() In the front army, as the curtain of the big tent was lifted, a tall general walked up to Dong Zhuo. This person was Hu Zhen, his confidant general who accompanied him on the expedition.Seeing him coming in, the latter hurriedly asked, "How is it? How much food is there in the army?"

"If you save some money, it will take half a month." Hu Zhen said with a wry smile, "However, the morale of the army will definitely be frustrated. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the army to continue westward." Indeed, if the soldiers can't get enough to eat Food will inevitably affect morale, and everyone will be courting death if they continue to move forward under worries.

When Dong Zhuo heard this, his gloomy face became even more ugly: "Wen Cai, have you sent someone to check back? Why hasn't anyone brought food over yet?"

Hu Zhen shook his head: "Looking at the situation, something must have happened. According to the previous practice, the food and grass should have been delivered five days ago, but today it has disappeared. It is obvious that the Qiang people really did it."

"Didn't the general send two thousand horses to rescue them? Why didn't they come back to report, and didn't see any food?"

At this time, Li Ru on the side had no choice but to speak: "My lord, I'm afraid that something bad happened to those two thousand riders."

"It's impossible! No matter how strong the Qiang people are, they can't swallow my two thousand cavalry!" Dong Zhuo stood up abruptly, as if trying to convince himself that in this way, the other two people would be bothered. Dare to say anything more.

Just when the situation in the tent was a bit dull, someone came in again, and it was Li Que, another general under Dong Zhuo.This is a man with a high nose and eagle eyes and a stern expression, but at this moment he also looks very disturbed: "My lord, something serious has happened!"

"What?" Dong Zhuo looked at him immediately, and couldn't help asking with some worry.

"More than 30 of the cavalry sent out to protect the back road before came back, and they were all injured..." As soon as Li Que said this, he saw Dong Zhuo walking towards the outside of the tent regardless of others, which made other Several people showed worried looks.

Dong Zhuo went outside and saw several blood-stained men being helped off their horses.These elite knights who had followed him for many years and killed the enemy beyond parry were all faltering at this time, and they obviously suffered a lot of injuries.At this time, when people saw Dong Zhuo approaching, they bowed down one after another: "My lord..."

Dong Zhuo stabilized his mind, and then said in a majestic voice: "What's going on, you were ambushed by the enemy? Where are the other troops?"

"My lord... we turned back the way we came, but we fell into an ambush by the Qiang people and were surrounded from all sides. After several times of fighting, we were able to escape and come back. I'm afraid the others are in danger!" the leader General Pi said with a mournful face, "Our retreat has been cut off by the Qiang people!"

"What?" Dong Zhuo's face finally changed completely after hearing these words, turning snow-white.Just now there was such a sliver of hope, but unexpectedly it became a foregone conclusion in the blink of an eye, the back road was cut off, and the two thousand elite cavalry were ambushed by the enemy.What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that, in this way, the grain and grass transported from the rear were probably also taken by the Qiang people...

"This... but what to do with this?" For a moment, Dong Zhuo's heart was in turmoil, a deep worry emerged from the bottom of his heart, and even turned into fear.

"My lord, don't be alarmed, my lord!" Li Ru had no choice but to yell, "My lord, for the current plan, as long as we retreat, we still have a chance to preserve our strength and come back again, my lord! "

"Retreat? Haven't you heard that our retreat has been cut off by the Qiang people? Why should we retreat?" Dong Zhuo, who was already in a state of confusion, completely lost his ability to judge.

"No, my lord, the matter has not reached the point of no return!" Li Ru didn't see it that way: "Based on this situation, the Qiang people used the method of cutting off the food roads for our five armies, and they How many troops can we have to stop our [-] troops? As long as we move fast enough and return to the army while the Qiang people are divided and we still have some food and grass, we may still be able to escape. !"

"My lord, I think Wen You's words are very serious. This is the only way for us to save ourselves. Please give me an order quickly." After Hu Zhen and Li Que looked at each other, they also supported Li Ru's opinion.

After all, Dong Zhuo was not comparable to ordinary people, after the moment of losing his composure just now, he quickly adjusted his mood, took a deep breath, nodded and said: "What you said is right, we are in deep danger at this time, indeed we have no choice but to retreat. Even if you are blamed by the court afterwards, you can't take care of it anymore. I pass on the general's order, and the three armies will now bury the pot and cook food on the spot, and return to the division immediately after they are full."

"Here!" The generals around immediately agreed loudly, and then went to make arrangements.

But Dong Zhuo's face was still very heavy, even if he could retreat safely this time, his good plan would still be unfulfilled because of this, I'm afraid it would be impossible to make further progress in his official career.

Seeing his father-in-law sighing, Li Ru opened his mouth to comfort him, but in the end he didn't say anything.

On March 27, Dong Zhuo's troops, who had been advancing like a broken bamboo, suddenly turned around and left. This move was beyond the expectations of the Qiang people, so they had to send a small group of cavalry to harass Dong Zhuo's army along the road to prevent them from returning.Although these troops didn't do much damage to Dong Zhuo's army, relying on the haunting and harassing battle, Dong Zhuo's army was in a state of chaos, and it was difficult to turn around quickly for a while.

And at this moment, the situation in Xiliang suddenly changed drastically.On the same day that Dong Zhuo's army retreated, the Qiang rebel army, which had been mainly retreating, suddenly launched a frontal attack on the other four-way army.

At this time, the morale of the four armies had been greatly reduced because the supply of food and grass had been cut off.In the face of waves of attacks by the rebels, they were quickly defeated.Even a famous general like Huangfusong, it is difficult to keep the army safe under such circumstances, and thousands of troops were lost in one day.

The reason why there was such a tragic failure was that apart from the lack of food and grass, the internal instability of the four armies was also the key.You must know that the five-way army sent by the imperial court to quell the chaos this time, except for Dong Zhuo's army, which was composed entirely of his own trilogy, the other four groups were formed by a combination of troops from all sides.

For example, Zhang Wen, as the generalissimo, has a very mixed team.In addition to the Wanxu troops he himself brought from Chang'an, there are also some troops dispatched from Xiliang, and others from other states and counties.When these groups of people are mixed together, it is true that they can unite as one and deal with the enemy when they are victorious, but once they are defeated, it is difficult for them to cooperate with each other.Even with the honor of Zhang Wen, it is difficult for all the generals to obey orders, not to mention that the generals are already dissatisfied because of the difficulty in supplying food and grass at this time.

So after being hit by the Qiang people, the tens of thousands of troops became a mess.After a fight, they were defeated and fled back in a hurry.What surprised them even more was that not only was the frontal enemy extremely fierce, but there were always Qiang cavalry harassing them from time to time on their retreat route, which was another layer of damage to the army.

From the end of March to the first ten days of April, in just over ten days, all of the [-] Han troops were repelled by the enemy. Except for Dong Zhuo, who still had strength along the way, the other sides were seriously damaged.Not only was everything taken back by the enemy taken away by the enemy, but they were also killed by the Qiang people, making people panic, and it seemed that it would be difficult to turn over.

After mid-April, all four troops retreated to the east of Jincheng County, more than half of the troops were lost, and those who fled back had no fighting spirit. It was impossible to counterattack. The only thing they could do was to Stand firm and wait for the imperial reinforcements to arrive.

At the same time, in order not to lose too many troops, Dong Zhuojun's situation became even worse.With the defeat of the other four armies, the Qiang people were finally able to spare enough troops to round up Dong Zhuo's army.On April [-]th, [-] Qiang troops surrounded Dong Zhuo's army, and the latter's army was forced to retreat to a place called Wangyuan Kip. The number of people dropped sharply to less than [-].

The sharp reduction in troop strength is not without benefits, that is, the loss of food has also been reduced a lot, so until this time, Dong Zhuo's army has not run out of food.But going on like this is not a long-term solution after all. Seeing that there is no way around and there is not much food and grass left in the army, Dong Zhuo's only way is to send out elite soldiers to break through, and then ask the rear for help and food, hoping to turn the tide of the battle.


At this time, Ma Yue, who was determined to save Dong Zhuo from difficulty, had already begun to speak with actions.

Not long after sending Dong Zhuo a reminder in the past few days, Ma Yue knew that the poisonous plan of the Qiang people had been accomplished.After all, there are so many grain detaining teams, not all the Qiang people can kill them all.So at the end of March, someone came back to bring back this amazing news.

After receiving the news, Ma Yue approached Niu Fu to discuss.It was difficult for Niu Fu to come up with a countermeasure for a while, so he had to order someone to report the matter to the court first, and then discuss with other advisers under Dong Zhuo's command.But what can these people come up with?

On the contrary, Ma Yue, after some thought, started to make some preparations.Although he doesn't know whether these preparations can help Dong Zhuo who doesn't know what to do now, but for his own development, he still needs to do it.

On the day of April 22, Niu Fu also found Ma Yue and brought him the worst news—Dong Zhuojun was trapped in Wangwangyuan Kip, and the food in the army was about to run out, and he urgently needed support from the rear.


Because there is no space for the protagonist to play this part, I wrote it briefly. In addition, the content is slightly different from the historical facts, which is also for the development of the plot.

No, wait, before you hide your face and run away, you still have to yell brazenly: "Please collect it, please get a red ticket, it's almost time for the protagonist to show his skills!!!!!!"

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