bundle of fresh bamboo on the ground, he tiptoed into the house, sat gently by the bed, and looked at Mo Feng Shuimeng looked sweet, and couldn't help showing his black teeth and laughing. Perhaps, this is the time when Lin Nanxuan is most satisfied.

Since picking up this son, Lin Nanxuan's whole person has changed. Every morning, when he carries a basket on his back and goes to Heishui City to sell flutes and passes by the entrance of the village, Uncle Zhang who sits at the entrance of the village every day always smiles at Lin Nanxuan and says:

"Nanxuan, are you going to earn money for your son's wife again?"

Every time Lin Nanxuan heard this, he lowered his head and giggled, and walked more briskly, even when he walked to Heishui City, he always smiled.

Lin Nanxuan's parents passed away prematurely, and his father owed a lot of debts when he died, but Lin Nanxuan resisted this heavy burden. When he was a child, he especially liked making flutes, so in order to pay off the debts, he had to make flutes every night, chop bamboo in the morning and then Go to Heishui City to sell the flute that was made last night.

After he paid off all the debts, he thought it was time to think about his own affairs. After all, he was already in his early thirties, so he gave the matchmaker a gift to help him find a good girl.

However, in the entire Baiguo Village, who doesn't know that Lin Nanxuan is a poor ghost?Whoever follows him will have a bad life, so no girl is willing to follow Lin Nanxuan, and Lin Nanxuan can understand it so he doesn't say anything.

So he continued to chop bamboo to make flutes and sell them in Heishui City, until one night Lin Nanxuan was sweating profusely chopping bamboo in the house.

Suddenly found someone knocking on the door, so he asked and went out to open the door, who knew that a sleeping baby turned out to be the one who opened the door, so Lin Nanxuan hurried out and walked around the thatched cottage to make sure there was no one there, then thought about it, maybe it was a gift from heaven , and hugged it back.

But Lin Nanxuan had never taken care of the child. Before leaving in the morning, he saw the child fell asleep and went out to sell the flute in peace of mind. Who knew that when he came back in the evening, he found that his son was gone, and Lin Nanxuan was in a hurry. The child was sent back.

Sister Wang, who is also Wang Xiaohu's mother, told what happened. He happened to pass by Lin Nanxuan's house at noon and saw the door of the thatched house was wide open. He knew that Lin Nanxuan was not at home every day, so he thought it was a thief, so he entered the house. have a look.

Who knows that after entering the house, I suddenly found a big stray black dog lying on the bed, and the baby on the bed was sucking the breasts of the bitch at this time, and the black bitch even licked the baby's sparse breasts with his tongue from time to time. Hair, this looked at Sister Wang in shock.

Sister Wang hurriedly chased the black dog away, picked up the baby and went home to feed her own milk, but the little tiger had just been born and there was not enough food for the two of them, so after feeding for a day, Sister Wang sent it to Lin Nanxuan at night, And asked where did the child come from?

Without thinking carefully, Lin Nanxuan said it was with another woman, because he knew that Sister Wang was a well-known fast talker in the village.

So it didn't take long for all the young and old in the village to know that Lin Nanxuan had a son.

The next morning, Lin Nanxuan didn't expect that stray black dog to come again. Lin Nanxuan couldn't help but think about it carefully. Anyway, this old man doesn't have milk to feed his children. Milk should also be able to drink......

Until he grew up, the children in the village made fun of Lin Mofeng, the reason why they called him Gouwa......

Now, Lin Nanxuan is working even harder to make money, because he has an idea, no matter how difficult he will be in the future, he must find a good wife for his son, so that his son can live a good life, so that even if Lin Nanxuan grows old in the future, he will have no regrets in his heart Every time he thinks that his Lin family will take a daughter-in-law in a few years, and he will become a grandfather, he laughs out loud when he thinks about it, and he walks faster to Heishui City...

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