
Chapter 117, Eastern Warriors

"Master Chief, your cigarettes are pretty good, and I also have Huaxia cigarettes, how many packs do you want to exchange?" Wang Xiaotian asked with a smile.

Only then did Nanuk wake up, showing a relieved smile: "I know that Huaxia is a country with a long history, and there are many miraculous people in it. According to the records of our ancestors, there are miraculous people in Huaxia, just like you, the distinguished guest. "

Wang Xiaotian nodded. Sure enough, the historical heritage of the Eskimos is relatively complete, especially in a world that is difficult to be messed with by technological wars. In fact, the earliest Eskimos believed in was the self-cultivation sect of the Arctic Glacier.

Knowing that Wang Xiaotian possessed miraculous abilities, Nanuk was obviously very excited, and strongly persuaded a group of distinguished guests to participate in their tribe's fire-holding party, saying that he would treat the guests from the east well.

When Wang Xiaotian conveyed this meaning, Xu Yan originally held objections, but soon she realized that the game they played had already let the time pass by two or three hours, and the night at the North Pole was after 5 p.m. It will come, even if I return immediately, I am afraid I will not be able to return to the workstation before dark.

After sending a message to the base in desperation, the group came down to participate in the Eskimo rally, a fire-holding party that the whole village would participate in.

The holding fire party, which can be regarded as the earliest collective celebration of human beings, has appeared in China and other regions of the earth, but their themes are slightly different. For example, in China, most of them are It's singing, dancing, and celebrating.

In some areas, they like to spend their time in competition, and see a few three big and five rough.After the man with full-body oil paint and animal skin appeared on the stage, he received many cheers.Wang Xiaotian also understood that Eskimos like to compete.

"They have a bit of Mongolian ancestry. Usually, wrestling, gladiatorial skills and other skills will be displayed in rallies. If the unmarried winner is likely to get a gift from an unmarried lady, this is very important to bachelor youths." Zuo Wei searched for herself After the information was released, everyone was relieved, why the people who were obviously excited were all young people, while those uncles were watching with a smile, every gathering of feelings was equivalent to a blind date meeting.

"Eskimos are hunters. It's normal to admire strength." Xu Yan said, and clicked another photo. The flash attracted many children to gather around and make faces at the camera.

Soon, although a cluster of huge flames rose, the night became brighter, and many villagers cheered. Wang Xiaotian paused for a while, mostly to thank God for bestowing the flames.Chasing away darkness and beasts are all praises.

After cheering, the aunts and girls in the village brought food one by one, including Greenland's characteristic green vegetables.There are also animal meats with local characteristics, and the rows of food are piled up, although there is no fragrance.But it also whets the appetite.

As the chief, Nannuk stood up and said a few words.Then the party was announced, and some people who couldn't wait.He took the lead in rushing to the pile of food, picking what he wanted.

"Xiao Tian, ​​why do they have to cut off even a little bit of meat? Is there any special meaning?" Xu Qing saw a woman pick up a pile of fresh meat, but she used a knife to cut off a tenth of it, and took the rest away. This somewhat unnecessary action made her a little curious.

Wang Xiaotian glanced at it, and said in a low voice: "They think that food is a gift from heaven, and it must not be wasted, so no matter what the occasion, they will choose the amount of food according to their stomachs, have to do what you can."

Do as the Romans do, Wang Xiaotian also had to give a warning, extravagance and waste is already a common phenomenon in China, if it falls here, it will be punished by both humans and gods.

"Oh~" Xu Qing stuck out her tongue, ran over to pick up a small knife, and was about to use the knife on a whole sea lion, but after a long time of hard work, she found helplessly that her own strength was not enough to freeze the ice. The dissected sea lion, her pitiful appearance, caused a burst of laughter from the audience, and then a strong Eskimo youth helped her cut off a piece.

When Xu Qing started, Wang Xiaotian and others naturally wouldn't be hypocritical. They lined up to get the right food, and roasted it on the small fire in front of each other. As the spices burned, a tempting fragrance soon spread across the open space. Ling Ling didn't want to leave, the fire-holding party finally started to become really lively.

Sure enough, after a while, a thick man with a big arm and a round waist walked to the open space with cheerful steps, opened his hands and twirled around, yelling rough, and then there was a booing sound from the crowd, although he couldn't understand this Big brother's language, but judging from his actions, it seems to be looking for an opponent.

Just as they guessed, when the thick man repeated this action for the third time, finally an equally strong man jumped up from the ground, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, he clasped his fists and walked towards the provocative opponent.

"It's Yale! It's Yale..." The unified and coordinated voices came one after another. This was their battle cry, and after the two sides embraced, they separated. Although the limbs had not touched, the fierce eyes were intertwined from time to time.

"The first person is called Mucuo, and his opponent is called Ke Kefu. Both of them are unmarried men." Wang Xiaotian explained everything he heard in a low voice, so that the three girls could better understand.

Xu Qing watched intently, and asked curiously, "Xiaotian, who do you think can win?"

"Hey, it's not fun to say it too early, just watch it, it's time to start!"

Just as Wang Xiaotian said, the state of the two staring at each other officially broke down as his words fell. Ke Kefu let out a low growl, breaking the stiff atmosphere, bending forward and rushing forward. The vigorous figure is like a jungle cheetah.

But in the face of such a fierce offensive, Mucuo just yelled with a smile, and then grabbed it with both hands, not to be outdone, just in time to grab the shoulders that could be overcome, the two hit each other fiercely, and then quickly separated, Both sides held on to each other's shoulders tightly, holding their breath and exerting their strength. This is the simplest contest of strength and strength.

Wang Xiaotian glanced at it for a few times, then shook his head and lost interest. For ordinary people, this kind of wrestling is indeed very entertaining, but for him.It's just a sophomore playing house, there is not much passion and suspense.He could even tell at a glance that Ke Kefu would not be Mu Cuo's opponent.

"Distinguished guest. You don't seem to be optimistic about this game?" Nanuk asked with a smile while sitting beside Wang Xiaotian at some point.

"No, it's very exciting, but maybe I've watched it too much. It's very similar to a country called Mongolia in the east, where there are also such activities." Wang Xiaotian laughed.

"Oh, I know Mongolia, it seems to have something to do with our ancestors..." Nanuk muttered to himself, but soon he said with a smile: "But our warriors are still different from them, distinguished guest, you Can you see it?"

Wang Xiaotian focused his eyes on the two people who were fighting fiercely again, then turned around and smiled later: "Is it the eyes? The environment you live in is worse than that of the Mongolians. Their wrestling is a festival, and you, it seems It's a survival skill."

Nanuk's eyes shone brightly, and he said very happily: "Dear guest, you have summed it up very well. You can look farther than those self-righteous gentlemen. They will never understand how much we need to pay to live on this plain. efforts, they will only call us barbaric."

In the face of Nannuk's indignation.Chatting endlessly, Wang Xiaotian just smiled and listened, he understood the hateful gentleman in the mouth of the angry chief.I'm afraid it refers to several old European countries, from his point of view.These countries are really good at pretending.

The more Nanuk looked at Wang Xiaotian, the happier he became.Apart from being able to speak the ancient language that few of them can speak among the Inuit, this oriental guest also understands their race very well. I have to say that Wang Xiaotian's few casual words have received a great friendship from the chief. .

"Wang, do you want to participate in our activities? We Inuit girls are very enthusiastic..." Nanuk's old face showed an expression that men could understand.

Wang Xiaotian was stunned, and spread his hands helplessly: "Mr. Chief, did your sister see the three Oriental ladies beside me? I'm already in trouble."

Nanuk looked at Xu Qing and the others in a blink of an eye. From his point of view, these three ladies should be beautiful in the east, but they are not inferior to the girls in his own clan, so he still tried his best to encourage them.

"Xiaotian, what did the village chief tell you?" Xu Qing suddenly called out, and the other two girls also looked over. It was obvious that the sight and expression of Nanuk just passing by made them feel a little strange.

"Oh, it's nothing, he said that the three of you are the most beautiful oriental girls he has ever seen, and that I am very lucky." Wang Xiaotian said in a panic without turning his head.

"Oh, then you can say thank you for us." Xu Qing immediately sat down happily, and then turned her attention back to the two big men who were fighting fiercely. of.

"Oh——" Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison. Wang Xiaotian looked sideways, and it turned out that the competition in the field was over. Just as he guessed, Mu Cuo forcefully twisted Ke Kefu to the ground. , but still did not break free, a few seconds later Mucuo let out a smile and let go.

But soon his expression became gloomy, because although he received a lot of cheers, there was still no unmarried girl who came to express his love. This hit him hard, and this was the third time!

But at this time, the chief Nannuke suddenly stood up and said something, and then the atmosphere suddenly became more lively. Everyone cheered towards Wang Xiaotian's area, causing the three women to go inside without knowing it.

"Xiao Tian, ​​what did the village chief say?" Xu Qing asked curiously.

At this time, Wang Xiaotian already looked helpless, and looked at the three girls rather depressedly, "This village chief, who looks very honest, is now telling his villagers that I am the number one warrior of a tribe in the east, and he welcomes them." Challenge, uh, someone challenged me..."

Wang Xiaotian gave Nanuk a hard look, and the latter smiled back, and then pointed to the field to signal, because the Mucuo warrior who did not reap love has transferred his depression to the number one warrior in the East Oh no, he is jealous that this oriental man has three oriental girls, and he has none!

And after the three girls knew about Nannuk's insidiousness, their expressions were also very exciting. Obviously, they didn't expect that the honest and honest village chief would be so...witty!

Soon their faces were full of anticipation, and Xu Yan even said bluntly: "You must be bragging with the village chief, and now it's miserable, but don't you know kung fu, can't you win by beating him?"

"You are only allowed to win, not to lose!" Xu Qing clenched her small fists, obviously ready to cheer for Wang Xiaotian, for she already had blind trust in Wang Xiaotian.

"The number one warrior in the East, take responsibility for your lies, go." Zuo Wei, who was the most taciturn, was the one who hurt people the most, and even reminded Xu Yan to turn on the machine. The latter reacted quickly, and the camera was nailed on Wang Xiaotian. .

"Che, what you said seems to be true. I'm just afraid that the Eskimo girl will show love to me." In this regard, Wang Xiaotian has nothing to do but roll his eyes. Obviously, he can't refuse now. He can only stand up and walk towards Mucuo.

Now he also represents Huaxia anyway, he is timid, and he is too embarrassed to meet the folks in the village when he goes back, since he wants to play, let's play! (to be continued..)

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