Burning Heaven

Chapter 91 End

"Lin Mofeng, what are you doing? Hurry up and stab his Tianchao acupoint, hurry up!!!!" Elder Bi Ya shouted angrily, which made Lin Mofeng startled again.

At this time, Lin Mofeng's face was no longer pale, on the contrary, Lin Mofeng looked at his blood-stained hands with an expression of disbelief, and his whole body was trembling.

The reason why the yellow dragon jade pendant broke was because Lin Mofeng accidentally cut the yellow dragon jade pendant on Luo Haoyu's waist when he threw his sword in the sky.

The Huanglong jade pendant was broken into two pieces, just like Luo Haoyu's broken heart at this moment.

At this moment, the pillar of thunder on the Sword of Fury disappeared, and there was a loud bang in the sky, and the divine thunder of Xuansha had already gathered.

Suddenly, Luo Haoyu gripped the Fury Thunder Sword tightly, vomited blood continuously, pointed the sword at Lin Mofeng, and roared with endless anger:

"Lin! Mo! Feng!, I will fight for you!!!"

From top to bottom, Shenlei formed a giant golden pillar, roaring like an angry dragon, and crazily devoured Lin Mofeng who was standing motionless under the stage.

Lin Mofeng still stood motionless at the same spot, lowered his head all the time, looking at the natural moat in his palm, bleeding profusely from his palm, Lin Mofeng remained silent.

In an instant, the situation changed, and Lin Mofeng was instantly submerged by the thick thunder pillar...

"Boom", Lei Zhu exploded the pot on the gossip stage, thousands of golden lights illuminated the square, at this time, there were many people shouting loudly, in the golden light, Luo Yanxue was lying beside Huanglong Yupei, already crying Powerless, he kept muttering in pain:

"Lin Mofeng, Lin Mofeng!!..."

The third incense stick was burned, and the final of Group B was over.

After a long time, the dark clouds dissipated, and the angry thunder stopped. When the gunpowder smoke passed, the disciples of the Three Religions were surprised to find that Lin Mofeng had disappeared in the Eight Diagrams Platform.

Luo Haoyu was the only one on the stage, lying face up in the gossip table. Luo Haoyu's face was covered with blood, coughing back and forth in his mouth and vomiting blood, his left and right chests were heaving up and down. Looking carefully, Luo Haoyu seemed to be unable to move his whole body. Thighs are constantly twitching.

The gossip table is far away.

A bloody figure that looked like a dead dog lay quietly in the distance. This bloody figure was covered in blood all over, its clothes were ragged, and there was even a large pool of blood on the ground. This desolate figure was obviously Lin Mofeng.

Lin Mofeng lay motionless on Wendao Square, very quiet, very quiet...

All the disciples deeply understood that if Luo Haoyu used the Xuansha God Thunder in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, then Lin Mofeng would definitely be blasted to the ground today. To be honest, all the disciples generally believed that today Luo Haoyu didn't even use one-tenth of the power of Xuansha Divine Thunder, so Lin Mofeng became like this, which is already considered pretty good.

A few seconds later, Wang Xiaohu and Luo Yanxue ran over quickly. After Wang Xiaohu ran over, he started crying without saying a word, hammering the ground with great luck, and even crazily killed Luo Haoyu with a thick dragon sword in his hand, yelling road:

"Luo, Hao, Yu, I, Wang Xiaohu, are at odds with you, I will fight with you, fight!!"

Wang Xiaohu rushed towards Luo Haoyu with blood-red eyes, his big lips trembling in anger, fortunately he was stopped by other disciples on the spot, but even so, Wang Xiaohu struggled like a lunatic and kept roaring at Luo Haoyu Shout out, you can see the brotherhood! ! ! !

"B, the final of Group B is over, Lin Mofeng is out, Luo Haoyu wins..." Dao Kun's voice was full of shock.

At the end of the game, no one in the audience applauded.

"Yulan, look at what you've done!!!" Great Elder Qingwu was furious, shocking the entire Sanqing faction.

"Great Elder, it's not my intention to impart the true art of Xuansha Divine Thunder." The thin and tall Elder Yulan flicked his fingers, and a blue light shot into the spirit of Great Elder Qingwu, which shocked Great Elder Qingwu immediately .

[Note: Elder Yulan, the chief deacon of the outer sect of the Sanqing sect, was once the head teacher of the Shangqing sect. I am used to being taught, I can't go anywhere, I am extremely lonely, and the city is extremely deep. Although I occasionally go to Zhenyao Pavilion, but most of the time, Elder Yulan still stays in the Puritan Church, so in the past eight years, Elder Yulan has not Less teach Luo Haoyu his skills and knowledge. 〕

"What? Why did "he" let you pass on Luo Haoyu's Xuansha God Thunder?" Afterwards, Great Elder Qingwu suddenly raised his head and asked in shock.

The elders and the head teacher were also extremely shocked after hearing this, and seemed to understand who "he" was in an instant, so they didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Great Elder, Yu Lan doesn't know about it." Elder Yu Lan stroked his goatee, looked at Lin Mofeng who was lying in a pool of blood, and smiled faintly.

After hearing this, Great Elder Qingwu didn't ask any more questions, but there were some doubts in his eyebrows. With these doubts, Great Elder Qingwu flew towards Lin Mofeng.

All the disciples today believed that Lin Mofeng must win in the end, but no one thought that this would be the result in the end. The disciples of the three religions did not understand why Lin Mofeng would stop stabbing Luo Haoyu's Tianchao acupoint, why Luo Haoyu Will he go crazy like that because of that Huanglong jade pendant? ! ! .

Many years later, if Lin Mofeng was asked to choose again, Lin Mofeng would definitely stab that sword without hesitation, because in this way, Luo Yanxue would not give up for this favor in the future...

Many years later, the bearded Lin Mofeng stood on a certain cliff facing the headwind. Lin Mofeng deeply understood that in his life, he would always be ashamed of Luo Yanxue...

Great Elder Qingwu came to Lin Mofeng in a flash, watched Luo Yanxue holding Lin Mofeng who was in a pool of blood and sobbed continuously, flicked his big sleeves angrily, picked Lin Mofeng from Luo Yanxue's hands and prepared to Flying towards Zhenyao Pavilion, however, Elder Qingwu, who was dressed in white, just picked up the bloody Lin Mofeng and flew into the air, suddenly, in an instant, Elder Qingwu was stunned in the air.

With a "shua",

Great Elder Qingwu suddenly turned his head and looked towards the top of Taiqing Peak. A few seconds later, there seemed to be a conversation, which made the Great Elder nodded in shock, and flew towards the top of Taiqing Peak without saying a word.

As for Luo Haoyu, he was better. He was immediately healed by Ming Guzi's deep inner strength, and then fed some elixir handed over by Elder Yunlan. After that, he barely regained consciousness and was able to speak.

Afterwards, the competition in Group C continued. After two hours of intense fighting, the champion of Group C was won by Fenghua, a disciple of the Upper Puritan Church.

B, C, and the champions of the double group were all won by the Puritan Church. Of course, the teacher Ming Guzi couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, and even became excited all over his body.

The 20-year competition of the Sanqing Sect finally came to an end under the cover of night. The head of Dao Kun smiled again and again, signaling to the elder Qingwu who had just flown in from a distance to perform the last ceremony.

Luo Yanxue and Wang Xiaohu in the audience looked left and right, but they didn't find Lin Mofeng beside Elder Qingwu. They were very puzzled where did Lin Mofeng be carried by Elder Qingwu? .

Great Elder Qingwu showed no expression on his face, and flashed on the gossip stage in an instant. With a big wave of his hand, the sky suddenly became much brighter, and then three bronze rings flew out from the void, put them on his palms, and stretched them out to the three people in front of him. The champion lets it choose.

The champion of Group A, Lan Hu, chose the first ring first. Lan Hu was very nervous, picking left and picking again and again erratically. After Lingbo shouted angrily, Lan Hu finally made up his mind and grabbed the ring on the far left with a big hand. A bronze ring.

The blue tiger was infused instantly, and when he opened it, he was pleasantly surprised. A black wooden stick floated out, about the size of a palm, with a pointed head and body as thin as a pen. There was nothing unusual about it. The only thing everyone could recognize was the flickering Four big characters "Huaxuzhenjue".

The disciples in the audience suddenly became excited, "Huaxu Zhenjue" is one of the top Juejue of the Sanqing School, so easily obtained by Lanhu, it really made others envious. In the audience, only Lingbo Zhang After watching it, the teacher was very angry, and kept muttering: "It's really bad luck!!"

It was Luo Haoyu's turn to choose the ring, Great Elder Qingwu frowned slightly, but still stretched out his hand to Luo Haoyu.

Luo Haoyu, who was in a state of embarrassment, was forcibly supported by Fenghua who was standing beside him, his face was full of pain, Luo Haoyu turned his head, and his confused eyes swept across the audience.


Luo Yanxue also looked at Luo Haoyu with strange eyes, and nodded to Luo Haoyu with clenched teeth. The eyes of the two contained endless conversations.

Afterwards, Luo Haoyu looked elsewhere. While sweeping his eyes, he seemed to see the angry eyes of Wang Xiaohu in the audience, the anticipation of Master Ming Guzi, and the smirk of Elder Yulan. ugly face.

In the end, Luo Haoyu kept his eyes on the distance.

In the distance, there is a sword with a cold light, lying quietly in Wendao Square. The sword is about two or three feet long, with a cloth hilt, and the body of the sword is constantly bloodshot, but it has been dried by the evening wind. Take a closer look. It's the Star Sword...

Afterwards, Luo Haoyu turned his head, and with Fenghua's support, he pinched a ring with trembling fingers.

When Luo Yanxue saw it, she yelled "Brother..." Then she clenched her fists tightly, her expression becoming more and more angry.

After hearing this, Luo Haoyu didn't answer her. Luo Haoyu pinched the ring in his hand, and gently handed it to Elder Qingwu, biting his bloody lips, and said a word that shocked the audience:

"Brother, Elder, please hand over this ring to Lin Mofeng. He deserves it. Please tell him, I, I, Luo Hao, Haoyu, I will definitely, definitely defeat him..."

After Luo Haoyu spoke with difficulty, he leaned on Fenghua's shoulder and passed out. The bronze ring fell immediately, but was caught by the elder Qingwu in an instant.

"Crazy, crazy, Haoyu, you, you, you...!!!" Originally, Headmaster Minggu was silently complacent, but after seeing that what Lanhu got was not the quenching fairy liquid, Headmaster Minggu He was even more elated, but when he heard Luo Haoyu say such words, Master Minggu could not only suppress the unwillingness in his heart, he flew towards the gossip platform crazily, but was directly rejected by Elder Qingwu with a wave of his hand. Keep out of the void.

Great Elder Qingwu smiled, looked at Luo Haoyu at this time, and kept nodding his head, expressing his praise. Then, the Great Elder gave Fenghua another bronze ring.

Before Fenghua could open it excitedly, the phantom image of Great Elder Qingwu had disappeared on the gossip platform, and cheerful laughter filled the world.

Afterwards, Fenghua excitedly opened the storage ring, and a golden nanmu sword flew out, with blue light flashing, and three large characters were written on the sword:


Headmaster Ming Guzi stopped in shock, and said: "It's over!!!"

The entire Wendao Square was still as silent as before, and the disciples of the three religions were completely dumbfounded. They really couldn't understand that Luo Haoyu would actually give up the storage ring. One must know that there are first-class people in the world stored in that ring. Divine Treasure, Spirit Quenching Immortal Liquid.

At this time, in Wendao Square, there was only one person covering his mouth and smiling.

That person is Luo Yanxue who is smiling and crying...

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