romantic flower

Chapter 266 One night in the palace!

In the palace, the Seventh Prince asked Song Yiru.

Song Yi spent a few seconds thinking about it, and then calmly replied, "For me, the officialdom is indeed a scourge! You know, being able to live a stable and happy life is the pursuit of people like me, and I happen to be I am very content with living this kind of life! So I don’t want to live a life of endless struggles in the officialdom because of chasing fame and fortune!”

The Seventh Prince smiled and understood Song Yi's explanation.

The two of them were in the yard, looking at the half moon in the sky, the Seventh Prince suddenly sighed slightly and said to the bright moon in the sky, "I envy you that you can live the life you want, but people like me can only live the life you want." Seeing the sky and the night here many times, I feel that in my life, even the sky is the same, let alone life?"

The Seventh Prince's sigh sounded a bit sad, but to Song Yi, it was just the commonality of all the high-ranking people.People like the Seventh Prince have all the glory and wealth, and all they yearn for is freedom.But the more noble the person, the rarer is the most useful freedom in the eyes of ordinary people

Freedom is a cheap thing for some, but it is also the most expensive thing for some.

Because the Seventh Prince seldom has anyone to talk to in the palace, even Zuo Qianqian, Ning Fan and those friends who are extremely close and have a prominent background cannot stay in the palace.It seems that the Seventh Prince leaves the palace more freely than many people, but in fact, the number of times the Seventh Prince leaves the palace in a year can also be counted!It is undoubtedly a very interesting thing to have someone who can talk with me in this very interesting palace wall at this moment.

Of course, there is still one person in the whole palace who can go in and out of any occasion at will and who often comes to talk with the Seventh Prince.That person is the little princess Zhao Jingxue.

As we talked, it was getting late before we knew it, and the Seventh Prince was getting more and more excited, and Song Yi didn't know [

Jue and the Seventh Prince talked about some ways of governing the country

Judging from Song Yi's status, he is just the kind of person who talks on paper no matter what.But Song Yi's experience is far from the kind that human beings can imagine, which directly makes the Seventh Prince fall into a kind of shock and confusion.

In the imperial palace, no one but Zhao Kuangyin dared to speak out about political affairs.But it just so happens that this situation is a bit special in the other courtyard of the Seventh Prince.Because the seventh prince is now helping Zhao Kuangyin to deal with the disaster relief in the south, and Song Yi is someone who has no taboo against these people!The Seventh Prince regards him as a friend, so he also regards the Seventh Prince as a friend, so what he talks about is naturally scruples

Speaking of the rise, the seventh prince took Song Yi into the study and showed Song Yi the disaster books in the south. After reading it, Song Yi would always say some disaster relief methods!And the methods Song Yi said are the most effective methods used in the world he once lived in.So the Seventh Prince fell into complete shock throughout the night.

Unknowingly, the scene in the study changed to Song Yi sitting on a chair, flipping through the booklets and expressing his opinions, while the Seventh Prince was either standing or kneeling with a pen in his hands recorded

Time flies so fast, the huge red candle unknowingly shed tears for half the night, the night gradually turned into dawn

Song Yi didn't know when he fell asleep on the desk, and the Seventh Prince finally recorded all Song Yi's words that night, and when he woke up from the shock, he found that Song Yi had already fallen asleep. He fell asleep on the desk exhausted.

The Seventh Prince looked at Song Yi who was close at hand with complicated eyes, got up and took a precious blanket to cover Song Yi, and then stared at Song Yi's face with the light and the things he recorded that night Things are repeatedly tangled, thinking

After a long time, a white belly rose from the sky.The Seventh Prince murmured, "Father and General Yue still have the right vision, Mr. is indeed talented enough to rule the country, but hey!"

I don't know how many twists and turns are mixed in this sigh, even the Seventh Prince himself doesn't know how much complexity is hidden in his sigh.

Song Yi didn't know how long he slept before waking up. When he woke up, he found that there was an extra blanket on his body, and all the objects on the desk were gone. This made Song Yi unable to remember how much he said last night. .

When I got up, I found that my neck was slightly sore. It seemed that I had a stiff neck due to my poor sleeping position!He just opened the door of the study and walked out, only to find that the eunuch who had been waiting for a long time bowed deeply to Song Yi with a respectful expression and led Song Yi to eat!It's strange that Song Yi didn't see the Seventh Prince

Song Yi asked the eunuch who was serving him, and the eunuch said that the seventh prince left the other courtyard at dawn, and he didn't know where he went, but the seventh prince told him to take good care of him and wait for the seventh prince to come back

Song Yi knew that the eunuch's knowledge was limited, so after eating quietly, he went to the backyard where the seventh prince took him to swim last night to exercise.

The eunuchs looked at Song Yi from afar as he punched vigorously in the backyard, and their eyes were full of surprise.These people may only serve one master in their life, and these little eunuchs in the Seventh Prince's other courtyard are dedicated to serving the Seventh Prince's eunuchs. They don't often go to other palaces, and only go to pass messages on some special occasions. .The Seventh Prince is the kind of extremely gentle person, and where can you find a masculine person in the palace, seeing Song Yi's mighty posture at this moment, these eunuchs all have a sense of novelty [

Song Yi really didn't know that he was just punching, why all the eunuchs stared at him like a juggler, making goose bumps all over his body.Imagining that some books had written about eunuchs' special hobbies, Song Yi couldn't help walking away with a chill down his spine, who knew that these eunuchs had been following closely.

The closer the eunuchs followed, the more terrified Song Yi became.He didn't know that these eunuchs wanted to serve him well, but also wanted to prevent Song Yi from going to the wrong courtyard.If he accidentally slipped into the garden of some court lady or concubine, the Seventh Prince would be in bad luck too

While Song Yi was playing a game of 'hide-and-seek' with a group of eunuchs, Zhao Kuangyin, who had retired from the court, was looking at a pile of processed papers brought by the Seventh Prince in the Imperial Study Room, while the Seventh Prince was sitting respectfully on the chair below .Looking at Zhao Kuangyin's reaction with a tired but radiant look

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