romantic flower

Chapter 513 Scary as a Demon Yanyun King!


Gritting his teeth and shouting, the catapult truck here began to carry the stones into the net bag, while the boats over there calmly retreated from the throwing range of the catapult truck.

Everyone on the shore fell into a state of stagnation, and the ready-to-go attack could not be launched, and the Seventh Prince was even more curious, where is his fleet?

The fleet he sent out is far more than this fleet of more than ten ships!So, what about the fleet?

The answer is, trapped...

In the farther waters, more than 30 ships were surrounded by densely packed ships.

Before Dazhao, shipping was an uncommon industry, and naval warfare was an area that was not valued!But Song Yi has never given up his attention to the sea since he came to this world.

After Yutou Zhang moved to Yanyun, the ships built in Yangzhou in the past were not brought to Yanyun.In addition to the complexity of the transportation route, it is also because Yanyun does not lack new shipbuilding conditions.Therefore, some of the ships that Yutou Zhang and the Yan Gang could not take away were used by the Seventh Prince to open up sea areas in Guangnan and other places, while some were quietly hidden near Haizhen...

Haizhen was originally just an inconspicuous fishing town. The fishermen here lived and lived on the sea, but few people knew that Haizhen was the earliest birthplace of the Salt Gang.

Therefore, when the Seventh Prince's fleet met Song Yi in the waters near Haizhen, the entire Haizhen had already gone to the sea.They are usually fishermen, but when they board the big boat, they are the lords of this sea area!

The Seventh Prince would not have thought of this side, and Song Yi actually had not imagined such a scene in advance.But this time, he was still not completely passive.

While the two parties were confronting each other, a small part of the fleet had already quietly landed from other places and headed towards Yangzhou.

Song Yi angered the Seventh Prince, not only because his choice made Song Yi angry and disappointed, but also because he wanted to keep him here, and he couldn't make adjustments to Yangzhou!

But ever since Zhao Ke was not found in the crowd, Song Yi was full of anxiety.

Ning Fanyu's chest was pierced, and everyone was shocked.

In fact, it was Ning Fan and himself who were the most shocked. He looked at the thick arrow on his chest, turned his head and glanced at Zuo Qianqian who was trembling in fear, and suddenly grinned, bleeding from his mouth. .....

"I'm sorry...I'm jealous of him..." Ning Fan and Nianzhi said this, and they knelt down, their eyes were full of exhaustion, there was no sorrow, joy, sadness, only relief!

"!!!" The Seventh Prince staggered back, with tears in his eyes, he roared in a daze.

Suddenly he ran to the side of the catapult, went into battle himself, and threw a huge boulder!

The boulder was like a cannonball, and it flew towards the fleet with a whistling sound in the air.However, the shooting range was always limited, and it fell within a few feet of the fleet, crashing heavily into the sea, causing a burst of waves...

Only one boulder was thrown, and the Seventh Prince sat on the ground as if he lost his strength, his eyes were full of tears, and his trembling shoulders angrily ordered the soldiers to start the stone catapult.

Under the orders of the soldiers, the catapult was fully loaded and fired again.

Knowing that it is useless, but still doing useless work, because there is no way to disobey orders!

Song Yi stood at the bow of the boat, his face was wet by the splashing water, and he looked at the coast with a complicated expression.Looking at the crowd with different expressions, he suddenly sighed...

"I said, you can't stop me!" Song Yi sighed.

The Seventh Prince looked at the sea angrily, pointed at Song Yi and reprimanded him: "You killed your friend, you killed my friend, I will never live with you..."

"Wake up! You killed him..." Song Yi shouted coldly: "What I didn't expect was that one day I would really stand on the hostile side with you, let alone that you would hold my family hostage. .....The word friend, hehe...has vanished into thin air!"

Surrounded by everyone on the coast, Zuo Qianqian finally couldn't help crying when he heard the cold words over there: "Why is this happening, why..."

Zuo Qianqian's sad question made people feel pitiful, and the Seventh Prince was also in a daze, only feeling that those words broke a certain part of his heart, causing sore pains!

no longer friends...

Then kill!

The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth, stood up suddenly and shouted: "Okay! If you say it out of your mouth, then everything in the past will be done... I... will definitely make it impossible for you to go ashore for half a step!"

"Try it..."

There came a sentence from Song Yi who had no strength.

Immediately, the fleet rushed forward, and the Seventh Prince saw the situation and ordered the catapult to start.

For a moment, the rocks pierced through the air, smashing up waves, and smashing many small boats!

But the Seventh Prince's preparations were hasty after all, and the boulders brought in were limited after all. When those unmanned boats were all smashed into pieces, there were no more than seven or eight boats standing on the sea.

Song Yi looked through the binoculars persistently, and then ordered the fleet to move forward!

Seeing that the catapult was of little use, the Seventh Prince had a look of ferocity flashing across his face and asked five thousand elite soldiers to prepare for battle!

He never believed that 5000 people would not be able to fight the people on those seven or eight ships!

"I'll give you one last choice...Let me go ashore and let my family leave!" Song Yi's voice came from the nearby sea.

The Seventh Prince saw clearly the calmness and composure on his face, and became more and more panicked in his heart, but he bit his lip and shouted heavily: "It's absolutely impossible!"

Song Yi smiled bitterly and waved gently.

With his wave of hand, the crew of seven or eight ships suddenly appeared at the bow, each holding a tree stump-shaped thing in their hands!


At the same time as a general Xin Sheng called out the warning, a bang exploded in an instant!

There seemed to be a thunderbolt during the day, and a fireball carrying the aura of death exploded among the nearest crowd. Before the figures could even groan, they were blown to pieces, and they were in a miserable state!

The ears of the Seventh Prince's catapult behind the crowd were buzzing, and he seemed to be petrified, while the crowd closer was in a mess of fear!

Zuo Qianqian was hugged and backed away, but the face of death finally began to appear in the tree stump over there. After the first fireball, more fireballs shot out from the tree stump and smashed into the crowd... .

"'s gunpowder!" The Seventh Prince was lifted up from the ground, with a look of horror in his eyes.

He can recognize this kind of deja vu, but more people are shouting words such as sorcery and sorcery, and they can't stop walking back...

The originally confident crowd suddenly became chaotic, thousands of people moved away from the coast, and the fleet finally stopped seven or eight feet away from the coast. At this time, Song Yi was about to land, but it was only a matter of a moment!

But the fleet stopped, and the tree stump, which had shocked thousands of people, suddenly stopped spraying and shooting that deadly fireball outward!

"Now... you have no choice."

The indifferent tone of the heroic man who came from the bow of the ship, at this moment, finally weighed on the Seventh Prince like Mount Tai, and on the hearts of thousands of people... In the past, The legend about King Yanyun, which was only in the rumors, finally became a terrifying pressure at this moment, making everyone feel inexplicably terrified!

And all of this stems from the young man standing with his hands behind his back on the bow --- King Yanyun.

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