romantic flower

Chapter 520 The Wheel of History!

In terms of the situation, the status of the capital is actually very embarrassing.

Starting from Zhao Ze, the south of Jiangnan was cut off by the Seventh Prince, and Zhao Ze should have been able to control these forces and hold the South in his hands.

But later, because of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun in the north, Zhao Ze chose to deal with Song Yi wholeheartedly. exploits.

This major event and decision-making ushered in repeated failures and setbacks later.Although it may not be all Zhao Ze's fault, it really damaged Zhao Ze's prestige and rights that he hadn't had time to stabilize.

In the direction of Luoyang, Ming Wang Zhao Rui was almost behind closed doors, and he was too lazy to talk to the capital, let alone Ning Shishi and Wang Weishi later came to power...

Therefore, Master Ning did not have much power at his disposal. Apart from the 20 military power in his hands, only the forces in the capital could use it.

Since Zhao Ke and others used the Seventh Prince's Fang Yuxi to create momentum, some of the courtiers in the capital have also begun to waver.

What Ning Shishi could think of was to use force to subdue the Seventh Prince.

It's a pity that there is no general in the court, and the several waves of soldiers and horses sent out cannot withstand Zhao Ke's army, and in the end they have to be trapped in the capital with the loss of soldiers and generals.

It was not until this moment that Wang Weishi's generation of literati leaders finally realized that no matter how strong a literati is, sometimes it is difficult to justify, not to mention that the principles of the world are also impermanent.

So Wang Weishi and Ning Shishi finally wanted to turn to external forces to maintain the imperial power in the capital.

Among the external forces, Yan Yun is already powerful and unparalleled, and he is the best choice, but when it comes to entanglements, even Wang Weishi feels ashamed...

In the end, Shishi Ning quietly found Jiangcheng, hoping to get first-line support!


Between the gauze curtains, Ning Shishi teased the little prince who was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe. The little prince seemed to be particularly attached to his mother, snuggling against Ning Shishi's comfortable and soft chest and refused to sit up, just giggling non-stop.

Suddenly, there was a fluttering movement outside the window, Ning Shishi heard it clearly, asked a court lady to fetch a note in front of him, unfolded it, and instantly his expression became lost and extremely complicated.

The child in his arms was still laughing, Ning Shishi looked at the child's brows and eyes with a complicated expression, and tears filled his eyes unconsciously.

"Fortunately, there is still you, the emperor...Mother will never let anyone take away everything from you..." Ning Shishi choked up and murmured, rubbing his eyes to keep the tears from streaming down, but still It is unstoppable.She is a woman, although she looks gorgeous, but only she knows how much she has endured on this road, how many times she has wandered and feared.

Kneading the note in his palm into a ball, Ning Shishi exchanged maids to hug the little prince and leave, then got up and put on a large golden silk phoenix robe, and drove out of the palace.

A moment later, Ning Shishi appeared in the Xiangguo Mansion, and Wang Weishi was sitting opposite him, his face looked like a ravine, and the mottled age spots showed his irresistible aging.

"I think it's time for us to do something..." Ning Shishi said with a serious face while brewing tea.

Wang Weishi was slightly moved, and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Kill..., kill all those who stand on that side!" Ning Shishi took a sip of tea, and murderous aura burst out of her mouth instantly.

Wang Weishi trembled, looked at Ning Shishi in astonishment, with a bitter expression on his face, he wanted to say something but shook his head and let out a sigh.

"Why, Lord Xiangguo thinks it's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, once the way of killing arises, it will be bloody. The capital is complicated. Even the old minister can't figure out who will have some distant relatives with the old minister... If this If we kill him, I'm afraid not only those who stand on the side of the Seventh Prince will be killed, but even those on our side will be terrified!"

Ning Shishi coldly snorted, "I have received clear information that it is impossible for Yanyun to intervene! In this case, it is a good strategy to pull out his power here earlier, and then order the local government to mobilize troops to crusade against Jiangnan. .”

Wang Weishi sighed, "The military faction is more close to Zhao Ke than we are, but on the civil servant's side, the empress has a killer, how can she maintain a thorough plan? Why don't you plan carefully?"


Ning Shishi slapped the table with his palm, causing the teacup to tremble, and she said with a cold look in her eyes, "Plan? You plan and plan, have you ever succeeded in anything since he ascended the throne? With today's embarrassing situation, Isn't it all the result of your indecision? Hmph..."

Wang Weishi was so startled that he stood up, and was about to kneel down on the ground, calling for his mother to calm down.

Ning Shishi waved his hand, but finally stopped Wang Weishi from kneeling down, and reprimanded impatiently, "Since there is no solution to this matter, it is better to cut the mess quickly! Now that the emperor is in power, we should eliminate those gossiping people, The capital has been stabilized, and if you take it slowly, you will be like your arms and fingers. I don't care how long you have to think about it. I will send someone to do it tonight. If you have anyone who needs to be preserved, hand the list to the palace before I do it tonight. Come!"

After saying that, Ning Shishi got up angrily, the tea in the teacup was still swaying, but Ning Shishi had already rushed away amidst the servant's shouts.

Wang Weishi sat blankly on the chair, sighed after a while, and then hurriedly yelled at the servants to fetch paper and pens, and sent someone to tell some people who couldn't keep them to escape quickly...

That night, two thousand men in black appeared and disappeared in the streets and alleys of the capital, causing a bloodbath.Since then, I don't know how many families have been destroyed, let alone how many children have lost their fathers, and how many women have lost their husbands.

But all of this, in Ning Shishi's eyes, is not worth mentioning!

When the killing scene was set off in the capital, a fleet of ships on the sea floated up and down and headed towards the direction of the capital, with hundreds of mighty ships.

The Seventh Prince stood on a huge boat, looking at the stormy sea, with a sense of pride in his chest.

A moment later, a plump woman took a long robe and put it on his body. The Seventh Prince turned his head and showed a slight warmth, held her hand, and embraced her in his arms.

Zhao Min's face was slightly red, and he looked around worriedly, seeing that no one could see this side, he said in a low voice, "I don't know how to pay attention to the occasion..."

"What are you afraid of? Even if someone sees it, no one dares to say it!"

"You, you... have changed too much from the past, which is really worrying." Zhao Min sighed helplessly.

The Seventh Prince smiled and said calmly, "Are you afraid?"

"It's natural to be afraid. I don't have the confidence to take the risk this time, but I don't have anything to regret when I think of being with you even if I fail..."

The Seventh Prince hugged her tightly, sighed with a complicated expression, "Perhaps, he guessed that I would go this far..."

Zhao Min was slightly moved, guessing who the Seventh Prince was talking about, he couldn't help asking hesitantly, "Is he really not interfering?"

"According to the news, the troops on Yanyun's side have not been mobilized...and Jiangcheng returned alone. It seems that he intends to stand by and watch."

"In that case, it's natural to be relieved, but I always feel that even if we enter the capital, what's the point? I always think that Jiangnan is actually quite good..."

The seventh prince shook his head and smiled wryly, "It's different! Even if I don't do anything, that woman will not let me go. From the accident of the father to the accident of Zhao Ze, the only suspicion is on the woman. Now a little baby sits on the throne , dare you say it wasn't that woman's idea?"

Zhao Min shook his head and sighed, and suddenly murmured, "I don't know where that girl Xue'er will go after she escapes from the house..."

The Seventh Prince frowned suddenly, and a ray of bitterness flashed in his eyes!

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