romantic flower

Chapter 560 The most romantic in history!

Wang Tao is actually hesitant, he knows the "situation in front of him" better than anyone else.

However, he is more aware of the 'current situation' than anyone else!


Even if it is him, how can he stop the blood and morale of the golden warriors?If at such a moment he really surrendered because of a woman's words from her, then he might be the first to die.

Therefore, he bitterly yelled over there, "I would rather fight than surrender!"


"I'd rather fight than surrender!!!"


Such voices converged into a wave of thunder, which was loud and powerful, but the situation that followed was like a fist punched on the cotton.

At the moment when Wang Tao's momentum reached its peak, Song Yi ordered the fleet to retreat a distance of about one mile.

As a result, the people on the shore appeared to be powerless and unable to do anything, and they held their breath out of thin air and felt depressed in their chests!But Wang Tao always thought it was a conspiracy by Song Yi, and ordered the army to be alert.

However, until night, the huge fleet did not show anything else, and the people on the shore became more and more anxious.

When dusk fell, smoke was rising from the fleet over there, and rice was being made.

The shore was stunned...

On the boat, Wanyan Mingzhu sighed sadly, Song Yi walked to her side and took her hand to comfort her, "Everything is always like this, you will be worthy of your best efforts!"

Wanyan Mingzhu seemed to acquiesce in such a result, she nodded her head, but she was not very interested.She raised her head and looked blankly, then suddenly frowned slightly and let out a sound of surprise...

"What?" Song Yi looked at her strange expression, turned his head slowly, and then opened his mouth slightly, looking at the light of fire on Daqingshan, his expression was full of surprise.

"She must be hiding there, but at the same time she is giving you a reminder, she is also in danger!"

Song Yi shook his head and said, "The flames can only be seen vaguely from our side, and it is even more difficult to see them on the coast. Even if they see them, they don't have enough time..."

"Then how can we tell her not to go down the mountain?"

"She should be able to see us. If she would go down the mountain, she would have gone down the mountain long ago. She must be waiting for me!" Song Yi's heart was slightly touched, and he was faintly anxious.

Wanyan Mingzhu gently leaned against Song Yi's chest, and sighed as if extremely tired, "That's it, I'm tired too..."

"Just let go!" Song Yi murmured in a low voice.

When the army on the shore didn't understand Song Yi's approach, in fact Wanyan Mingzhu already knew that Wang Tao's side was defeated.

Wanyan Mingzhu knew very well that Song Yi was not as good as Wang Tao when it came to the formation of war formations, but when it came to clever schemes, a hundred Wang Taos might not have imagined how Song Yi would fight such a battle.

In the art of war, Song Yi only takes one odd word, and he is already invincible, just because he still has a loyal army under his command.The Wind and Snow Wolf Cavalry and the Mighty Army are not afraid of the golden soldiers!

Perhaps it was only at this time that Wanyan Mingzhu believed that perhaps Song Yiben was a star that descended from the sky, otherwise how could he have accomplished so many things?

But that is not too important to her.She can't control her people now, and she can't save those people, so as he said before, she should start to learn to be his woman with peace of mind.

Thinking about it this way, he actually became more at ease.



Three days later, the defense line outside Koryo was tense, and it was Ruzhou Xiang Wang Kui who came to sweep with a mighty army. Wang Tao should have guessed this would be the case, but in the end he was powerless.

The favorable time and place that originally occupied Koryo turned into limitations in an instant, and was surrounded by inside and outside for a while, so Wang Tao could only allocate a part of his troops to resist the mighty army that came over.

But at the moment when the golden soldiers changed their formation, the fleet here began to move.

Yutou Zhang has tested the range of the most powerful catapult vehicle countless times, and then got an accurate answer, so when it reached a critical point, the fleet stopped.

Borrowing the wind from the sea to the shore, the smoke cannons prepared on the ship, which were not used in Japan, were used, and the entire Jinbing army was enveloped in poisonous smoke in an instant.

It was only at this time that Wang Tao came to his senses. In the process of fighting Yan Yun, he had experienced the power of the poisonous smoke several times, so he ordered the soldiers to cover their heads and faces.

At this point, the catapults on the fleet began to throw anything capable of attack, and the last few reserves of gunpowder.

When the rumbling sound exploded and the bursting boulders disrupted the formation of the golden soldiers like bullets, Wang Tao couldn't even find the position of the fleet on the sea, let alone fight?

Hundreds of large ships approached the shore at an extremely fast speed, and finally used the divine arm crossbow.

Amidst the thick smoke, only screams could be heard, the formation of the golden soldiers collapsed, and the soldiers on the fleet began to land, and then began to harvest lives with a strict organization.

Only then did Wang Tao begin to command the battle calmly, but when the smoke cleared, the people on Song Yi's side had already spread out and landed.

A long battle formation stretched up on the coastline, and this place could not adapt to the charge of cavalry, so the Fengxue wolf cavalry in a battle formation of three or five people quickly found the rhythm of the battle.


When Wang Kui and others broke through the Jinbing line of defense and completely entered the territory of Koryo, Wang Tao lost even the corresponding reinforcements.And after a few days, the originally noisy Jin Bing has already become sluggish. Under such circumstances, the battle has become uncontrollable.

Not controlled by Wang Tao, nor controlled by Song Yi.

But in fact, Song Yi didn't even think about controlling the situation in the past, because he was doing a technical job.

There is a prepared hot air balloon configuration on the Dragon Soul, so Song Yi is preparing to surprise Wang Shu!

Fuyao, Zhao Jingxue and others gathered together to help, but they all wanted to get on this hot air balloon that only appeared in rumors!

Even a martial arts master like Fuyao, who can jump over a ten-foot-high wall, cannot resist the temptation to soar into the sky.

So, when life and death were being fought over there, in fact, Song Yi hadn't worried about the final outcome of the battle at all, and even Wanyan Mingzhu finally walked out of it.

About two hours later, when the huge spherical body curled into the air from the Dragon Soul.Many people on the battlefield were stunned, but the one who was most surprised was Wang Shu on the top of the mountain...

As the hot air balloon soared into the air, it got higher and higher from the ground, and the sea breeze blew on its face and it became colder and colder. Even Fuyao panicked. If he fell from here, who would survive?

Wanyan Mingzhu was a little lost, her face pale!It was her request to sit up, but as soon as she got up, she couldn't help remembering that she used this method to assassinate her brother that day... But what she was really afraid of was this kind of height...

Only Zhao Jingxue, who should have been terrified, was jumping with excitement, and Song Yi was so frightened that she kept reminding her not to move around, otherwise something would really happen!

In the sky, Song Yi and several women seemed to be riding a cloud to the top of the big green mountain, shocking the viewers!

Among the crowd below, Yu Xiaoyue held a big knife, raised her head and looked at the cloud with a little envy, her eyes were blurred...

"Girl, if you like him, dad will help you tell him!"

At this time, a rough voice suddenly sounded beside Yu Xiaoyue's ears, her cheeks were instantly flushed, and she sighed in a complicated tone, "I'm ashamed, Dad, don't talk about it!"

Yutou Zhang laughed and said, "What's the matter, if I were a woman, I would also admire such a great hero! Tsk tsk... Who would have thought of today? Who would have thought of it..."

Yutou smiled, but his expression was full of emotions. Along the way, he had seen too many miracles!

However, at this moment, he has seen through his daughter's heart, even if he loses face for her, it's okay, as a parent, as long as his children like it, even the stars in the sky will be plucked!Let alone just a man?

Yu Xiaoyue's cheeks became even redder, she stomped her feet, and turned into a fierce saber gesture with a sense of shame, slashing a person with a knife, and instantly brought out a pool of blood.

The girl's face carried a bit of cold air, but it happened to be so red that it was touching.

This style is not inferior to any beauties...

.As the hot air balloon soared, he stumbled and failed to reach the top of the mountain after all. Fortunately, he landed safely at a place not far from the top of the mountain.

Zhao Jingxue was overjoyed at the beginning, but when she came down, she found that her legs were soft, and Fuyao helped her to stand firm. Qiu Yeyin and Wanyan Mingzhu's faces were slightly pale, but the bright color in their eyes was I can't hide my joy.

There is such a romantic scene in one's life, and it is probably unprecedented!

Everyone was just about to head towards the top of the mountain, but they saw a delicate figure stumbling towards them.

Wang Shu was running while holding the corner of his skirt, and the excitement in his chest seemed to explode.

Only at this moment can she realize how exciting it would be to think about someone, wait for someone for too long, and the backlog of waiting and longing suddenly has a destination!

"Slow down..."

Song Yi had already seen Wang Shupao's red cheeks, and couldn't help worrying that she would fall down.

At this moment, when Wang Shu heard his voice, he suddenly jumped into his arms like a bird...


Song Yi was hit by Wang Shu's soft body on his chest. Although he felt wonderful in his heart, his chest was almost smashed by her. His whole body was hit by Wang Shu and fell back on the green grass.. ...

The two rolled around on the ground before stopping their strength.

This round rolled so that there was dirt and grass on the clothes, and I was in a mess!Especially for Wang Shu, the hem of the originally plain skirt was all rolled up at this moment, and the scenery was beautiful.

The women watching had different moods, but none of them wanted to destroy the beautiful atmosphere at the moment.

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