The struggle of the reborn prince

Chapter 534 King Qin's Army

The capital was besieged, and the country was in danger. Wan Yanquan issued the King Qin's edict to various places, but very few responded.After receiving the edict sent by the emissary, Pu and Lu Tongjun Wanyan Pu's servant immediately gathered his troops and called all the meng'an to gather. However, he did not go south to return to King Jingqin, but chose to flee north. Drilled into the vast mountains and forests of Xing'an Mountains.Don't look at his mental problems, but he knows that the current state of Jin is in danger, and preserving the blood is the most important thing, so he bid farewell to the emperor without saying goodbye.

The King Qin team composed of Khitan rebels had a very difficult journey along the way. They not only had to find ways to raise their own food, but also avoided the pursuit of Wanyanyong's army who had surrendered to the Song Dynasty. When Lingshi was stopped by a Song army, he also saw the "emperor" they had been looking forward to day and night-Yelu Yanxi.But they didn't go up to worship, and they didn't try to rescue them. Instead, they dispersed in a crowd, and there were not many people left. Give their territory self-reliance as king.

Not without mistakes, there are also good generals who are loyal to the country.Wanyan Kexi, the Commander of Supin Road, received the call for help from the envoy of Huining, and without hesitation issued an order to all the generals and officials of the Huli diversion route, announcing that he would lead all the soldiers in the Huli diversion route, gather all the food, supplies, and spare no effort He went all out to rescue the capital, rescued the emperor who was in distress, saved the Dajin Kingdom that was about to be destroyed, and preserved the foundation of the ancestors... Wanyan Kexi is a person with quite a personality. He is a descendant of the clan. Profound capitalism, ruthless and chaotic, self-proclaimed, good at setting eyes and ears, and quite different, these evaluations don't sound like praise words at all.His main task on Supin Road is to guard the frontier and suppress the rebels of the Five Kingdoms.Guard against Korea.

During his resident stay in Hulin City, Wanyan Kexi recruited 5000 or [-] Jurchen, bandits, and desperadoes from the mountains.Formed an army known as the "Tiger and Leopard Army", their task was to repeatedly harass and plunder the Five Kingdoms, the Jurchen and other small tribes.Every summer and autumn, he often sent troops deep into the mountains where the Ministry of the Five Kingdoms was hiding, destroying their farmland and houses.As a result, the Ministry of Five Kingdoms and other tribes also sent troops to retaliate, causing continuous fighting on the border, and the people suffered unbearably.

When Wanyan Kexi ordered Queen Qin to conscript Meng'an, Mouke, and all the tribes under the jurisdiction of Qianhu who were stationed in Supin Road, they actually gathered an army of [-] infantry and [-] cavalry. The Qin Wang Army, which is composed of the army, is undoubtedly the most powerful armed force in the entire Jin Kingdom.Along with the army of Tu Da, merchants, women, children, and children who had been relocated from various places in Liaodong, these ordinary people decided to march with their own army in order to avoid the chaos of the same time.Fortunately, he also collected hundreds of thousands of rations and went with the army to rescue the capital.This is a seemingly luxurious lineup. If the coach strategizes and directs properly, it seems to be able to cause some troubles for the Song Dynasty army!But it's a pity that the command level of the coach Wanyan Kexi is not high, and it is at the same level as Zong Min and others.Therefore, I am so happy that I only know how to be impulsive and reckless, thinking that I can make contributions in this battle and achieve my ideals in life.

How to rescue also has to talk about a strategic policy, who will be in charge of pioneering the way.Who will be responsible for escorting the food and grass, who will be responsible for holding down the formation after the breakup, and whether to garrison his old nest for defense, these seem to be issues that the coach Wanyan Kexi must consider.But his actions were totally haphazard.Instead, they decided to put all their eggs in one basket and put all their eggs in one basket. Whether it was the garrison, the garrison, and the soldiers belonging to the Meng'an and Qianhu clans on Supin Road, the defenders in all counties and passes were almost completely evacuated.Only one staff member was left to lead 500 people to stay in Hulin City, and then led the so-called [-]th Army to Ningcheng.

Wanyan hoped that Song Jun hadn't found his whereabouts.Unresponsive, unable to stop himself.The Khitans entrenched on the marching road fled.But with too much hope, disappointment will follow.The neighboring Five Kingdoms Department has been paying attention to its latest trends, and Wanyan Kexi finally gave them a chance. The Five Kingdoms Department immediately sent troops across Sihot Mountain to seize the various passes and seized Hulin City. The old nest was copied, and the way back was cut off.

And Wan Yanyong, who was ordered by Zhao Tun to suppress the Khitan rebellion, soon discovered the whereabouts of the Kexi Corps, attacked its supply team, and destroyed most of its food and grass.Food and grass are the lifeline of the army, without food and grass it is impossible to reach Huining City, Wanyan Kexi impulsively ordered to plunder the money of the people in the counties and states they passed by.The accompanying generals objected, thinking that as a soldier of the country, he could not protect his own people, but he still wanted to harm his own people. How could he have the face to meet the court and the emperor?But fortunately, the determination to rescue the capital remained unchanged, and despite persuasion, he insisted on looting and supplementing military use.

In order to avoid the attacks of Wanyan Yong, the Ministry of Five Kingdoms and the Khitan people, Wanyan Kexi decided not to take the small road on the main road, and walked over the mountains and mountains on the rugged mountain road with difficulty, rushed to Huining, and spent every day and night with soldiers in the barren mountains They can't help complaining.At this time, winter in the Northeast has arrived, and the snow that is melting after the first snow makes the mountain roads more muddy, seriously affecting the marching speed of the army, especially the civilians accompanying the army have become a big burden for the army. Let it hate these civilians who have no fighting power,

In order to solve this problem, Wanyan Kexi came up with a solution that got the best of both worlds. He felt that although it was shameless, it could boost morale.So he told his soldiers, soldiers, you have marched hard. There are some female comrades in the army. women in the military as comfort women.

The result was just the opposite, the army began to turmoil, the soldiers snatched women as wives one after another, and there were even infighting for women.All the old and young people accompanying the army were ruthlessly abandoned by the soldiers in the snow and mud. What awaited them was the cruel and ruthless army of the five kingdoms. For a time, the wails continued on the entire mountain road, and a golden scene was staged. It is a human tragedy that the soldiers of the country kill their own people!

Before meeting the Song army, the army began to mess up and kill the people. The performance of this army completely disgraced all the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom.A few days later, two thousand households quietly left with three thousand soldiers at night and surrendered to Wan Yanyong.While the accompanying soldiers gradually lost their desire to fight while suffering from hunger and starvation, the chief culprit was Xin Xi!

Mistakes have been accompanied by Wanyan Kexi, but soon there is an opportunity that may change the situation of the battle.When they reached the banks of the Huhan River, a fellow staff member offered advice to Kexi: "Since the main force of the Southern Dynasty army is gathered in Huining Mansion, the defense of Huanglong Mansion in Henan is bound to be empty. Why did the general not expect it and lead his troops to attack Jeju? Send out troops to rescue, and the siege of Huining will be over!"

The strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao proposed by the staff, if used properly, seems to be able to relieve the huge pressure on Huining City.But Wanyan Kexi didn't dare to take risks and lacked strategic mind, so she categorically rejected the staff's suggestion, but it was okay to refuse, but Kexi simply killed the staff on the grounds of preventing the leak of military information.The Jin Army, which had already lost its morale and fighting spirit, saw that the commander had started to flee in this way, which greatly reduced its strength, and its strength dropped to [-].

Wanyan Kexi insisted on following the original plan to cross the icy Xielishui. When she was about to pass Majiling, she found that the Song army had set up defenses here. When the two armies met, a big battle was inevitable. The tragedy seemed to reach its climax.But at the time of the defeat, the Khitan reinforcements who came here with their front and back feet also collapsed, bumping around.Unknown to the Song army, they had to divide up their troops to suppress them, and Wanyan Kexi led the remnant army into the Huining mansion.

The rest of the road was extremely difficult, and the Song army sent several elite cavalry to follow and pursue them, sneaking attacks and harassment from time to time behind them.However, the Supin Road reinforcements, who had become bereaved dogs, were unable to make effective resistance at all. In such a sad situation, even if there was only one cavalry from the Song Army trailing and harassing, everyone did not have the courage to stop and resist. Captured, or even escaped, the troop strength was once again reduced on a large scale.

In such a predicament, Wanyan Kexi still did not give up King Qin, and he led his army to march towards Huining City.But at this time, I don’t know whether it was God’s eye-opening or shit luck, just in time for the offensive and defensive battle between the Song and Jin armies to come to an end, the Song army retreated to the camp to rest, allowing him to take advantage of the loophole to escape the interception and enter through the east gate In Huining City, there are less than [-] people who can reach the capital with all their beards and tails, and most of them are Tiger and Leopard Army with strong combat effectiveness...

The first offensive and defensive battle of Huining Mansion ended with tens of thousands of casualties in the city's defenders, giving the Kingdom of Jin another chance to take a short rest. Dan was overjoyed, which showed that the people of the world had not abandoned him.In order to celebrate the victory, Wanyan Quan immediately issued several edicts: amnesty for the world, but only the territory of Huining City is left in the world; , Kaicheng let the soldiers and civilians go out to cut firewood to find food; and issued an edict: "The internal and external officials and people who can restore the prefectures and counties will have poor rewards."

While celebrating the victory, Wanyan Quan did not give the credit for defending the city to Heshi Lie Zhining, Pu San Zhongyi, or even Zong Min and Zong Xiong's two chief assistants, but gave the credit to Wanyan Kexi who entered the city in embarrassment.It is said that he led the army to force the Song army to give up the siege and retreat to the camp, and named him the king of Qi, the commander-in-chief of the right, the envoy of the four walls of the capital, and the commander of the guards.Fortunately, he was able to rise to the sky in one step, and became the savior of the Dajin Kingdom, the upstart in the court, and the emperor's favorite minister...



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