romantic flower

Chapter 199 Life and Death 1 Wandering!

() It is often said that if a flower blooms on the other side, then naturally there will be a flower that will thank you!

Qingyan is not a scheming woman, but in the days when Song Yi and Xu Chang disappeared together, her figure began to frequently enter and leave between the Song Mansion and Xu Mansion, and Fuyao followed her every step of the way, and then looked at her Gradually became thinner and haggard, and watched her gradually become stronger.

She was sadder than anyone, but seemed calmer than anyone.The game hall began to be redecorated under Zhanpeng's busy schedule, so Qingyan was busy checking the progress of the game hall, and went to the government to inquire about the search results, and also contacted Yu Xiaoyue to let Yutou Zhang While continuing to search.As for the Xu Mansion, which has lost its backbone, people will come to the Song Mansion to inquire about every detail!When she is free, Qingyan will accompany Fuyao to wander around the city in person. Although she knows that it is meaningless to do so, she still hopes to do more...

Fuyao doesn't understand the meaning of her wandering around, and she can't understand the anxiety of a woman who is about to become a mother when her husband disappears, but she can see that Qingyan is very dedicated to maintaining life when Song Yi is not around, and is also working hard He was looking for Song Yi, so Fuyao really had no complaints, and even moved to Qingyan's room to sleep with her at night.

It's snowing.

Whether it is Yutou Zhang or the government, the search efforts have been much weaker.Even if the government lord received money to do the work; Yutou Zhang took the lead in the search, because the weather was very cold, many people were no longer willing to act after going out, but found a place to hide and spend time.

It cannot be said that these people are lazy, but because many days have passed, not to mention the traces of Song Yi and Xu Chang, and even the group of people who set the fire that night, except for the people who were fighting with Zhan Peng and other game halls Except for the person who was killed, the rest of the people seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news from the bird.

The government and Yutou Zhang tortured all the rogues in Yangzhou City one after another, and confirmed that the rogues in the city were not the ones who did it, and no suspicious outsiders were found in the city, so they fell into an unsolvable dilemma.

Song Yi and Xu Chang are still in trouble.

But suddenly, a terrified exclamation sounded in the darkness. Xu Chang woke up from the nightmare. She woke up from the horrified dream in a cold sweat. In the darkness, the outstretched hand grasped a piece of air.

"It turned out to be a nightmare..." Xu Chang panted heavily in shock, then suddenly remembered where he was, and immediately reached out to touch the side, and sure enough, he touched a person's body.

"Song Yi!" Xu Chang touched Song Yi's face, and she patted his face lightly and shouted.

no response...

Song Yi is still dreaming, and the other shore in the dream is blooming.Song Yi saw that the flowers on the other side were blooming, but what he was stepping on was actually the same flower.

The flowers are beautiful, but Song Yi couldn't recognize the name of this kind of flower. He looked at a flower blooming very coquettishly on the other side separated by a black river. He started to reach out and touch it, but found that the flower under his feet started Withered, then turned into a pool of blood...

He was terrified, and then found that the flowers under his feet turned into Qingyan's crying face, and the flowers on the opposite side were smiling...

The laughter was piercing and sarcastic, as if he had heard some kind of voice before, Song Yi bent down to hold the withered flower, and wanted to touch Qingyan's crying face, but suddenly everything disappeared...

He couldn't get out of the body, and the moment he bent down, a pain from exhaustion hit him, and then he lay a pool of blood.


Xu Chang patted Song Yi's face but there was no response. She became panicked, and then smelled the dry smell of blood lingering in the air. It seemed that the smell permeated her whole body. Too big to even gag.

Xu Chang reached out her hands to feel Song Yi's body in the dark, and felt that his body was icy cold, and there were ropes binding him everywhere.

Song Yi's cold body is like a stiff mummy!This feeling made Xu Chang tremble in horror, and then she stretched out her finger and put it on Song Yi's nose...

Her delicate body trembled, and then her eyes suddenly widened in the darkness, full of horror.

Xu Chang uttered a scream, then sat limply on the ground and moved back.

" can you die?" Xu Chang didn't retreat too far, her body became limp from fright, she whispered in disbelief.

Even if she was afraid, she became numb due to no response and prolonged trembling. After all, Xu Chang was a woman who had seen big scenes. She suddenly calmed down, and then crawled towards Song Yi's body.

She put her hand on Song Yi's nose again, still not breathing...

She cannot accept this fact.She began to think of a way to untie Song Yi's rope, but found that the rope was too tight, as if it had been trapped in Song Yi's body muscles.She tried so hard but couldn't untie it...

Only Xu Chang's heavy breathing was left in the darkness. She couldn't see how miserable she was at the moment, her clothes were messed up, her black hair was like a mess of firewood, and the corners of her mouth and her dehydrated face were all dry. blood stains.If she saw her own appearance, she might feel that she was more like a ghost.

Xu Chang rested for a while, because her body started to feel hot after exercising for a while, and her blood vessels gradually became more active. She groped to stand up from the ground, and then groped in the dead silence of Hei Wu, trying to find something that could untie Song Yi's body. The rope thing...

No, nothing.

She walked in the darkness with great fear, but found that she was walking in a barren void, with nothing, and suddenly her hand touched something.

When Xu Chang suddenly touched the soft object, she flinched in horror, then trembled alone for a while, then stretched out her hand to touch it again!

Soft, murmuring... like a sack, which seems to be filled with cotton or other soft objects.

Xu Chang's hope that had just risen suddenly fell, because cotton is useless, what she wants to do now is to untie the rope on Song Yi's body, there must be something hard...

Xu Chang searched for a while, and found many things like sacks in the dark, but did not find any hard objects, not even tables, chairs, etc. It was hard for her to imagine that she was in this moment. What kind of place is it.

She fumbled back, trying to use her teeth to bite off the rope on Song Yi's body.It's just a stupid way for her to do this, but there is always a possibility to untie it before her strength runs out.

Suddenly, her shoes kicked something in the dark, and there was a light crash, and then the object slipped to an unknown place.

Xu Chang's lifeless eyes suddenly lit up in the darkness, and then she lay on the ground, arching her upturned buttocks and groping meticulously like a bitch in the darkness.

If someone could see her at this moment, even if she was in such a desperate state at the moment, they would definitely feel that it was such a tempting scene.

Xu Chang didn't have time to think about those things. She groped in the dark with her tender hands, not letting go of a piece of ground, because she knew that as long as she spared an inch of ground, it was very likely that she would pass by that thing, and then It takes a lot of effort to find it.

She doesn't have much strength anymore, so she would rather use the most stupid way to find it than miss it even more stupidly.

She guessed it was a tile or something, so she had no reason to give up!Even if Song Yi is dead, she can't watch him dead and tied up, she doesn't want him to be the kind of mummy he said...

In despair and loneliness, people often burst out with greater courage than at any time in life, so Xu Chang groped alone in the dark.

When her fingertips finally touched the hard object, she actually let out a strange laugh.It has to be said that laughing with her current voice is like a night owl in the wilderness, which is harsh and unpleasant, even terrifying.But Xu Chang finally determined that what she touched was a tile, and the tile fell from nowhere, but Xu Chang didn't care about it, and she quickly crawled to Song Yi's side.

Then he began to hold a piece of tile vigorously and cut it on the rope on Song Yi's body.

The tiles are blunt, the cords are strong, and there are many.Xu Chang's strength was not very strong, and she had been weak for a long time, and her strength was even weaker, but she was doing this unswervingly.So when the first rope was cut, she even felt moved and wanted to cry.

She wiped the sweat off her brow and started cutting the second, then the third...

Her remaining strength was draining, she was dizzy from hunger, and she didn't know how many ropes she had cut, and finally she couldn't help but passed out again, and fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion...

Xu Chang fell asleep, she was not too afraid of death, or she was exhausted and had no strength to fear, she had some regrets that Song Yi could not enjoy peace after death!

But what she didn't know was that if she used her finger to put Song Yi's nose in the process of cutting the rope, she would feel Song Yi's breath, which was faint but even.


Song Yi woke up from the darkness, and the moment he opened his eyes, it was still dark.But after a short while, Song Yi became ecstatic, he found that his body could move, and then he called Xu Chang's name, but there was no response.

I don't know what happened, but since Song Yi can move his body, he will not give up this opportunity.He moved his hand and found that it could move.Then he reached out and touched his body. All four limbs were still there, but the legs were still tied with ropes.

Song Yi started to untie the rope on his body. He knew where the rope was loose and where it was tight, so although he couldn't see it, he still quickly untied the rope all over his body...

Zi you.

After wandering around life and death, I finally regained my freedom!

. .

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