There are two earthen pots on the ground, one big pot is filled with boiled cabbage, there are some oil flowers floating on it, a few slices of meat, the other pot is brown rice, and two deep-fried sparrows are placed on each person's rice bowl .

"Zhao Ren, do you eat this every day?" Zhao Tang asked.

"Second Lord, it's almost the same. Sometimes it's radishes, but today there are more sparrows from you!" Zhao Ren put down the bowl and stood up and said.

"Have you suffered from eating this every day?"

"Second Lord, when I was at home, I couldn't get enough of wheat and rice every day. Here, there are rice and vegetables, which is great!" Zhao Li said with a smile.

"That's right, in the past winter, the house was full of pickled vegetables, and the dishes in the house were still oily, so I couldn't eat enough!" Zhao Lian said.

"When my father was alive, he could still eat meat during festivals, but after my father was killed in the Northwest, the pension was only half of his previous salary, so he never ate meat again!" Zhao Yong said.

"Jianxi, bring my food here, let's have fun together!" Zhao Tang turned his face and said to Jianxi, he picked up another bowl and handed it to Xin Zhao, saying: "Xin Zhao, you also serve me a bowl meal!"

"Second Master, how can you eat the same food as us, this..." Zhao Ren said in panic.

"You don't know, I just love this, Xin Zhao, pour some vegetable soup for me, stir it up and it's delicious!" Zhao Tong arched and Zhao Li sat cross-legged next to him and said with a smile.

"Second Master, your rice!" Jianxi brought over Zhao Tang's rice, a plate of stewed mutton, a plate of fish, a plate of chicken, a plate of kimchi, and a soup.

"Put them together, let's eat together!" Zhao Tang said while putting the dishes in the middle. He lived in the army for more than ten years in his previous life, and the concept of equality between officers and soldiers can be said to have penetrated into his bones. Seeing the crude meals of the boys, He was very uneasy, but now that he was in such a highly hierarchical imperial society, it was impossible for him to change this situation immediately.

"Second Lord, this... how can this work, how can we eat your food?" The servants were all panicked, and they were also surprised when they saw Xixi. The emperor in the palace can't finish the food, so the emperor can reward you Ministers and princes, but they will not be distributed to the servants if they are poured out. It can be said that the prince has exceeded the limit by doing so.

"I can't finish eating so much. I'm sorry for the waste. I'm sorry for the farmers. If you share the food, it's a favor for me!" Before Jianxi could persuade him, Zhao Tang had already picked up the spoon and distributed the dishes to everyone, "Xin Zhao Why are you crying, and you, Zhao Yi, why are there so many tears!"

"Second Lord, I haven't eaten such a good meal for a long time!" Zhao Li said with tears in his eyes.

"Second Master, I lost my relatives since I was a child, and I have tasted the harshness of the world. I have never seen my master share his meals with his servants..." Zhao Yi said with his head down and tears, and the others were also miserable. In the past, no one would sell their children to others as servants. What they expected was to have a good master.

"Hehe, what's the point of this, you guys have a taste of how our cook's rice cooks, I eat it every day, and I can't tell if it's good or bad!" Zhao Tang felt sore in his heart, but still said with a smile.

"Well, this cook's skills are good, but the fish is not from the Chanhua River, and the fish meat is not allowed to dry before adding ingredients. The meat is looser, but it is still top-grade!" At this time, Zhao Xin clipped He took a piece of fish bream and chewed it in his mouth and said.

"Oh, there are some people who know how to do it. It seems that you used to eat it often!" Zhao Yu has never eaten fish from other houses, so there is no way to compare it, but it is not something ordinary people can do that one person can eat fish from any river. He said with some surprise.

"Xin Zhao, just brag, it's the first time I've eaten fish when I grow up, but I also know that fish bream is not cheap, you can still taste good or bad!" Zhao Lian said disdainfully.

"What do you know, my house... My house is next to He and Wu's shop selling fish and fish, and I can often eat it!" Xin Zhao said with a red face.

"You kid is blessed, next to his house, the fish bream made by He and Wu's family in Donghuamen, Beijing, is fished from the Chanhua River, stored in jing cages, soaked in water along the way, and transported to the capital. Dozens of small pieces are sold as a handful, and the name is "Babu". The meat is tighter and the taste is very delicious. It's not easy to eat a handful of fish bream from his family in the palace.

"Come on, come on, eat quickly, after we finish eating, let's go to the open space behind the yard to catch wild rabbits, and I'll roast them for you to eat at night!" Zhao Tama glanced at Xin Zhao and said, Xin Zhao felt that the prince had seen through his thoughts , bowed his head guiltyly and slammed the rice, not daring to look at him again.

"Second Master, I have been hunting with my grandfather since I was a child. I am good at catching rabbits. As long as I have it, I can't run away!" Zhao Zhi said excitedly. That doesn't work, I've been suffocated for a long time, and I couldn't help cheering when I heard such a good thing.


The sun had already risen high, and the endless wheat fields were still covered with residual snow, and green wheat seedlings were exposed in some places. Zhao Tun led the boys and surrounded a piece of wasteland with a net. Although he was wearing a thick winter coat, he had a small face. Still flushed from the cold.They caught a few rabbits in the garden a few days ago, and everyone ate them with oily mouths. They are also addictive to play, and they couldn't catch them in the garden. Today, they sneaked out of the house to 'hunt' while Huang Jingchen was out.

"Zhao Zhi, can the net stand go here?" he asked.

"No problem, Second Master, I've seen it all. There are footprints left by hares!" Zhao Zhi said confidently with a sigh of relief on his hand.

"Okay, let's start then, drive the rabbits from the north to the south, and let them hit the net!" Zhao Tong said to everyone.

"Oh, oh..." More than a dozen people distanced themselves and lined up, poking and beating in the grass and stone crevices with their sticks, yelling loudly, and five or six hares escaped from their hiding places unbearably disturbed. When they came out, everyone became more energetic, blocking the hares everywhere and driving the hares towards the direction of the netting.

Seeing that the rabbit is about to be blasted into the encirclement, suddenly a series of bells ringing in the air, "Dinglingling...", a black shadow swooped down from the air like an arrow and grabbed a hare. Startled.

"Second Lord, it's an eagle!" Zhao Ren said.

"Leave it alone, blast this way, and don't let the other rabbits run away!" Seeing the eagle descending from the sky, the hare became even more terrified and ran around, Zhao Tang quickly directed everyone to prepare to seal the gap.But before they could take a few steps, two feathered arrows flew over with "嗖嗖", nailing the two rabbits to the ground. Everyone panicked, and the rest of the rabbits all slipped away.

"Young Master, you've been shot..." With the sound of flattery, five or six horses rushed past them, two of them jumped down, one picked up the rabbit that was shot dead, and the other was still fighting with the rabbit The kite hawk snatched the rabbit from its mouth, as if it didn't see Zhao Tun and the others at all.

Zhao Tang stood still and looked at the uninvited guests. The leader was fair and clean, with delicate features, wearing a white fox fur hat, a maroon brocade robe, a gold ribbon tied around his waist, and a red cloak. They are soap-colored official boots, inlaid with two pieces of white jade the size of an egg, riding a red horse, with a bow on the left and an arrow on the right. He looks like a nobleman, but frowning and curling his mouth ruined his good looks. .The four people behind him were all dressed as village makers, with bows and arrows on their backs, and they were riding horses with two pheasants hanging on their saddles!

"Master, we caught three at once, and we have snacks for lunch!" A guy said with a big smile while holding a rabbit.

"It's boring, there are only rabbits here, and there is no bigger prey!" The boy said unhappily as he fed a piece of meat from the eagle that fell on his arm.

"Master, twenty miles to the east, there is a forest with big prey, why don't we go there!" A farmer asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm tired today, let's go back to Zhuangzi first!" The young master shook his arms, and the eagle immediately flew up, he said lazily.

"Okay!" The leading farmer agreed, turned his horse around and was about to leave.

"Stop, what are you doing? You snatched our prey, and you're going to leave without saying hello!" Several people treated them as if they didn't exist from the beginning to the end, and Zhao Tong said unhappily, angrily.

"Hey, your prey?" A seven or eight-year-old child stopped in front of their horses, and the leading villager said disdainfully as if he saw how funny it was.

"Of course, we people have been busy for a long time to drive out the prey. You have shot two arrows here, and it is yours. It seems inappropriate?" Zhao Tama said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Get out, you blasted it out, whoever saw it, and besides these are ownerless things, whoever grabs them will own them!" For the sake of convenience, Zhao Tang dressed no differently from the servants, and the leading farmer only acted as a Whose servant is he, shouted angrily.

"Dare to be unreasonable to our second master, you are too brave!" Seeing him scolding Zhao Tun, Zhao Ren stepped forward and pointed at the farmer with a rabbit-bombing stick.

"Whose family do they belong to? They can't be..." The young man frowned and asked the farmer behind him. Xiangyi County is now one of the four auxiliary areas. The land here is fertile, and the Bian River passes through it, so the transportation is convenient. Many wealthy officials and gentry in the capital came here to buy land and build manors, and he was also afraid of offending someone he couldn't afford to offend.

"Young master, all the Zhuangzi in this neighborhood were originally servants of the household department. They have been demoted two years ago. It is said that they were sold to a local rich man from Beijing. There are no adults in the family. They are only in charge of their children. They don't have any backing. The boss is now guarding one side, so...!" The leading farmer is a local tycoon, and he understands the situation here, but Zhao Tuo and the others have always kept a low profile, he only sees the surface, not the 'connotation'!

"A bastard with a mother and no father, dare to stop the young master, call me!" The young master didn't understand the situation and had scruples, but after hearing the introduction, he immediately became more courageous, shouted, and galloped forward, The horsewhip in his hand was whipped, Zhao Ren turned sideways, and the whip hit his back, the cotton-padded clothes were immediately torn, and the man tilted twice, nearly falling down.

"Fight!" Seeing that Zhao Ren suffered a disadvantage, Zhao Yi picked up the stone and threw it at him like a son on horseback. Others rushed up one after another, protecting Zhao Tun behind him, and rushed forward with sticks go up.

"It's wrong, it's wrong, what are you waiting for, hit it!" Young Master Jinyi shouted angrily when he saw that these children dared to fight back.

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