romantic flower

Chapter 437 Open up!

At first, Song Yi actually felt a little bored.

But he suddenly had an extremely amusing idea -- most outsiders would not know about the antagonism between Song Yi and the capital. Song Yi ran to Yanyun...

Such a thing, even Song Yi thought of himself as a genius!

Of course, Zuo Qianqian would never have thought that her unintentional actions would give Song Yi such a conspiratorial idea.

Song Yi also couldn't help regretting that during his time in Yangzhou, he really shouldn't have participated in some of these poetry clubs. Originally, he might have been able to recruit some talents from these poetry clubs!

Even if these guys who like to play poetry don't actually have any practical talents, it is actually not a bad thing for anyone to let these people go to Yanyun to practice...

It's a pity that even if Song Yi regrets it, there is not much time.

At the poetry meeting that day, Song Yi seriously assured those people, that is, anyone who is willing to go to Yanyun to fulfill his ambition, Song Yi is willing to provide a world.And these people only need to go to Huang Ying or Zuo Qianqian to register, and then take their recommendation letters to Yan Yun to find themselves...

Of course, this group of spoiled children in the south of the Yangtze River will inevitably forget about it after a night of impulsiveness, but there may always be people who have some whimsical ideas in their hearts, wanting to see the outside world, and then go to a strange place. do something big...

So, on the day Song Yi left, the magistrate of Yangzhou agreed to Song Yi's invitation, saying that after the imperial court sent someone to take office, he was willing to go to Yanyun to help Song Yi and the people of the world to do something.

This is within Song Yi's guess, but he is not very happy, because it is parting at this time!

Every time you leave home, it always makes people feel more and more heavy. Xiao Wushuang has become familiar with Song Yi, and seems to feel that her father is leaving. She is crying in Qingyan's arms, and Qingyan is infected. Yan, Huang Ying and the others couldn't help but also burst into tears.

Song Yi is a tough guy, he can only force himself not to look back, once he looks back, maybe his eyes will be red too!

After traveling a long distance, Fuyao was still sobbing while sitting on the horse!This made Song Yi a little dumbfounded, and Fuyao would have this side too.

Suddenly, there was a sound of galloping horseshoes from behind.

The two turned their horses' heads vigilantly, but they were really surprised...

It was Zhang He who came, and several people who were in the pavilion that day, among them was the flat and thin girl who argued with Song Yi!After listening to Zuo Qianqian's introduction, this girl's grandfather is the new Minister of Rites in the imperial court...

Song Yi thought that someone might want to go to Yanyun, but he didn't expect that Zhang He would be the first one to come.

Lawyer ---

After Zhang He reined in his horse, he jumped off his horse, jumped up in an unnatural half-kneeling position in front of Song Yi, raised his head and blushed and said loudly, "I figured it out, I beg King Yanyun to accept us, I am willing Follow you to Yanyun Prefecture to fulfill your ambitions!"

Song Yirao looked at the half-kneeling people in awe and laughed, "You can also plead with Mr. Xiangguo, why did you decide to go to Yanyun?"

In fact, when Song Yi asked this question, he knew the answer in his heart... These people have always been used to luxury, have no real social experience, and have some lofty ambitions hidden in their hearts, so they will naturally feel that if It is much more glorious to be able to make a world out of the world and return to one's homeland with a lot of clothes than to make a name for yourself...Although, Zhang He seems to be more of the latter!

Of course, it is not ruled out that the girl with a flat figure is actually impressed by Song Yi's demeanor and really wants to show her ambitions under such a person.

In any case, Zhang He's reason is not important anymore, and Song Yi doesn't care too much, he finally accepted these people!

Therefore, when returning to Yanyun, there were a few more people than when they came.

Along the way, Zhang He and others asked too many questions, but Song Yi had no answers.

This kind of atmosphere shortens the distance between each other to the relationship between ordinary people!And Song Yi's unassuming style is what really makes Zhang He, who is so proud and arrogant, start to admire him from the bottom of his heart.

However, they don't know that even if Song Yi is being polite to them now, what awaits them in Yanyun will definitely be the biggest hard training they will face in their life!

Astronomy, geography, astrology and divination... Song Yi can talk nonsense about everything, which undoubtedly adds a lot of fun to the long journey.There are some interesting stories that even Fuyao is hearing for the first time.

Song Yi also briefly described that there may be some strange countries at the other end of the vast and boundless sea, and also said that in the depths of the grassland there will be a huge iron cavalry that has never appeared in the sight of the Great Zhao Kingdom...

These, it sounds like not many people actually take it seriously, but it has opened a new door for this group of young people. Some people are worried and some are curious.

This is Song Yi's first lesson for them to walk out of the wealthy compound, letting them know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

The second lesson is what you see and feel along the way.

In fact, along the way, you can already see some refugees migrating towards Yanyun. These people are dressed in rags, and some are so thin that they are almost skinny.

All Song Yi can do is to occasionally extend a helping hand while ensuring his own food.He also doesn't want everyone to help, because he can't help everyone.

After finally stepping into the realm of Yanyun, this group of young people finally became more and more reticent. The novelty and curiosity along the way disappeared, and turned into deep thought with frowning brows, or worry...

When they arrived in Youzhou, what awaited them was not a wonderful reception and longing for life, because Song Yi sent them to the farthest Yunzhou...

It's not public revenge, but Song Yi will throw every young man who comes to the farthest place in the future, because only in this way can we know whether there will be gold left after the big waves wash the sand!

Since I was away from Yanyun for a long time, the place has changed a lot!The houses in the city have begun to look like a big city, the flow of people on the streets is much higher than before, and restaurants and mansions have begun to appear... Most importantly, there are cloth shops, tea houses and other shops in the city!

This proves that since Youzhou, Yanyun's first business base has begun to take shape!

The imperial court did not allocate any money to Yanyun's side at all, but instead gave Yanyun's side absolute autonomy. This is the same as Song Yi can appoint and dismiss officials at will, as long as he reports to the imperial court for record!

Although the officials on Yanyun's side must be of lower rank than those in other places, they cannot be used as candidates for promotion in other places.But anyway, the officials in this place are also officials, not a bunch of mobs in the green forest!

Maybe, those guys in the capital will regret this decision in the future, but at least for now, no one thinks that Yanyun, a poor place that has been fighting for many years, will become prosperous!


Song Yicai just returned to the mansion and sat down to drink the tea made by Liu Qingci, when he saw Niu Mang rushing in in a suit of armor, saying that Cui Wei and others came back with a letter and were defeated in Koryo!

Although he was prepared in his heart, Song Yi frowned and asked, "How many people have been hurt?"

"Thousands of losses were lost due to unfamiliarity with the terrain, and thousands of people died in battle under the hands of the Liao people. At this time, they can only fight in the jungle, and it is even difficult to get close to the capital of Koryo..." Niu Mang said.

"It seems that the Liao people's fighting power still remains! It seems that it is much more difficult to restore Goryeo to the country than imagined... I hope that with Uncle Zhong's experience and Cui Wei's good fighting skills, the ten thousand troops will be sharpened like a A real iron army!" Song Yi said lightly, without much sentimentality!

For him at this time, if he can't adapt to the casualties of soldiers, it will be difficult to get out of the chess game he wants. This is the so-called compassion not to control soldiers!

Niu Mang asked again, "Do you want to send someone to help?"

"Cui Wei asked for help?" Song Yi asked back.

Niu Mang smiled foolishly and said, "That's not true!"

Song Yi said calmly, "Even if they ask for help, it's too late to go from here, so from the day they set off, it's a situation of no return..."

After Niu Mang's heart sank, he told Song Yi about some other situations, most of which were due to the shortage of manpower, and the material resources began to be a little tight!

In fact, with the increase of Yan Yun's population, Song Yi's pressure also doubled!Most of the initial financial resources were actually spent by Song Yi from his own private property, because even if everyone is willing to farm and produce, it takes a period of time!

This year's autumn harvest is destined to be very difficult, so even if Song Yi is planning carefully and is under the control of Zhou Bangyan, Xu Chang and others, he is still a little worried.

Yan Yun is too big, so big that the money Song Yi earned before was spent here before even a blister appeared!Fortunately, Song Yi is not worried about losing the money. If the money can bring Yan Yun back to life, he will only feel at ease.

The disciples of Zheng Hu's Salt Gang have finally found a passable road, which will eventually become the route for merchants from the north and the south, while Yutou Zhang and the Wang family's shipbuilding workshop are still struggling to explore... ...

So I can't rely on those people for the time being. On the contrary, the business of the earlier five Jiangnan families in Wuzhou and other places has improved, and they are taking a different path from Zheng Hu and others!

Zheng Hu, Yutou Zhang and others were basically trying to clear the road south of Jiangnan, but the original five Jiangnan families took the road of northwest and southwest.

Therefore, the rift between Song Yi and the Jiangnan Five Families is gradually shrinking, and he began to intentionally let the Jiangnan Five Families move closer to Yanyun, at least not to let these people lean toward the capital!

In fact, the capital was on the road to the east, and Song Yi happened to be locked up again. Outside of Youzhou, he didn't even need to worry that anyone other than himself would be able to pass this road!

The capital didn't want Yanyun's people to go to the capital, so Song Yi simply blocked this road. It may take time to confirm the final gain and loss.

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