romantic flower

Chapter 523 Life is worse than Xia Hua, and she is definitely like her!

In that capital city that is most yearned for by the world and the most prosperous capital in the four seas, there are countless people wanting to escape at this moment.

However, the gates of the Sifang City are tightly closed, and it is difficult to enter and exit. Without the warrant issued by Jing Zhaoyin, no one can leave.

On that day, the people saw with their own eyes that Zhou Tang, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, was hacked to death by city defense soldiers at the gate of the city, and his blood flowed all over the ground.It was later learned that before Zhou Tang, many officials in the court had been beheaded in the mansion because of their involvement in treason.

Conspiracy is the biggest crime at any time, so it is only natural that the city gates are closed!

But the oppressive atmosphere and the increased military strength in the capital made the people feel an urge to flee.The most discussed in the streets and alleys nowadays is which family's minister's son is sent away, which family's daughter is punished to be sent to the church...or which family's official wife is demoted to slavery .

These, accumulated day by day, did not finally plunge the entire capital into panic until a great war broke out in the East China Sea.

East China Sea is actually not too far from Qinglongmen, and because of the sea, the capital's troops in East China Sea are the weakest. Wang Weishi and others have always ignored the sea transportation.

During Zhao Kuangyin's period, because he attached great importance to the shipbuilding industry and the navy, he set up a huge shipbuilding workshop in the East China Sea, so that he could conquer the sixteen states of Yanyun in the future and he would be able to strengthen the world.

But after Zhao Kuangyin died, Zhao Ze ignored his investment in the shipbuilding industry in the East China Sea, and instead focused all his attention on dealing with Yanyun and Gaoli in the north.

When Ning Shishi hangs the curtain, he almost forgets the East China Sea outside Qinglongmen.

And forgetting, there is a price to pay.

When the fleet landed and about 2 people appeared on the coast of the East China Sea, they almost rushed out of the Qinglong Gate with such force!

When the sky-shattering explosion sounded, it woke up the sleeping beauty in the palace who held the power of the world.At that time, she was only wearing a loose nightgown, and her infinitely beautiful figure even revealed some white and beautiful parts, but no one could appreciate it. She hurriedly called the maids to put on ordinary clothes, and then, accompanied by the guards, climbed to the top of the palace. attic.

Looking from the Zhaixing Pavilion, seeing the noisy fire and movement outside the Qinglong Gate, Ning Shishi didn't even think about it, and directly asked people to hold the Tiger Talisman and mobilize [-] troops to press down on the Qinglong Gate.

Thousands of people died in the battle of Qinglongmen. It was not a tragic battle. It was almost the overwhelming situation from the Seventh Prince's side that crushed and cleared the outer guards.

Then, when one hundred thousand soldiers were crushing towards the Seventh Prince's side of more than [-] people, the Seventh Prince had no choice but to hastily order the troops to retreat and return to the sea.

Between advancing and retreating, it was like a flash in the pan, leaving behind thousands of corpses and wounded...

Looking at the crossbow erected outside Qinglongmen, the catapult and other equipment, as well as the mourning soldiers on the other side, the Seventh Prince looked coldly.

Zhao Min walked up to him, wiped off the blood on the palm of his hand that he had scratched in the battle with a white cloth, and said with complicated emotions, "If those people are rescued, they can still live!"

"Saving them will make it too late for more people to retreat..."

Zhao Min hesitated to speak, but finally remained silent!

The Seventh Prince became more and more knowledgeable about fighting, and became more and more calm, but it made her and the people around him feel more and more depressed!It seemed that a coercion emanated from the Seventh Prince, making it impossible for people to question his decision.

And a real fighter happens to be overwhelmed by this coercion!Tonight's cruelty brought exciting victory!Although they retreated temporarily, more people believed that the young prince could lead them into that imperial city!

Most of the soldiers under the Seventh Prince are still Zhao Ke's subordinates, but most of Zhao Ke's subordinates are from the capital side. Their feelings for the capital are like their feelings for home.

From the moment they were forced to go south, at least some people were eager to return to the capital every day.Now, this way of returning to the capital makes these soldiers excited and excited...


On the attic, Ning Shishi looked indifferently at the flames fading over the Qinglong Gate, bit his lip and stood there for a long time.

It was extremely cold at the high place, and the wind rolled up her clothes, rustling them.

She started to go down, and then asked people to pass Wang Weishi and all the officials of the six departments into the palace to discuss matters in a cold voice.

At this time, late at night.There has never been an example of opening the palace gate late at night in the palace, let alone discussing matters...

The bent over eunuch expressed doubts, and was immediately kicked by the furious Ning Shishi and flew backwards, spouting a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground unconscious.

Immediately, another eunuch led the order and ran away tremblingly.

So, after an hour, the palace was brightly lit, and although there was no emperor in the Golden Luan Hall, there was an extra seat next to it, and Ning Shishi was sitting there.

She glanced at each face indifferently, and then asked the countermeasures. If she answered badly or didn't answer, they all knelt down...

That night, the 16 officials who knelt down did not leave until dawn. They knelt for a whole day, and no one dared to help those who passed out.

In the end, the court came to the conclusion that it was war!

In fact, this is only Master Ning's conclusion, but it is also a conclusion that everyone has to agree with.

But fighting requires generals and commanders. Except for the Minister of War, no one in the court took the initiative to ask for orders, which made Ning Shishi very annoyed.

Order the six departments to find the leader within one day.

After they dispersed, the kneeling people were still kneeling, Ning Shishi went to Zhao Ze's bedroom.

Zhao Ze was lying quietly on the soft bed like a piece of rotten wood, his face was as white as powder, but his eyes were open.

Seeing Ning Shishi's figure, Zhao Ze's eyes brightened, his throat rolled slightly, but he couldn't speak...

"You are a useless can't even deal with Song Yi."

"You are an ignorant man...because the child belongs to me and Song Yi."

"The ridiculous thing is that you always thought you were very strong... Now it seems that you are indeed not as good as your weak brother! Now, he has hit outside the Qinglong Gate, but you can't help me at all... ...trash!"

"Are you very angry? Your face is so red... don't be angry. Although the child belongs to me and Song Yi, he is your child in name after all. Now he is the emperor, and I will do my best to help you keep you Fame, let my child sit on the throne! And... I didn't kill you, don't you know how to be grateful?"

On the bed, beads of sweat dripped from Zhao Ze's pale face, and veins bulged out from his flushed face, looking extremely strange and ferocious. Master Ning looked coldly at Zhao Ze's clenched fists and twitching body, and suddenly He stretched out his hand and slapped Zhao Ze across the face!

Zhao Ze twitched even more!

Ning Shishi scolded: "Waste is waste...because you are useless even if you are dead, so I can only keep you alive..."

After finishing speaking, Master Ning got up and never looked at Zhao Ze again.

Back in her bedroom, she put on a bright armor!

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