
Chapter 123, the last remnant

As Xiaotian guessed, the mental intelligence of this ten thousand year ice prison is not much better than that of a newborn baby. After adding four new prisoners, his mood improved a lot, and the violent suicide behavior also subsided. After going, the vibration lasted for less than 10 minutes before dissipating.

From the perspective of the outside world, it was a sudden strong earthquake erupting from the continuous iceberg group, which caused hundreds of thousands of tons of ice to fall, and then there was no sound. Numerous scientific research teams have come.

At the core of the ice prison, in front of thousands of years of thick ice, Xiang Xiaotian placed his palm on the cold barrier, closed his eyes, and walked aimlessly. There are joys and sorrows.

The good news is that the strength of this prison is directly proportional to the prisoner's evil thoughts, that is to say, the more evil the person is, the stronger the suppression here will be, and the four of Wang Xiaotian, their evil thoughts It can be said that there are almost no three daughters, and the spirit girl possesses the beauty of heaven and earth, and has few distracting thoughts, let alone the magical thoughts that can make people crazy.

As for Wang Xiaotian, his original purpose of coming to the North Pole was to dispel the evil thoughts in his heart and make perfect preparations for crossing the Golden Core. Under it, it has also become extremely weak, he can completely suppress it, and he is confident that he can completely remove it here.

At that time, the pressure of this ice prison will be reduced to the minimum, and they have every chance to escape.

But the sad thing is, based on his estimation of this cage, even if the demon-suppressing power is completely removed, with his current strength, he still doesn't have enough power to break through and escape to heaven!

Unless he uses the power of the golden core to force him... That is to say, even if he gets rid of the evil thoughts, he still needs to have the power of the golden core to escape successfully. , if yin and yang can intersect.There is also a [-]% to [-]% certainty of hitting the golden core.

But here, the Demon-Suppressing Ice Prison has intercourse with people in order to rush out, this is the magic idea!

At that time, the power of suppressing magic will also increase, and even Nascent Soul will not be able to escape from birth. The reality before Wang Xiaotian is a naked endless loop.

Of course, there are other ways, such as finding out the wisdom in the ice prison, communicating with each other, and maybe spit out a few of myself, but judging from the performance of this kid before.The odds are slim.

Unwilling to turn around, Wang Xiaotian was even more depressed, because he found that in his current state, he didn't even have the qualifications to communicate with the spirit of the ice prison, and he couldn't find it at all!

Returning to the ice bed with depression, the surroundings are already pitch black, even darker than when we first entered, and it is conceivable that the outside world is already nightfall.This place is made of thousands of years of ice, and the external environment will be reflected back in full.

"Xiaotian, is that you?" Xu Qing's voice immediately rang out eagerly upon hearing the sound of small footsteps.He walked over quickly, and grabbed his arm with both hands in a hurry, and the strength came, so that he had to sit along the already crowded ice bed.

He sat down.Immediately, I felt the bodies of the two people around me shrank slightly, but even so, in such a narrow space.The four still had unavoidable physical contact.

"The ones imprisoned here are not people, but the demons in everyone's hearts, so... don't think about it." Wang Xiaotian's last word was already a sound wave with a little spiritual energy, shaking the three blushing women out of their reverie.

"It's so scary." After waking up, the faces of the three women were a little pale. Just now, they had only had a little thought about men and women, and they all had that kind of hallucination that made people intoxicated.

"You were recruited just now, what happened?" Wang Xiaotian asked with concern, this place looks calm, but it is actually dangerous everywhere, especially the people with evil thoughts in Xinduo, it is a real hell.

"I won't tell you!" Xu Qing was the first to spit, blushing, Xu Yan was blushing and didn't say a word, but Zuo Wei took out the notebook, and the dim light reflected the outlines of the four people, She moved the mouse quietly, and turned the screen to everyone in a short while.

"According to the memo I downloaded in advance, starting from today, the next three days will be polar night." Zuo Wei's voice was flat, but she announced the cruel reality to everyone that they would spend three days in darkness.

What is this concept?Some people experimented that normal human beings cannot stay alone in an environment with only darkness for more than 24 hours, and obviously four people staying motionless in the dark for three days is also a terrifying thing.

"Three days..." The three girls all looked at Wang Xiaotian. Under such circumstances, Wang Xiaotian was the only one they could entrust.

"Wang Xiaotian, tell me, is there a way for us to go out?" Xu Yan's voice trembled.

Wang Xiaotian was silent, and after a while he said: "There is a solution, but it is very complicated. I will prepare for the first step first. If it succeeds, we will discuss the next step."

Xu Yan and Xu Qing all looked happy, Wang Xiaotian really had a way, but Zuo Wei, who was more familiar with him, frowned slightly, she always felt that it would not be that simple, otherwise he wouldn't just leave After a long time, I didn't see any joy when I came back.

Wang Xiaotian patted Xu Qing's little hand, jumped off the bed, pointed at the ice bed and said with a smile: "Its power is enough to keep you from eating for ten and a half months. I will meditate by the bed. If you don't wake up for a day, you won't be allowed to get off the bed for a day." Bed, can it be done?"

In addition to maintaining survival, the ice bed is also a fetish to get rid of distracting thoughts. Naturally, Wang Xiaotian would not allow them to come down, and after admonishing them, he also sat down cross-legged on the spot, leaning against the ice bed, and his consciousness began to spread all over the sky. To strangle the last demon in this ice prison.

The three girls behind them looked at each other through the dim light of the computer, nodded each other, and then lay down on the bed. The greatest support they could give Wang Xiaotian was to wait silently.

The first night was spent in this kind of silence.

The next day, the sky was still dark and I didn't know the time. Xu Qing screamed and sat up suddenly. Xu Yan got up quickly, patted her on the back, and comforted her repeatedly: "Xiaoqing is fine, but the laptop is out of battery."

Zuo Wei never left her body, and her notebook, which was able to persist for a day and a night, finally couldn't persist, and fell into darkness. With the darkness, and everything around her, only the faint matte light on the ice bed could make the three of them sleep. The woman saw a motionless figure in front of the ice bed, but Wang Xiaotian still didn't wake up.

"He seems to be in pain..." Xu Yan's eyes flickered, and she didn't dare to look at the side face. Xu Qing nestled in her arms and pursed her mouth, as if suppressing herself to keep silent.

Zuo Wei also had shock and distress on her face. She had never seen him show such an expression before. His face had been distorted to the extreme. It was an unbearable pain.

"There is something I want to tell you. Maybe he won't say it, but what you want to hear..." Zuo Wei suddenly looked at the Xu family sisters in front of her, her face full of solemnity.

Xu Yan's heart tightened, and she subconsciously refused to listen to this matter, but she opened her mouth and said, "You, say..."


The three sleepless women communicated quietly. Wang Xiaotian, who was next door, didn't hear a single word. Now he has reached a critical moment. The endless chill has completely baptized his spirit. Some of the dark thoughts that are touched in the secular world are gone with the eternal ice.

Now he can calmly face life and death in this world, poverty and injustice, he can be angry at will, and he can also be calm. He is just him, not a person who is involved in emotions.

If the heart moves, move.

What he is facing now is a demon that he has never faced on purpose. It is a woman, a woman named Ning Susu.

And this woman, her figure, stood quietly on the passageway ahead of him, with a green radish dress, a light yellow waist, and a simple and well-fitting dress wrapped around her body. In that era, this was an ordinary dress that could no longer be simple. up.

But she is her, her non-human temperament, her intoxicating appearance without a smile, make the whole world, the whole space no longer ordinary, because countless people will remember everything, for It's just this woman who once stood here.

She is a saintly girl of Tianshan Mountain, her words and smiles can touch the hearts of all young men in the comprehension world, but unfortunately she is lonely and holy, until one day, a guy named Yu Nu Patriarch, Be careful to see her...

With the power of one person, he severely injured the three current masters and forcibly captured them. The two of them stood in a stalemate for a thousand years amidst cold eyes and rudeness. He was extremely eager to melt this iceberg, but she remained forever.

Until one day, in the world where thousands of thunders exploded, she silently helped him block a thunderstorm, and then disappeared into his world.

"Wang Xiaotian, as I said, you are just a bastard." This sentence was the first time the two met, and it was still the same sentence when the two said goodbye.

As soon as Ning Susu left, Wang Xiaotian didn't even notice it himself, a magical thought was hidden in his heart forever, even after a thousand years of hard work, he still couldn't get rid of it.

Wang Xiaotian stared at the light and shadow in front of him, his face distorted for a while, if he wanted to successfully move towards the true inaction, he had to destroy this inner demon with his own hands.

This is so cruel.

After thousands of years of getting along, only two people know that he really loves this woman, one is Yamano Lily, and the other is himself.

"I'm sorry, for them, I'm sorry for you again..." Wang Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and walked towards the light and shadow like a real person step by step. This kind of remnant can be easily destroyed by his mind, but he is reluctant, he wants to take another look , but the final result is still the same, he will personally break the remnant, because there are three panicked women waiting for him outside.

Light touch, warm feeling, at that moment, Wang Xiaotian even had a permanent impulse, but in the end, a strong light burst out from his hand, and then the huge light curtain shattered and annihilated.

"I don't think I've seen this woman before..." (to be continued...)

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