romantic flower

Chapter 374 There are so many people, and they are so imposing, they can still talk casually while w

In the military tent, several people had just discussed and finally decided that Wang Kui would lead a team to help Youzhou, but he still had to ask King Kang for instructions.

"Rushing for help at this time may not come in a hurry. If you can't do anything, you should focus on preserving your strength!" Zhuge Qi, who was born with a beautiful beard, urged carefully.

"I'm only worried about whether King Kang will agree to my dispatching troops to leave at this time!" Wang Kui said worriedly.

Several people in the military tent are all generals of the mighty army, they can be regarded as extremely generals under Yue Wu's command.

Zhuge Qi is good at planning, so he said confidently, "King Kang will not allow us to leave, but if you want to leave with the soldiers who transported food and grass, he will naturally have nothing to say! It's just...even if there is 5000 people, but I am worried that it will be too late... You must know that capturing the city is much more difficult than defending it, if the Jin people have already broken the city... 5000 people are powerless against Youzhou!"

"Before, I wish I had delayed coming again!" Wang Kui sighed.

"Delay is naturally bad. No one knows when the golden soldiers on the banks of the Sanggan River will be launched, and how many troops they will follow. If there is a problem with food and grass, it is also a felony! No matter what...the problem is absolutely Can't let King Kang take the conversation by our mighty army!" Zhuge Qi said.

"Oh... I hope there will be a miracle!" Wang Kui still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

A heroic general suddenly sneered, "You and I both know that you need to donate blood in exchange for miracles on the battlefield... I only hate that King Kang doesn't know how to plan, so he wants to put all his troops here , I want to fight to kill the Jinren! Hehe... Now that the situation is like this, I don’t know how King Kang is discussing it again!"

The heroic general is Dong Qian, who is good at changing formations.

When his words came out, everyone was silent and looked worried!


At this time, Kang Wang's army tent was indeed discussing, but there were only two people.

Kang Wang likes that the fewer people know about things, he doesn't like to let too many people know about things, lest he will become a handle in the future, and the other person in the account at this time is naturally Han Cheng.

Han Cheng frowned. In fact, he also advocated allocating 2 people to go to Youzhou to help, but Zhao Ze's doubts were that the source of the news was not credible. There can't be many people, and those people may not be able to turn up big waves... And what he is most worried about is that the news is just fake. The horse immediately attacks...

Zhao Ze believes that the more soldiers and horses in his hands, the more confidence he will have in fighting, so why would he want to send some people to Youzhou!

Han Cheng frowned and said, "There are still people from the mighty army there, I'm afraid someone from the mighty army will come to plead for orders soon..."

"These people have never been used by me, but after all, I still can't mobilize troops privately. If he comes to ask for orders, I must agree?" Zhao Ze said disdainfully.

At this time, half of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun were already in his hands, and he spoke with a lot of confidence. He even thought that Feng Qingting's death was worth half of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun...

"Your Highness! If we offend the Mighty Army in this matter, I'm afraid they will fight passively when the battle begins, and we will be disadvantaged at that time..." Han Cheng said worriedly.

Zhao Ze frowned suddenly, his expression was very displeased, he smashed a cup heavily on the table and cursed angrily, "This group of people are really spoiled by Yue Wu, they all say that soldiers mainly serve the country by obeying orders, but they Have you ever thought of obeying me?"

Han Cheng kept silent. Although he was on Kang Wang's side, he still had admiration for the mighty army!

At this time, some soldiers passed the news outside the tent, and Wang Kui, the mighty army, asked to see him.


Outside the small courtyard in Youzhou City, more and more people finally stood behind Song Yi.Among these people, in fact, they are all relatives, and they have to be together under the influence of relatives and friends.

It is useless to talk about righteousness and morality to a group of people who do not have much national righteousness in their hearts. Fortunately, the small righteousness in these people's hearts and the friendship with the market are more real. In a crowd of more than 1000 people, about 800 people stood behind Song Yi , the remaining hundreds of people were very embarrassed to stand where they were, and they immediately formed a gang and claimed to Song Yi that they were willing to help transport the wine, but they would not participate in the war...

Song Yi agreed with satisfaction.

Then, an extremely messy group of people started to take advantage of the night to head for the Liyu Gorge outside the Yutou Gate.

Zhou Bangyan followed at the end of the crowd, looking at this team with no morale and no confidence at all with distress and worry.

He didn't believe it, what effect would such a cobbled together team have?Can it really be used to stop Jinbing?

When he was worried, he was patted by Wu Jian on the shoulder, pulled aside and said something!Then, Zhou Bangyan's expression became extremely unbelievable...

No one would know that Zhou Bangyan, Wu Jian and others at the back of the team quietly left the team!

Song Yi is like a valiant general, riding the only horse in the team at the forefront of the team, behind him are the citizens of Youzhou City, and behind the city residents are the people left behind by Youzhou City A part of mighty army soldiers.

This is indeed an extremely weird team, and the speed is extremely slow, because there are many old people in the team who can barely march...

Aunt Cuihua squeezed beside Song Yi's horse, and asked with a smile, "Master General... I have a boy who is only ten years old this year. I will help you to fight the war. Can you tell me, wait for my boy to fight?" Let him be a soldier in the Mighty Army when he grows up?"

"I can talk about it for you, but General Wang Kui may not agree! Also... don't call me a general, I am a soldier like you now!" Song Yi replied with a smile.

"Just agree, hehe... But you are not a soldier like us, or why are you the only one riding a horse?" Aunt Cuihua said with a silly smile, turned her face and went back to the crowd to talk up...

Song Yi smiled helplessly, and looked back at the crowd who were still walking forward while pulling homework, the majestic aura of riding on the horse suddenly disappeared by half!

"When the golden men appear, you are not allowed to open the wine, so as to prevent the enemy from smelling the smell and causing accidents. Since I have promised you, after the battle, I will naturally let you drink with open arms!" Song Yi turned back and shouted loudly.

Those people in the crowd laughed, except for a few drunkards who quickly took a few sips of wine, the others laughed and replied that they were not so greedy for alcohol...

These people don't understand righteousness, but once they decide to do something, they will do it as seriously as eating, and now they actually feel that the feeling of going to war is actually very good!

There are many people, the momentum is great, and you can gossip while walking...

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