The struggle of the reborn prince

Chapter 446 Rearing the Arms for War

Empress Pei Man was a good woman who was able to manage the family and manage money when she became an empress. ?. .But with the early death of her son, her husband became intermittently mentally ill due to alcohol dependence, which made Empress Pei Man feel that she should move from the harem to the front desk, help her husband manage the government and manage the country, and change from a top leader inside and outside, hoping to become Lu A woman who has gone down in history like Empress Wu.

But when Empress Pei Man had just conceived this idea and started planning to participate in the affairs of the court, Wu Shu, who had won the victory in the internal struggle, came to power, which made her good wishes come to nothing.However, once a person is greedy for power, it will grow like weeds. It is just that the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates!The same is true for Empress Pei Man, whose pursuit of power has made her ambitions extremely inflated, and she is not willing to give up her pursuit easily.

However, Empress Pei Man is still quite sober, knowing that her idea is unlikely to be realized during Wushu's reign, because she has power in the military and political circles of the Kingdom of Jin, and basically no one dares to compete with Wushu for power. The fate of Tian Yu and others is a good proof.But there is more than one road to Rome, and she can't fight openly, but she can come secretly, so she used her special position to influence Emperor Wanyanquan and train her team.The first thing that attracted Pei Man's attention was Wan Yanliang. Needless to say, his relationship with the emperor, the two were cousins ​​and young children, and they won the trust of Wushu, one of the key training goals.Under the support of the two big bosses, Wan Yanliang's political career was naturally very smooth. He almost skipped one level a year and jumped four levels in two years. Have a certain status.

A young talent with a bright future like Wan Yanliang is naturally the talent that Empress Pei Man urgently needs, and can be used as a reserve cadre for her to control the government in the future.So in addition to using the emperor to satisfy her political desires, she also used the biggest capital of a woman to win over Wan Yanliang.The relationship between the two quickly heated up and an alliance was formed.And they hit it off right away, except for the relationship that cannot be stated clearly, it is still at work that the law that birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups.

Both Empress Pei Man and Wan Yanliang are madmen with extreme political ambitions and pursue power at all costs. Both sides' fornication is to obtain their own political interests.Empress Pei Man's purpose is to form a party for private interests and control the government, while Wan Yanliang's purpose is even more terrifying and cannot be told. Pei Man is just a stepping stone for her superiority and a tool for him to cover up his purpose.Of course, only one brat can't achieve his goal.Pei Man still needs people of high moral standing to help her out and cheer for her, so Wan Yanxu, the number one writer in the Dajin Kingdom's literary world, became her target of wooing.Wanyanxu was born noble, he was the son of brother Wanyan Ying of Mu Zong.Dalan's younger brother, he is in the same generation as Aguda, and enjoys high prestige in the family.

What's even more rare is that Wanyanxu and his eldest brother took two completely different political paths. He actively supported Wanyan Quan's sinicization reform, and was ruthless in the struggle to suppress Zong Xun.Win the upright reticence.Dare to give direct advice to the 'good name', thus paving the way for his official career.Now the official residence of Pingzhang political affairs.Such a big man was able to be recruited by Empress Pei Man, of course not because of her beauty.Instead, we should thank Wanyan Quan for his stupidity.

In the chaotic years of Wanyan Quan's alcoholism, Wanyan Xu was one of the few people who dared to dissuade Wanyan Quan, and even once advised Wanyan Quan to give up drinking in person.Afterwards, it may be that she lost confidence and hope in Wanyan Tan, who was half insane.And Wushu's presumptuous power also disgusted him, so Wanyanxu began to look for new political power in the court, and the timely appearance of Empress Pei Man in the Jin Kingdom's political arena made him see his new political partner, so he decided to He also joined the ranks of the Queen's Party.

Afterwards, several members of the Zonghan family who were defeated in the struggle against Wushu also joined Pei Man's camp, including Wanyan Bingde, the grandson of Zonghan who had just entered the center as the governor of Pingzhang, and Zonghan's younger brother, the grandson of Zuocheng, who lived in Shangshu Zuocheng. The literary giant Yan Zongxian.There is also Xiao Zhonggong, the former descendant of the Liao Kingdom. This person is extremely talented in diplomacy. He was the one who fooled Zhao Huan back then, prompting the Kingdom of Jin to launch the second war to invade the Song Dynasty southward.

Empress Pei Man's planned team is a combination of old, middle-aged and young people, with complete civil servants and military generals, and it will be the day when Wushu dies.But the situation changed suddenly, and Wushu took the lead.He had not entered the palace for a long time and asked to see the emperor, and the two talked for a long time. As for what they said, no one knew, even Empress Pei Man, who had placed a large number of people in the palace, did not find out a word, but obviously felt the emperor's intentions. There was more guard in his eyes.

The next day, Wu Shu personally presided over the Great Dynasty, saying that Zhao Er in the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Tour were "Zhuang Gong dancing swords", and his intention was to offend my Dajin. Wars in the two directions of Liaodong and Liaoxi.With Wan Yanliang as the Marshal of the Left, and Sa Lih as the Supervisor of the Left, Kaifu in Jinzhou defended the passage from the Southern Dynasty to the North; with Pu San Zhongyi as the Marshal of the Right, and Wanyan Bingde as the Supervisor, he defended the Kaifu in Changchun Prefecture against the Southern Dynasty West access road.

At the same time, adjustments were made to officials in the DPRK and China.Take Wanyan Yuying as the deputy commander of the internal and external capitals and the governor of Pingzhang; take Wanyan Yong as the left-behind in Liaoyang, Tokyo;Wan Yanxu was granted the title of King Zhao, and the emperor ordered him to serve as an official for the elderly when he remembered his age; Wan Yan Zongxian entered the National History Museum to compile and revise history.Wanyan Zongxian was promoted to Taibao and Minister Zuo Prime Minister, Zuo Deputy Dushuai; Xingtai Zuo Prime Minister Xiao Zhonggong was promoted to Minister Zuo Prime Minister; Wanyan Zongben was promoted to Minister Zuo Prime Minister.

Wushu made frequent and complicated changes to the important management members of the Kingdom of Jin in a single day. These changes can be described as "complicated and dazzling" in two idioms.Of course, there are two main reasons for this chaotic phenomenon of personnel changes:

The first reason is that Wushu has found signs that the successors he cultivated and the important officials in the court have colluded with the queen, threatening the safety of the throne, and he must eliminate them before the struggle between the two parties reaches the point of incompatible Buds, don't let them take root.However, Wu Shu was still merciful and didn't beat them to death with a stick, leaving them a chance to reform themselves, but he also dismantled the Queen's team to pieces by cutting through the chaos quickly.

The second reason is that Wu Shu understands based on his many years of struggle experience that if he wants to defeat his political opponents in the court, he must occupy a dominant position in the court, that is, he must be able to control the military and political power in the court.Therefore, in the competition for several important positions of the three divisions and Xingtai Shangshusheng, they must have the right to fight for every inch of land, and should not leave any opportunity for the opponent to make a comeback.

After a series of personnel adjustments were completed, Wushu ordered to speed up the construction of boundary trenches, strengthen the city, hoard food and grass, forge weapons, and actively prepare for war.His goal is very clear, which is to use the boundary trench to block the Song army's attack while consuming most of their troops.Then take the opportunity to fight a defensive counterattack, drive the Song army back to the Great Wall, gain population and resources for the further development of the Jin Kingdom, win a stable strategic buffer zone, and curb the further expansion of the Song Dynasty...


While the Kingdom of Jin was undergoing large-scale personnel changes and actively preparing for the war, it seemed as if telepathically, Zhao Tuo was also making adjustments to the army.Today, the Song Dynasty has seven Zhenfu divisions, four naval divisions and their subordinate land brigades, and has twelve generals of the forbidden army, directly under the guards, desert army, hunting cavalry army and two artillery brigades, with a strength of nearly 30. .In addition to the more than 40 prefectural armies belonging to each route, there are a total of [-] troops.Zhao Tuo set up five Zhenfu Divisions in the north, and the deployment of troops was also in a situation where the north was more important than the south, and the past dynasties still maintained the trend of expanding or defending the northwest, but now it is obvious that the Kingdom of Jin is the main target of the war.

Now that Mobei and Gaochang have been included in the territory of the Song Dynasty, the concept of northwest has been refreshed again, so it is necessary to make new adjustments. Zhao Tuo decided to set up Northwest Road to manage Mobei and Gaochang.Because the two places are sparsely populated and the land is barren, it is difficult to support a large number of troops. He followed Chen Dong's play and continued the border defense method of the past dynasties with the reclamation army as the main force and the forbidden army as the auxiliary. He only set up an army in Zhenzhou and Gaochang. The force is controlled within 2 people.

After the deliberations were completed, Zhao Tuo issued an edict to set up the Northwest Road, with Chen Dong as the envoy of the Northwest Road; established the Northwest Town Fusi, set up the Commander's Mansion in Zhenzhou, part of the Dragon Wing Army and the tribal army accompanying the Western Expedition The Jingbian Army was established as the main force, with a strength of [-] troops. It was organized into a four-four army, and Chang Chao was the commander of the Jingbian Army.Gao Chong and Zhao Li returned to Beijing immediately after the formation was completed, and they had other appointments.

Since artillery has played a decisive role in previous wars, it is necessary to strengthen leadership as the artillery team grows and its equipment is updated.Later, Zhao Tong decided to reorganize the Privy Council, separate the Artillery from the Infantry Division, and set up the Artillery Division, with Zhao Xiao as the capital.Now that the iron cannon has been successfully trial-produced, it can be mass-produced and a system has been formed, and the bottleneck of production has finally been broken. Zhao Tuo ordered to form two new artillery brigades directly under it based on the two graduates of the Jiaowutang Artillery School.The machine gun teams directly under each army were expanded and divided into machine gun battalions and artillery battalions to strengthen grassroots firepower.

Next, Zhao Tuo began to make major adjustments to the entire army, shifting the troops that participated in the Western Expedition and Expedition in recent years to the front line, and vigorously promoted officers with actual combat experience.The form of the future battle against gold has changed, it will be dominated by siege and barrier breaking, and the chances of field battles will be reduced.Therefore, while strengthening the training of siege and defense operations for dragon cavalry, as well as enriching the strength of infantry, while researching new tactics, especially the blasting training of engineers and the research and development of siege equipment must not be relaxed.The changes in the Golden Army's tactics also challenged the hussars, and they also had to make new changes...)

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