romantic flower

Chapter 538 Suppressing Bandits!

Dawn broke, and the ongoing battle was suddenly pushed to a more brutal level by a crackling sound.

Within three sides surrounding Rumang County, the grass within a few feet must be stained with blood. In such a fight, all the Liangshan bandits finally encountered officers and soldiers who blocked them. What is even more chilling is that these officers and soldiers But it wasn't the Beijing camp soldiers and horses that they could kill at will in the past, but the wind and snow wolf cavalry!

On the side where the explosion sounded, Song Jiang and others fell into the most dangerous fight in their life...

At the moment when the fish belly was touched at dawn, two thousand fleeing Liangshan bandits met Song Yi's men in the field from the north to the west.

The two sides were stunned for the first time they met!Then, a man with a yellow face on the other side of Liangshan showed a ferocious sneer...

Song Jiang never imagined that the team he encountered would be only a few hundred people, and among the more than [-] people behind him, not to mention the elite brothers, there were dozens of leaders just from Liang Shan's number one.

And these leaders, before they threw themselves into Liangshanbo, were they powerful, and each of them could block a few with one.

Therefore, Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others sneered and issued an order within 1 minute after being stunned, to kill all the officers and soldiers on the opposite side...

Suddenly, Song Jiang's right-hand man rushed Hua Rong out.

At that moment, the 2000 people finally showed their bloody fangs and crushed the team of hundreds of people!

But just when Song Jiang and the others thought the lion was fighting the rabbit, they suddenly saw a handsome young man in the opposite formation waving his hand gently.

The hundreds of people on the opposite side suddenly formed a strict and orderly formation, forming three rows in front and back.

Song, Jiang and Wu Yong were slightly puzzled, before they had time to think, they suddenly saw more than a hundred people on the opposite side holding strange stick-shaped objects in their hands...

For no reason, an extremely dangerous warning rose in Song Jiang's heart. The moment he stopped his steps, the surrounding area seemed to be suddenly quiet.



Such an explosion seemed to merge into one sound, but at the moment of the explosion, the hundreds of people who rushed out at the forefront screamed and fell down at the same time.

Song Jiang was horrified to see a blood hole on Wu Yong's body that exploded and penetrated to the back of Wu Yong who rushed out and couldn't stop in time...

Suddenly, a legendary name appeared in Song Jiang's mind --- Song Yi!

And the legendary person suddenly merged with the young figure in the opposite formation, Song Jiang suddenly let out an exclamation and began to back away...

With the sound of the explosion, the first row over there quickly retreated, while the people in the second row started to pull the trigger.

The simple crossbow with the divine arm came to the front with the breath of devouring life.

The people here, as Song Jiang yelled out the imperial character, more than a hundred people screamed and covered their pierced bodies.

The Liangshan bandits began to feel a little timid!But over there, the crossbowman was already starting the second round of shooting!

Song Jiang looked coldly at his acquainted brothers among those who fell, and suddenly roared angrily, "Song Yi!! I recognize you, dare you bring hundreds of People... you actually only brought a few hundred people, hahahahaha!!!"

Song Yi looked towards the laughter, but saw that the bandits on the opposite side had already started erecting the shields they had taken from the Beijing camp, and even if the musketes could be used once more, it would be a waste of time. Just start taking cover.

Hundreds of people changed their sword hands in an instant, and rushed towards the opposite side!

"Fuyao, the person who shouted just now should be Song Jiang, if you can catch him, then catch him, if you can't, then kill him!"

Fuyao nodded, and rushed into the chaotic crowd like a swift!

Song Yi, guarded by several soldiers, also killed towards the other side of the crowd... At this time, Zhao Jingxue, who was guarded by several other guards in the middle, became excited.

Seeing that Song Yi also rushed out, Song Yi disappeared before she had time to shout, and immediately raised a magic arm bow and wanted to rush out, but was blocked by the guards...

"Hey! Why are you stopping me? Get out, didn't you see that your princes are all out?"

"My lord said, our mission is to protect you!"

"Hmph. Let me out..."

"Forgive me!!"

Zhao Jingxue looked anxious, and suddenly raised her divine arm bow and threatened a guard, "Since you won't let me go out, I can only kill you before going out... "

The guard subconsciously dodged the divine arm bow, but Zhao Jingxue took advantage of this gap to sneak out.Several guards were shocked and hurried to catch up.

But at that moment, a few of the Liangshan bandits with a large number of people rushed towards us...

In the densest place of the crowd, Fuyao rushed into the formation originally to go after Song Jiang, but it seemed that both she and Song Yi had underestimated the combat power of Liang Shan and his group.

As soon as Fuyao rushed into the crowd, he realized that the people blocking him were all first-class fighters, forcing Fuyao to deal with it seriously, but there was no time to find it. Song Jiang?

On the other side, Song Jiang with a sullen face and several leaders surnamed Ruan quietly surrounded Song Yi on the other side.

It was only when Song Yi started the battle that he realized that there were quite a lot of good fighters among the group of desperadoes, and the guards around him were quickly dispersed, and although he was still able to cope with it, he seemed to be caught in a dense enemy formation...

"Haha...I found you!"

Suddenly, a piercing voice came, and Song Yi looked over, and saw a somewhat sallow face... Song Jiang?

Song Yi gritted his teeth, took out an extremely delicate crossbow, lifted it up and shot towards that side, but shouted in his mouth, "Let you haha..."

With a sound of '咻', the arrow made of fine steel flew out, startling Song Jiang who was grinning, and a figure beside him pushed him away without hesitation and stood in front of him.


The arrow pierced the man's chest, Song Yi angrily threw away the delicate crossbow, drew his sword and rushed to kill again, but Song Jiang had already recovered his senses and began to surround Song Yi with a few others within range.

In the narrow space, some panicked bandits received Song Jiang's order and began to understand that as long as they killed this young man, they might win.

For a while, with Song Yi as the circle, a human wall with a radius of five meters was formed.

Song Yi saw that Song Jiang, who was said to be incompetent in martial arts, was slashing at him fiercely with a Yanling knife, and he raised the knife to fight back in surprise.

clang! !

When the two knives collided, there was a sound of gold and iron. Song Yi's arm was slightly numb. He looked over in surprise and saw Song Jiang's face was also slightly startled. Song Jiang's fear suddenly rose to a dangerous level.

The surroundings formed a round of rushing, Song Yi kept retreating, and while deliberately keeping the little ones away from him and Song Jiang, at the same time, he was domineering and mighty and chopped down some unskilled bandits. ...

But just as Song Yi retreated step by step, he didn't know that he had already stepped into an encirclement circle designed by the Ruan family brothers.

Finally, when the little guys around him stopped rushing over, Song Yicai suddenly found himself surrounded by three people in the shape of a character, but the weapons used by the three were different.

Over there, Song Jiangzheng walked over with a knife in his hand...

"You're dead!" Song Jiang yelled at Song Yi, his face turning extremely red.

Song Yi smiled coldly, but quietly put one hand into a bag behind him, and mocked Song Jiang, "Come and take my life if you have the ability, you useless man!"

Over there, Song Jiang's face looked as if he had been punched by someone. He stared at Song Yi in surprise and ferociously. He didn't know why Song Yi would say that about him, but he...had such a heart Knotted.

So, Song Jiang's face was covered with a layer of frost, and he shouted at the Ruan family brothers, "Cut him!!"

The four suddenly rushed towards Song Yi together, and Song Yi finally let out a strange laugh, grabbed a burning thing in his hand and threw it towards Song Jiang, but his figure suddenly turned towards Ruan Er on the other side Draw a knife over there and rush to kill...

"Ha..." Song Jiang let out a roar of excitement, and his body jumped up into the air and slashed towards Song Yi. The sharp blade with endless murderous aura was almost chilling.

But at the moment Song Jiang rushed out, a small bag of things was suddenly below him, and Ruan Qi's side suddenly exploded.


The moment the sparks burst, the iron flakes and iron beads mixed with them surged towards the surroundings like a death-defying god of death.

Song Yi struggled and was cut open on the shoulder, and Ruan Er's body was blocked in front of him at that moment.

Suddenly, there were miserable screams from all around, and Song Yi took advantage of the moment Ruan Er was hit by the iron bead, and stabbed Ruan Er's backhand from the ribs, and suddenly Ruan Er's waist and abdomen were pierced... ..

Following Song Yi's revolving knife, a huge blood hole appeared on the other side of the knife tip, and intestines flowed out from Ruan Er's abdomen along with the blood...

Hearing Ruan Er's stern cry, a figure covered in blood looked at him. Seeing Ruan Er's miserable state, he looked at Song Yi again. With Song Yi rushing over...

Song Yi clenched the long knife in his hand, his eyes were slightly cold, and he twisted up!

At this moment, a petite figure suddenly appeared between the two of them, ran towards Song Yi and shouted excitedly and fearfully, "Song Yi, I just killed someone..."

Song Yi's face changed instantly!

"Get out of the way---"


Zhao Jingxue looked at Song Yi in a daze and roared at her in astonishment, and heard a sinister and ferocious laughter next to her ear!The next moment, I felt a sharp pain in my body...

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