romantic flower

Chapter 370 Lonely Youzhou is cold!

In the city after dawn, some business is still going on.

Some people in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun grow vegetables and sell them to passing soldiers, no matter Jin people or Dazhao people.Although most of the people in Youzhou City are Dazhao people, in fact, there are still some poor men who took the golden women's wives, and some Jin people who don't like fighting have settled in Youzhou City.

Because this is the north, although wars have been raging for years, in fact, no matter who come or go, there will be some people left alive. After all, there are not many tragic things like massacres.

The most tenacious ordinary people are like the tyrant grass in the snow, even if the rhizome is torn off, as long as there is still a part of it in the soil, it will grow when it sees the wind.

Maybe there are soldiers and fierce generals in some places, but there are not many in Youzhou, so many people can support their families even if they only plant a small piece of land.

In addition to the need to hide in the war, in fact, these immobile people in the city at this time can be regarded as the reason why the city was deliberately left behind to prevent the city from becoming a deserted city.

No matter who is the victor, he will not hope to get an empty city, nor will he hope that he will not get supplies after arriving in a city.

Vegetables in the north grow luxuriantly. After all, they grow in a harsh environment. The vegetables freshly pulled out of the ground are twice as large as those in the south.

But Song Yi really didn't have much time to pay attention to the size of these dishes at this time, he was busy with stall by stall, asking each person one by one...

Doing the same thing, there are Zhou Bangyan, Wu Jian, and some miscellaneous soldiers and cooks that Song Yi can mobilize who are still stationed in Youzhou City...

A river affects Song Yi's views on war.

After experiencing inquiries from hundreds of people, dry mouth and various difficulties in not understanding the dialect, around noon when Song Yi was about to give up, Zhou Bangyan showed a young man with an ecstatic expression on his face Song Yi was found.

"This man said he knew where the river leads to!" Zhou Bangyan said excitedly.

Song Yi looked suspiciously at the young man wearing short sleeves and showing his thick arms and said, "I asked many old people who didn't know how the river went around. How did he know?"

The young man was obviously a little dissatisfied and said, "Last year, a medical practitioner came to Youzhou City. I begged that person to be a teacher, but the person refused, so I followed. She followed the path you mentioned. The river gathers medicine...I know, but...the miracle doctor finally confiscated me as an apprentice, so I walked along the river and went home."

Song Yi didn't pay attention to hear that the miracle doctor in the young man's mouth was her, he just frowned and asked, "What's your name, and how many years have you lived in Youzhou City?"

The young man patted his strong chest and said, "I am from Dazhao. I didn't know who my parents were when I was born. Everyone calls me Sanluozi. I admire you soldiers of the mighty army. If I do meritorious service, can you You can't accept me as a soldier too? I can do anything!"

Song Yi's expression moved slightly. Although there was no trace of sadness in San Luozi's words, Song Yi clearly understood the miserable life experience of this young man, and admired this man's tenacious temperament, so he couldn't help laughing helplessly, "I don't care about accepting you as a soldier, but if you really help us, I can recommend you to General Wang Kui as a scout..."

"What is a scout?" San Luozi didn't seem to have heard of this, but he seemed to vaguely understand what a scout should do.

Zhou Bangyan also looked at Song Yi strangely. There are soldiers in the army who are in charge of scouting, but they have always been called scouts. Is Song Yi fooling San Luozi?

Song Yi didn't know either, his serious promise was almost called a fool in Zhou Bangyan's eyes, but it was clear that the focus now was to let San Luozi draw the towns and regions along the river...

Fortunately, I found a person who knew the river, but in fact, I encountered great difficulties in getting San Luozi to draw a picture. I had to ask an old man in the city to accompany him and explain some place names.

San Luozi has never read a book, and he can't even tell the name of the mountain. In fact, San Luozi doesn't know what the name of some cities is. The local doctor in Zhoucheng for many years helped to explain some.

After all, doctors were the ones who went up mountains and crossed rivers to collect the most medicines. In fact, the doctors at this time were not much different from the geographers of later generations. Perhaps it was these mountain doctors who really knew the mountains and mountains best.

The picture finally came out. Although it was not detailed, Song Yi and Zhou Bangyan gasped at the same time.

Just like what San Luozi said in his words, the area that the river passes through is very dangerous, but what is really dangerous in the eyes of Song Yi and Zhou Bangyan is not the terrain, but the place that the river passes through. . You can go through Confucian state until near Youzhou.


The setting sun reflected warm colors on the dim yellow paper, but the atmosphere in front of the window looked particularly bleak at this time.

"It's here, Liyu Gorge." Zhou Bangyan circled a black spot heavily with a charcoal pencil.

Song Yi looked at that place seriously, frowning tightly.

Luowu Mountain outside Youzhou City is one of the precipitous mountains that run through Juyongguan. Countless rivers and lakes are interspersed in it, but Liyu Gorge is indeed the narrowest gorge among them.

As the name suggests, Liyu Gorge is named after a narrow tributary like Liyukou. The water in the tributary is turbulent. Not many people know where the upper reaches of the river come from.

But Song Yi and Zhou Bangyan came to the conclusion at this time that if Jin Bing wanted to break through, he would definitely choose Liyu Gorge.Just because once the Liyu Gorge exits the mouth of the gorge, it will be a flat plain area, and you can directly cross two mountain passes to get outside the city of Youzhou...

Thinking of this possibility, Zhou Bangyan broke out in a cold sweat.

If the golden soldiers suddenly appeared near Youzhou, they would be able to enter Youzhou as if they were in no man's land, and then seize some of the food and grass stored in Youzhou, and then attack Confucianism from behind at an alarming speed... ..

At that time, the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses guarding outside Confucian State suddenly launched an attack to disrupt the judgment of Confucian State...

The Great Zhao Army must pay a heavy price!

"Now... what should we do?" Zhou Bangyan asked in a cold sweat.

Song Yi was also frowning.

It should be too late to send people to Ruzhou to remind them, but if such a calculation is really the result, then Youzhou will definitely not be able to hold on.

Youzhou couldn't hold on, even if King Kang received such news and was facing a pincer attack, Zhao Ze and Han Cheng really had a solution?

How to do?

At this time, Song Yi also hoped that he could tell Zhou Bangyan what to do...but he really couldn't think of what to do at this time?In particular, if the city of Youzhou is broken, the Jin people can choose to attack Confucian state, and even use the tens of thousands of horses to hold back the Confucian troops, and then drive straight into the hinterland of Zhao after Youzhou...

Could it be that there is another scene of soldiers coming to the capital?

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