
Chapter 121, 1 Fortune

"Quack~~" The waters began to fluctuate, and with the joyful chirping of the lotus, it jumped out of the water. Under the sunlight, the beautiful figure was firmly imprinted on everyone's hearts.

Big waves splashed, all poured on everyone's body, no one screamed angrily, but showed happy and cheerful smiles, the lovely lotus flower is finally completely healed.

After the injury recovered, Lianhua was like an ADHD patient, constantly playing on the surface of the water, sometimes diving into the sea to blow bubbles, sometimes jumping out of the water, aiming at a person and splashing a wave of waves, her tail even slapped the sea water The turmoil caused everyone to laugh out loud.

Lianhua was healed, and Nannuke and others did not forget the potential threat. They used fishing boats to lead Lianhua out of the sea for dozens of miles before returning to the village. But what moved everyone was that in the safe area, Lianhua did not remain dead. They followed the fishing boat and did not leave, even shouting with reluctance.

"Hey, kid, it's time for you to go home." Wang Xiaotian stood on the deck, looking at the lotus who was still following him, and everyone was surprised when he said that, the lotus seemed to understand what he said, and his voice just Falling, Lianhua exposed half of her body and spit at him.

Wang Xiaotian laughed and waved his hands to block the water.

"Angang~" The lotus began to slap the water quickly, like a rambunctious little kid.

"What is it talking about?" Xu Yan asked curiously, now everyone doubted the fact that Wang Xiaotian would communicate with Lianhua, and Wang Xiaotian had a strange expression on his face.

Still, he said, "It said it wanted to repay me by taking my spouse back to the village."

"Spouse?!" All the girls were taken aback.

"Uh, animals are animals. Comprehension abilities are different, actually. It's asking you three, do you want to go up there and try?" Wang Xiaotian said with a sneer.

"Can I ride a lotus flower?" Xu Qing's lovely eyes widened.After receiving Wang Xiaotian's nod, she immediately jumped up excitedly: "I want, I want!"

Wang Xiaotian looked at Xu Yanzuowei again, and when he saw the longing on the faces of the two women, he nodded knowingly, turned around and told Nanuk about this, and then said: "Mr. Chief, if Lianhua doesn't do something for us, I'm afraid I won't leave.We make it happen. "

Of course, Nanuk did not refuse anything. On the contrary, he felt extremely surprised. Although the white whale is very close to human beings, it will never reach this level. If he can witness it with his own eyes, he will have no regrets.

Witnessed by many Eskimos, the holy elves in their eyes lay obediently and steadily on one side of the splint, with the help of a rope ladder.Xu Qing approached it slowly, and then stepped on it lightly, her face was frightened at first, but soon she found that her feet were surprisingly stable.This made her courageous, she sat down slowly, and straddled it.Yibian was still stroking Lianhua's somewhat rough back.

"Quack~" Lianhua seemed to enjoy the touch of Xu Qing's little hand, Wang Xiaotian glanced at it.Then he said to the two girls next to him: "You guys go down too, how many catties and taels you have. It's not in its eyes yet."

An adult beluga whale can destroy small and medium-sized fishing boats and carry three humans, which is too easy.

Sure enough, the three girls collapsed, the lotus was still cheerful, and then it showed that it was swimming slowly. After the girl on the top got used to it, it slowly accelerated, and soon came to the front of the fishing boat.

Nannuke and the others on the fishing boat watched enviously. What a great thing it is to be able to swim in the sea on the body of a white whale. It is a pity that they do not have this blessing, but it is also a great honor to be able to witness , and they also knew that the reason why Lianhua did this was because of the mysterious oriental man who smiled and looked at the sea.

Returning to the village again, the faces of the three girls were still excited, even Zuo Wei, who was indifferent by nature, was no exception, riding a beluga whale, what a dream, they actually met it!

Although the lotus finally left them and returned to its home, the vast Arctic Ocean, but apart from reluctance, they were more blessed.

"Xiaotian, what did you talk to Lianhua just now?" Xu Qing couldn't help but asked curiously. A few minutes before Lianhua left, she was alone with Wang Xiaotian.

"It's nothing, I bid farewell to it, and I gave a small gift along the way." Wang Xiaotian smiled and didn't explain much, because it was hard for them to understand.

What he gave to that little guy was actually a demon cultivation method. For him, it was just giving advice according to fate, but for Lianhua, it was a fortune-telling. Of course, what this little guy can become in the end depends on its own.

Another beautiful night was spent in the village. In the early morning of the next day, the four of Wang Xiaotian and Nanuk sent people to call them over. When they saw the four of them, the old chief greeted them with a smile.

Then he pointed to a young man next to him and said, "King, this is Yanu. Later, the young men will go to the market and pass by the place where your companions work. You can find you with them." friends."

For this, Wang Xiaotian and others naturally thanked them repeatedly, and said goodbye to the friends they knew. Although they liked this village, to this village, they were just passers-by after all.

After saying goodbye one by one, they left with a truck full of goods. Through conversations, they also learned that the village hunted for a living. In addition to ensuring basic survival, the remaining parts would be gathered at regular intervals and transported to the nearest market in exchange for other items like appliances, better tools...

Coincidentally, Professor Cui and the others seem to have reached a deal with the village, that is, every time they deliver goods passing by their place of work, they will buy some of them at a very good price.

It was because of this kind of generosity that Nanuk was more impressed with Professor Cui and his party.

In fact, in this world of ice and snow, there is no so-called road at all, and all walking relies on experience, so Wang Xiaotian and others dare not leave alone, because they may get lost in this world every minute.

The speed of the convoy is not fast, and the efficiency of modern tools is greatly reduced here. It took more than 40 minutes to arrive at a distance of tens of kilometers.

After getting out of the car, Wang Xiaotian obviously felt the difference around him.In addition to the protective measures with obvious artificial traces, there is only less than a hundred meters in front of him.It turned out to be an iceberg hundreds of meters high.

"It's so beautiful!" The three women who got out of the car later were all amazed.The cold iceberg is indeed extraordinarily dazzling under the sun.

"This is the tail of the Arctic Glacier Mountains, and the highest one is [-] meters!" For outsiders, Yanu is familiar with the magical beauty. He just introduced it with a smile, and he used pure English. .

"Wang, your friend Cui teaches them, and they are working inside." Yanu ordered his companions to carry down several boxes of sealed food, and walked in like this.

Obviously the convoy outside had been noticed by the people inside.A few people came out of an ice cave and greeted Yanu and the others with smiles. When they saw Wang Xiaotian and his party, surprise flashed across their faces.

"Teacher Xu, why are you here!" The middle-aged man in the lead was an acquaintance, and he was the partner who flew over together. Wang Xiaotian still remembered that his name was Zhou Tong.

"Hehe, it's a long story. We went to Yanu's village as guests. We stopped by to see you." Xu Yan briefly talked about the four people's itinerary for the past few days, which made Zhou Tong feel relieved and said with a smile: "It turns out that the North Pole is vast and sparsely populated. You can't be brave enough to go alone. It just so happens that we're going back to the base tomorrow for a large-scale test. Then you can go back with us."

Xu Yan was overjoyed when she heard this.This is the best way, she said with a smile: "Then our purpose today is to visit this beautiful iceberg."

Yanu and others carried the food into the cave and said goodbye to Wang Xiaotian and others.In this world, any life.You have to be busy in order to be alive.

Thinking that they might not have any contact with the village again, the young people felt a little bit emotional, but soon this feeling turned into curiosity, because everything around them made them curious.

Obviously, this is the inside of the iceberg, the temperature is much colder than the outside, but it is within the acceptable range, the huge space, the flux illuminated by the lighting system, many things piled up randomly around, a clean corner , and there are seven or eight sleeping bags, obviously this seems to be a hall that integrates rest, meals, meetings and even reception.

On the other side, there is a deep passage. Obviously, the place where Professor Cui works is in the depths there.

"You can visit as you please. Professor Cui and the others may not come out until noon." Zhou Tong greeted everyone, and after introducing the surrounding facilities, he also left in a hurry with a few companions.

"It seems that Professor Cui's research has made a breakthrough." Xu Yan looked at their hurried figures and said thoughtfully. They are too lazy to come out, and they will be reluctant to leave only when there are signs of research.

"This place is not bad." Wang Xiaotian sized it up, but nodded. He found that this place seemed to be very suitable for him to get rid of his inner demons. After standing for a while, his heart became much calmer.

He turned around the cave wall, his face became weirder the more he looked at it. At first glance, this space seemed to be formed naturally, but after turning around, he found that there were artificial traces here, just because of this kind of space. The traces have existed for too long, and they have become extremely natural.

Even if it is him, if you don't observe carefully, it will be difficult to find out.

No wonder Professor Cui and their research will make some progress. It seems that there are indeed some tricks here. Of course, these have nothing to do with him. What surprised him is that the effect of cultivation here is really not stronger than that of the outside world. This trip to the North Pole , the time is only about ten days, and now half of it has passed, but his goal is still not achieved, this is a good place.

"I want to take a break, don't run around." Wang Xiaotian warned, leaning his back against the cave wall, crossing his legs and closing his eyes, he just meditated like this.

Xu Qing wanted to say something, but Zuo Wei stopped her and shook her head.

"There are icebergs outside, let's go out to take pictures." Xu Yan glanced at him and said in a low voice, the three girls went out quietly, leaving Wang Xiaotian alone to appreciate the pure atmosphere.

The eternal iceberg seems to be silently attracting him, and it keeps deepening. His world is completely white, and a faint mist rises, slowly surging, and then scattered in all directions following his thoughts. When it opened, it was like a huge net that was completely opened, catching and killing the most primitive evil thoughts of human beings

Ice Hell Suppresses Demons!

Wang Xiaotian, who was wandering in the air, suddenly opened his eyes and locked them tightly, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood gushed out when he opened his mouth.

The strange thing is that the dark red blood sprayed on the crystal clear mountain wall was quickly absorbed, as if it had never appeared before, very strange.

"Damn it, this isn't...that ghostly place!" Even though Wang Xiaotian was used to the wind and waves, he couldn't help but yell, his eyes were full of surprise, but soon he curled his lips, "Unfortunately, it's been so long, Those old devils have long since died under the purest power in the world."

The epiphany just now made him read some information from the iceberg. This place used to be a prison, where the heinous big devil in the cultivation world was imprisoned. It is a veritable prison.

"Damn, I'm pure!" The sudden suction force made Wang Xiaotian's face change drastically, and he quickly returned to the fantasy state. (To be continued..)

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