On November 22, the Song Navy returned triumphantly, and the three naval divisions sent 5000 men to escort more than [-] captives to Beijing to report victory, and dragged the flagship of the Jin Navy along the Bian River to the water gate.Zhao Tun ordered Zuo Xiang Xu Jingheng to lead a hundred officials to greet him outside the city. He personally inspected the navy team on the tower of Xuande Gate and ordered a heavy reward.

After presenting the captives, Zhao Tun gave a banquet to the naval forces who participated in the battle. Thousands of banquet tables were set up in the square outside Xuande Gate, and more than a dozen tables were spread out on the city tower to entertain the ministers who had made meritorious service in the water battle. These people not only included generals, but also They are just sailors rowing, but without exception, they are all heroes in naval battles. To be able to eat with the emperor and be accompanied by the stewards is something worth showing off for a lifetime.

The people in the capital have seen a lot of Dajie in recent years, but it is the first time in the capital to set up such a big banquet. Even after the New Year's Day, there are not so many banquets, and it is because the people in the palace have no chance to join in the fun. This time Putting it on the square in front of the palace, it caused a sensation in the whole city, and the onlookers even surrounded the square with water.

In order to prepare this meal, all the guilds in Bianjing City also gave their best to help, killing thousands of pigs and sheep, and the major restaurants did not miss this good opportunity to advertise. Wu came to help, and some of the shopkeepers put down their bodies to serve the food and pour the water themselves, just to witness this unprecedented scene, and to be able to boast to the outside world that their restaurant has participated in such a big scene in the future!

In addition to watching the fun, a group of special groups also participated. They all wore gold and silver, and they looked like rich and powerful people, pointing at the people on the tower.And behind them there are some strong men gathered, their expressions are serious.Rolling up his arms and sleeves, he seemed to be trying to grab someone.In fact, they didn't have any malicious intentions. The capital of Song Dynasty had a special marriage culture.That is to say, on the day when the list was released, the entire family of the wealthy gentry from all over the country was dispatched, vying to choose the son-in-law of the first-ranked scholar.

In ancient society, a woman's marriage is not just a family entering another family, nor is it just a change of personal role from daughter to wife. She also shoulders a more important mission, which is to act as the link between the two families.This role was valued in the eyes of the people at that time.Therefore, choosing an ideal marriage partner for a daughter is often a major headache for parents.However, the so-called ideal object is neither the daughter's personal wish nor considered from the perspective of the daughter, but the parents are mainly considered by the father from the perspective of maintaining and developing the family, and the Song Dynasty is of course no exception.

The official selection system in the Song Dynasty was the imperial examination. Examination was the main way for the imperial court to select officials. Among the senior officials, those who were born in the imperial examination accounted for an overwhelming advantage.Not only that, but the winners of the imperial examinations received both fame and wealth and generous treatment.You can also shade your family, and you will be exempted from all misconduct, becoming a privileged official class in society.During the Song Dynasty, the economy rose, and the wealthy civilian class longed to step into the upper class. "Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."Since being an official is popular, ladies and gentlemen of all ages compete to be "official wives", and the scholars who are named on the gold list naturally become the first choice for wealthy families to choose their sons-in-law.As a result, at that time, it was evaluated whether a family was prosperous or not, and whether it had a bright future.One of the key points is to see how many people are admitted to the imperial examination or how many women marry scholars.

There are many benefits to being titled on the gold list.This has also led people to regard rushing the exam and leaving the official career as the ultimate goal of life struggle.However, the official positions in the Song Dynasty were limited after all, and they could not stand the competition from all over the world, and only the outstanding ones could hope to win.So everyone had to study hard, and "if you don't make it, you won't get married" has become the oath of some people.As a result, many unmarried older youths and even older adults have been created.It also affected the ladies of the Song Dynasty, so there was a strange incident of "catching a son-in-law under the list" unique to the Song Dynasty...

After Zhao Tong ascended the throne, the official system was reformed. Although the imperial examination was still the basis for selecting officials, it was no longer the only way, and its privileges were reduced. Officials also had to pay taxes according to the law. I have been sad a lot.

However, with the invasion of the Jurchens and frequent outbreaks of wars, coupled with the emperor's trust in the warriors, the status of generals in the court and the opposition gradually improved.In addition to enjoying generous salaries, they will also be rewarded for combat meritorious service.Soldiers recruited into the army can be exempted from corvée and certain taxes at home during their service. After retiring, they will also receive a settling allowance or a piece of tax-free land for five years according to their age and rank. They will even be given priority in local government. The middle is an official.

Compared with civil servants, warriors also have the advantage of being promoted faster.In the past, the top five in the imperial examination were directly awarded officials, but now even the number one scholar has to go to the grassroots to start from the lowest eighth-rank official, and after the annual assessment, he can gradually be promoted to become a fifth-rank Beijing official , more than ten years to say the least.As for the warriors, if they make great contributions in the war, they will often be promoted by leaps and bounds. In one or two years, they will complete the promotion road that a civil servant will take more than ten years, or it may take a lifetime to complete.

What's different from the past is that the officers of the new army are no longer the vulgar and reckless fighters of the past.The generous remuneration, good environment and smooth promotion path have attracted a large number of scholars who have passed the provincial and provincial examinations, and those who have passed the provincial examination have given up the imperial examination and entered the military academy to study, so you must not see a warrior with a gun crossing a sword reciting poems and composing Fu Surprised, maybe he is Hui Yuanlang from the provincial examination in a certain state capital.

The changes in the status and image of the military naturally attracted the attention of dignitaries in the government and the opposition, as well as the newly rich. Instead of focusing on the "number one list" for selecting son-in-laws, those outstanding military officers became their new hunting targets.Those who can go up to the city tower to have a banquet with the emperor today must be soldiers who have made great achievements in annihilating the Jinshui army. It is a certain thing to be promoted to a noble. It also added a little more jokes to the celebration banquet!

"Aiqing's family, do you have any unmarried daughters and granddaughters? The people downstairs have already prepared. If you are interested, I can give you a marriage on the spot, and take it first!" Zhao Tang smiled to the people in the building. Several big brothers said, think about it, the lowest person who can sit in the tower with the emperor must be a minister or minister.

"Your Majesty, the old minister's daughters have been married for many years, and the granddaughters have also made marriage arrangements. Otherwise, you really have to ask Your Majesty to be a matchmaker. Unfortunately, there is no chance!" Zhou Xingji said regretfully, stroking his beard.

"Mr. Guishan regrets what happened back then. He didn't agree to the Feng family's marriage. Otherwise, he would have been appointed prime minister. How could there have been so many twists and turns!" Xu Jingheng teased him.

"Hey, people have their ambitions when they are young, and they have careers when they are old. Although the official career was bumpy when the old man was young, he has made progress every year since he followed His Majesty, and the Feng family has long since fallen. How can a marriage change the fortune and misfortune!" Zhou Xingji sighed.

"There are many shortcuts in the world, but people don't know it. Back then, Cai Jing, Zhu Yu and other human rights were all over the government. The servants in the mansion were all officials, and the officials flocked to them. But overnight, Cai Jing died of starvation in the wilderness. The end. Zhu Xi’s head fell to the ground, and his family members went their separate ways. Some lived on the streets, some picked manure to grow vegetables, and some lived thousands of miles away. Who still misses them, I’m afraid they won’t be able to avoid them!” Li Gang said. Ji Ji also sighed, if he hadn't been valued by the Empress Dowager and the Emperor would not abandon him, he would still be idling in that barren land at this moment.

"Hehe, it's about the current happy event. Why are you bringing up the past again? This upstairs is full of military talents, but they are worthy of the daughters of everyone in the mansion!" Zhao Tang smiled, but he didn't take it seriously. Now The Song Dynasty was transitioning from emphasizing agriculture and despising merchants to emphasizing both agriculture and commerce. After the status of merchants improved, such strange appearances would no longer appear.

"Your Majesty, the affairs of our house are trivial matters, but Your Majesty, you should select beautiful women, recruit concubines, and spread branches and leaves for the royal family. This is a major matter related to the foundation of the country. The queen mother has mentioned it to the minister several times. Let the minister wait Admonish Your Majesty!" Up to now, the emperor has only five concubines, and it is still a miniature version of the United Nations, with few heirs. For so many years, there have only been three princes and four princesses. The insurance factor is too small, and there is no room for choosing an heir. Big, Xu Jingheng, as the chief assistant of the country, took the opportunity to persuade him.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zuo is justified. Earlier, His Majesty was too busy to take care of it. Now that the four directions have been settled and the country is peaceful, His Majesty should enrich the harem for the sake of the country and the people!" Li Gang also joined in the fun, and several others nodded frequently.

"I only heard that the ministers persuaded the emperor to choose fewer female candidates so as not to harass the people, or to release the palace maids to reduce expenses. Why are you all urging me to accept more concubines today? Are you all treacherous ministers?" Zhao Tang pointed at a few A Zaizhi nose said, "Oh, I understand. You think the world is peaceful and you can enjoy happiness, and you also want to buy some singers and concubines, so you join forces to drag me into the water!"

"Your Majesty is just joking, I have no such intentions!" Li Gang blushed and said.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are indeed for the sake of the country and His Majesty, and have no selfish intentions!" Xu Jingheng also quickly argued.

"There is no best. Now the Song Dynasty's business is becoming more and more prosperous, and many people have become rich because of it, but some people are not benevolent and live extravagantly. They only want to cling to the powerful and do not think about making progress. In the long run, the world will definitely decline!" Zhao Tian said with a low face, "As the king of a country, I must not indulge in extravagance. All my loves are in high positions, and they are role models for all officials and examples for the common people. Their behaviors are all imitated by others, and they must be self-disciplined, so as not to follow the old path of subjugation!"

"Your Majesty would like to obey His Majesty's instructions!" The crowd did not expect such kindness, but let the emperor take the opportunity to teach him a lesson, but it is a blessing for the country to have a king like this... (to be continued...)

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