romantic flower

Chapter 528 The Battle for the Cauldron!

On the capital side, as Ning Shishi rushed out of the city, the army dispersed the green and yellow poisonous smoke like a black cloud over the sky, instantly triggering the offensive of Zhao Ke's army.

The roaring charge shook the entire gate of the South Suzaku city, and the people in the city were inevitably terrified while closing their doors.

Facing the turbulent attacks and crowds coming from the capital, Zhao Ke finally had a smug smile on his face. He quickly changed his formation so that the army was in a concave shape like a cloth bag waiting for it, and the horseshoes of the running horseshoes The formation is like a premeditated trap...

Following the charge of the army in the city, for a moment, there was almost a layer of waves like waves of wheat, and then the sudden appearance of blood became dazzling under the sky.

The smell of blood arouses the courage of every soldier!

With all the strength in his body, the warrior with the sword runs on the boiling flat ground. While taking the opportunity to injure the enemy, he also prevents himself from being injured or killed by others!

A warrior had just beheaded an opponent with a single blow, and quickly changed his position. Before he could take a breath and smile, suddenly a feathered arrow flew from nowhere and shot from his temple. Come in, come out the other side!

Before the blood came out, he could no longer express his subconscious smile, but his body shook slightly, and then he fell on his back, hitting the corpse of the enemy he hacked to death earlier...

War, that is.

Ning Shishi frowned and rushed casually into the army formation. Her arm strength was weak, but fortunately she was nimble and surrounded by a group of experts.

From trembling at the beginning, to carelessness later, and then numbness!

Seeing the corpses fall one after another, and her beautiful cloak was stained with blood, she finally realized that there are many lives in this world that are worth less than hers.

She couldn't figure it out for a while, why these people would appear here, help others kill people, and achieve other people's credit and fame...

The battle group expanded, and gradually penetrated into the enemy's position, overwhelming everyone into the battle group!

Zhao Ke's formation was seamlessly coordinated to maximize combat power, but Zhao Ke's troops were always inferior to Ning Shishi's side, and after the newly added 1 people mobilized by Qinglongmen, his pocket The effect that the array can play is not too strong!

However, with the stalemate and bloody battle situation, Zhao Ke's face showed more cruelty, and he suddenly ordered the army to withdraw.

On the side of the capital, Ning Shishi knew that there was a fraud, but it was too late to completely restrain the soldiers who were chasing and killing them.Instinctively, she rode her horse back, and she had just retreated near the gate of the city, only to hear the thunderous rumbling sound one after another.

Shocking smoke and flames flew in all directions at that moment, blowing up countless soldiers' limbs, and the blood turned into scorched black in the scorching heat...

Ning Shishi was startled, with a wry smile on his face.

But Zhao Ke, who was retreating in the distance, waved the military flag again and again, and the soldiers turned back again and again, and came back with even more courageous momentum!

Master Ning gritted his teeth and returned to the city.At this time, the poisonous smoke had disappeared, and there were still some people who had been persecuted by the poisonous smoke near the city gate throwing themselves on the ground and screaming. Ning Shishi straddled past these people with a dazed face... ..

The sound of killing outside the city was loud, but she suddenly looked towards the palace.

The sky over there suddenly released thousands of brilliance, as if it became extremely bright...

The people on the battlefield couldn't see it, but the people in the city looked towards the capital in horror. Suddenly, a leaping cloud seemed to change into the shape of a dragon, stretching its teeth and claws, changing in the sky!

The solemn and solemn bell rang, and loud dharma calls came from the palace!

The emperor collapsed, and the vision appeared.

The dragon cloud in the sky gradually transformed into a huge swastika...

Since the prosperity of the previous dynasty, this solemn font representing the Buddha appeared in the sky above the capital, suddenly causing every family to open their doors and bow down to that side!

Ning Shishi looked over there in a daze, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

The death of Zhao Ze may have helped the resurgence of Buddhism. At this most bewildered moment, the people saw such a vision, but they all kowtowed towards the palace!

Even if the Seventh Prince outside the city had the Chuanguo Yuxi in their hands, I am afraid that in the minds of these people, the one in the palace is the real dragon.

The vision at this time is regarded as the wrath of heaven and the manifestation of Buddha!

So, the common people took to the streets and gathered around the palace outside the palace, while a trace of gold powder suddenly fell from the sky!

All of a sudden, all kinds of rumors that God opened his eyes resounded in the crowd.

And under the pre-arranged situation, some people deliberately spread among the crowd the saying that the Seventh Prince's treason finally caused the wrath of the heavens, and that the first emperor drove Buddha away.

When Zhao Ke outside the city firmly believed that the battle must be won, he didn't know that he had lost the hearts of the people in the city...

These crooked ways are naturally the idea of ​​Zen Master Dukong.

Although Master Ning didn't think that monk Dukong could sacrifice his life to become a Buddha and burn the relics, at least she thought that Zen Master Dukong's death was good for her!

Ignorant, of course, not only the people, but also officials.

So, at the moment when the gold powder was falling, even all the officials among the six ministries couldn't help being in awe, and ran out of the mansion, dragging all the families and guardians into servants, and all of them automatically went to the battlefield...

Human beings have never ceased to be in awe of faith, especially in a world where only one out of ten people can read!So I don't know who made the angry roar first, which attracted the echo of the people...

The surging crowd gathered into a torrent and rushed towards the gate of the city. Ning Shishi ran against the direction of the crowd and ran towards the palace.

Then, the palace gate was locked!

On the side of the Seventh Prince, he still can't see the scene in the city at this time, so he is now struggling to land near the coast...

There are gunpowder and crossbows on board.

There are catapults and crossbows on the shore.

So the two sides fought fiercely. There was no face-to-face charge, but the skill and courage of both sides. From time to time, someone was hit by an arrow or was blown away by the explosive gunpowder.

From time to time, a ship was hit by a boulder to create holes, or the crew was hit by a crossbow. As the fleet got closer, the catapults on the coast finally failed to connect, and the gunpowder on the fleet was not used. Inexhaustible.

War, one step closer!

The Seventh Prince had a solemn face, and his heaving chest proved his nervousness and apprehension at the moment. Zhao Min squeezed his cold hands and sighed, "Don't be afraid, I'm by your side!"

The Seventh Prince's eyes turned red slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not afraid..."


A huge boulder fell from the sky and hit the two of them, creating a huge hole. The Seventh Prince looked angrily at the nearby shore, and suddenly saw a familiar figure falling down, with his chest full of feathered arrows...

"Ah, it's Wang Xiangguo..."

Following Zhao Min's exclamation, the crowd on the coast became agitated.

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