romantic flower

Chapter 357 Beyond the law!

Although these Koreans were shocked by many things, their living customs are not much different from those of Song Yi and others.

In Korea, the real culture is actually the culture of the Han family. They mainly eat rice, and the tableware they use is also chopsticks. However, their porcelain bowls are not as exquisite as those in Dazhao, and they are very rough and simple. Even when he saw the patterns on a bowl while eating, Wang Shu couldn't help being amazed for a long time...

As soon as Wang Kui arrived in Youzhou, he was busy. He got into a house and never came out again. Even the lunch was brought in by soldiers!So Wang Shu and several Koreans were handed over to Song Yi and Wu Jian to guard, while Uncle Zhong went to inquire about the news.

"Hey... don't look around, this will make the city defense soldiers feel uncomfortable!" Song Yi reminded Wang Shu.

"Oh..." Wang Shu withdrew his gaze, and then looked at the small restaurant where he was.

Restaurants have always existed in Youzhou. No matter how fierce the war is, there are always some existences that cannot be destroyed, such as restaurants.

Song Yi got Wang Kui's special care so he didn't have to eat in the barracks or live in the barracks. The first reason was that several Koreans couldn't live in the barracks and needed guards. The second was because Wang Kui was taking care of Song Yi. Most of the reasons are still on the face of Mrs. Yue.

At this time, the area of ​​the small restaurant where several people are located is located in the east of Youzhou City. This side is a rare place in Youzhou City that does not look too dilapidated. There are many residents living here. Although there are not many hawkers who sell goods, they still maintain the life that a city should have.

The sixteen prefectures of Yanyun experience wars every year, especially Youzhou!Today it may be the troops of the Great Zhao stationed in the city, and tomorrow it may be the Liao people or Jin people entering the city. The ordinary people are basically miserable, but some people can understand the languages ​​​​of several countries because of this. Even if several countries are at war, they can survive and maintain some small businesses.

"Why can't you stay in the barracks?" Wang Shu asked.

Song Yi looked at the monkey on the thin-faced man's shoulder, and subconsciously replied, "The military camp is not for anyone to live in..."

"Aren't you a soldier of the Mighty Army? Why can't you stay?" Wang Shu asked in surprise.

Song Yi didn't bother to answer her question, but pointed to the monkey and asked, "Do you have monkeys in Korea?"

The thin-faced man replied coldly, "This is a wounded monkey we met when we were fleeing on the mountain. It was rescued by killing a wolf..."

"Oh! It's so far from Goryeo to Dazhao, did the five of you encounter any accidents along the way?" Song Yi asked curiously.

"More than 30 people died on the road..." Wang Shu said with a slightly low mood.

Song Yi was stunned for a moment, he never asked about this, and these people didn't mention it, so it's not easy to know these people at this moment!Thinking of Wang Shu going to ask Zhao Ze for help, Song Yi didn't know whether to bless them or sympathize with them...

"You guys, it's probably impossible to convince King Kang. I advise you to make other preparations!" Song Yi shook his head and sighed.

"No...he will help us." Wang Shu shook his head and said, with incomprehensible confidence on his face.

Song Yi looked at this handsome Korean woman, sighed helplessly, and did not argue with her, but took a few peanuts to tease the skinny monkey...

At night, Liu Chen brought several people from Qingmu Village to see Song Yi.

As soon as they met, the eyes of those elders were red, and with a sound of 'dong', one of them knelt down, and Song Yi hurriedly helped him up. He knew this person was the most honest person on the mountain before, his name was Wang Dazhong.

"Why did you kneel down? Tell me about the situation..." Song Yi also said a little excitedly.

Only then was Wang Dazhong sobbing, and he talked about the battle outside Shimen Pass that day, until the hundreds of people died in Qingmu Village, only a few dozen remained, Niu Mang was seriously injured, Feng Qingting died in battle, and one of Wang Dazhong's brother-in-law also died. Died in battle...before he could say anything, he was sobbing uncontrollably.

An old man, sobbing and crying is easy to move people's hearts. Hearing the tragic scene, Song Yi couldn't help but feel a little compassionate. He asked where the rest of the people were going, and only then did he know that he was in the Fengqingting battle. Before he died, he was enlisted in the military for those people!

After that battle, some of those people were scattered and put into various battalions, most of them were put into Feng Qingting's original subordinate battalion, but a small number were sent by Zhao Ze to do some insignificant tasks, such as escorting Food and grass spy news...

When Wang Dazhong said it, he felt very aggrieved, most of it was because Kang Wang not only did not reward the surviving brothers in Qingmu Village after that battle, but even those who died were buried hastily, which made the remaining The people below were very angry, but they had nowhere to vent. When Wang Dazhong saw Song Yi, he naturally said everything like mung beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

Song Yi had already guessed that this would be the case!When the capital could not receive any news about the specific people in Qingmu Village, Song Yi knew that Zhao Ze had intentionally covered up the achievements of these people, and only praised Feng Qingting!

And under such circumstances, anyone would focus on Feng Qingting's death in battle, and who would care about the lives of hundreds of people, not to mention Zhao Ze covering the sky with one hand!

"Don't be sad. Those brothers who died are all heroes. They died for the people and land of the Great Zhao Kingdom, which is more important than Mount Tai... No one can cover up their achievements, and neither can King Kang! You and everyone around you People, go find out where the other surviving people are, as well as Niu Mang...I want to know if they are all right now!" Song Yi said.

Wang Dazhong nodded quickly and said yes, and then he got up and left the restaurant after some comfort from Song Yi, and went back to his barracks.

After everyone dispersed, only Wu Jian was left beside Song Yi.

"You came for them..."


"But... what can you do? They have military positions now, you can't take them away without authorization; Kang Wang doesn't want them to be famous, what can you do?" Wu Jian said with a frown, slightly worried in his heart.

"Who said I can't take them away?" Song Yi said with a sneer, "I will definitely take them away!"

Wu Jian hesitated to speak, seeing that Song Yi's expression was not very good, he still didn't speak any more after all.

The next day, Uncle Zhong came to tell Song Yi that Ruzhou was in a stalemate with a part of the Jin people, and the war was about to break out. Wang Kui was busy dispatching, and I am afraid there was no time to arrange Song Yi, but Wang Kui sent a message Tell Song Yi that within Wang Kui's purview, if he has any ideas or things he wants to do, he can try his best to do it... There are also some other information, some of which are about Zhao Ze's affairs.

Song Yi heard it, his expression didn't change, he just asked, "If war breaks out, can Ruzhou stop it?"

Uncle Zhong replied with a slightly surprised expression, "It's hard to say, Ruzhou has heavy troops, but Hancheng has generals, and the position of Jinren is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Our army has enough food and grass. The truth... is foolproof!"

"But Wang Kui is still busy, isn't he just worried about the fall of Ruzhou?" Song Yi asked.

"The Mighty Army is almost never used by Zhao Ze, and they are even deliberately placed behind the front line of Confucian Prefecture, so the generals of the Mighty Army are doing things to plan for a rainy day. This is the nature of soldiers!" Uncle Zhong said.

"Uncle have been with General Yue for so long, what would you say if it was General Yue who was in Confucian State at this time?" Song Yi asked curiously.

Uncle Zhong frowned and thought for a long time, and then he said with some uncertainty, "Five thousand Qingqi, go straight to the Jin Army's camp."

Song Yi thought for a while, and then sighed, "With General Yue's ability, only a few thousand horses can launch an offensive. Zhao Ze and Han Cheng have more than [-] horses, what are you waiting for?"

"They are waiting, nothing will go wrong..." Uncle Zhong said helplessly.

Song Yi stopped talking, he knew that Uncle Zhong had already begun to feel that Ruzhou was about to miscalculate again.

The battlefield is like this, you don’t attack when you have an absolute advantage, and you want to be safe... Nothing is perfect in this world, especially war, which is a chance between blood and life and death!And Zhao Ze will only consume all the original advantages while waiting, and the final variable will always be much worse than the ending of the attack at this time...

"Young Master Song, this battle is beyond your control. Just tell this old slave what you want to do, and I will do it!" Uncle Zhong suddenly said solemnly.

"Uncle Zhong, can you still lead soldiers?" Song Yi asked.

"Yes, why not? As long as I die!" Uncle Zhong said with a stretched brow, looking forward to it.

"General Wang Kui definitely didn't let me stay in the barracks just to take care of me, so we should do something... I need a free army, and I also need a veteran who can lead the army. Uncle Zhong, you are willing to help me Is it?" Song Yi said solemnly.

Uncle Zhong was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Where did the soldiers come from?"

He naturally knew that it was absolutely impossible for the mighty army to be used by Song Yi with seconded troops, so he wondered what Song Yi could do?Where does Song Yi have soldiers and horses?

"Did you forget? General Feng left us a grain and grass soldier, and at this time all the food and grass have been transported to Youzhou, and at least half of the grain and grass soldiers will be on standby temporarily, because their last general was Feng Qingting... "Song Yi said solemnly.

Uncle Zhong's body trembled, and he asked in surprise, "The army has its own rules, how could it be possible that the grain and grass soldiers can use it for you without permission?"

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