future technology

Chapter 259 Encirclement and counter-siege!

After ten minutes of non-stop trek, Feng Xiao and the others finally found the traces of the East Turkistan terrorists.

"Come on! Let us fuck the fuck!" Liu Jie's pent-up anger burst out at this moment.

"Haha! Shall we do the lottery?" Feng Xiao smiled and followed Liu Jie and the others.Feng Xiao's own blood began to burn.

"A lottery? What a lottery?! I will also participate in such a fun event!" Lei Dong seemed to have returned to his military career at this time, and the blood in his heart also aroused his fierceness.

"Whoever has the fewest heads will treat guests to a drink! How about it?!" Feng Xiao laughed. [

"Okay! Come here! Who is afraid of who is the grandson!" Liu Jie laughed, "Shanmao, Tanlang, we have restarted our previous bet, and now we start again, how about it?!"

"Come on!" said the bobcat.

"Shanmao, it seems that this time the treat is decided!" Greedy Wolf licked his mouth.

"Let's go! The bet will take effect immediately, start now!" After speaking, Liu Jie took the lead and was the first to rush towards the East Turkistan terrorists.

Seeing Liu Jie's appearance, the others also rushed towards the East Turkistan terrorists.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

All kinds of gunshots were heard endlessly, and the East Turkistan terrorists hadn't reflected what was going on. They were caught off guard by them and began to panic.Of the five Feng Xiao and the others, three were from the Dragon Tooth Special Forces, one was an ace agent, and Feng Xiao himself had the low-level skill "killer" and sharp marksmanship.Almost all shot to death!

Almost at the moment of contact, more than a dozen East Turkistan terrorists fell to the five of Feng Xiao and Liu Jie!

"5!" Feng Xiao laughed loudly.

"Four! All right, Feng Xiao, you actually killed one more person than me!" Liu Jie's eyes were red at this time, and the tongue of gunfire kept blazing as he spoke.

"Four!" Lei Dong also said.

"Damn! I'm behind, I only killed three!" Bobcat was very depressed.

"Two..." Tanlang said weakly.

"Hahaha! Tanlang, it seems that you have to pay for this drink?!" After hearing Tanlang's words, Shanmao immediately felt a lot better.

This has completely become a one-sided massacre!Killing people is not because of the large number of people!But relying on super personal ability!Facing the bazooka launched by the East Turkistan terrorists, Feng Xiao and Liu Jie already had a way to deal with it.As long as anyone puts the bazooka on, they will shoot him first, and if they can't kill him, they will quickly hide.

The five of them started to spread out, not giving them a chance at all.After Liu Jie and the others had used up all the medicines on their bodies, they picked up the accompanying gun of the GIF terrorist, and K started to kill like crazy!Feng Xiao and the five of them are like the gods of death from hell, constantly harvesting their lives.Five people, different directions, five K's, so they couldn't find the north.

No matter what the leader commanded, he roared out, but he could no longer restrain his subordinates whose confidence had been slackened.

This time Feng Xiao and the others went all out, and the powerful fighting power they erupted completely stunned them!

"Kill a leader of the East Turkistan terrorists, the living chivalry is worth 55 points!" [

This is awesome!Feng Xiao was a little excited in his heart.

Although, among the East Turkistan terrorists, the hearts of the people are scattered at this time.However, many people remained calm.And the marksmanship is also outstanding.These people, at first glance, are people who have gone through the baptism of war and the test of life and death.His face was cold and without a trace of emotion.Don't be moved by the environment again, and they cooperate very well one by one.The tactics are very skillful, and they must have received formal military training.Some of them were in charge of suppressing fire, and some were in charge of shooting.They quickly re-stabilized those who were about to flee, reorganized together, and started an effective counterattack.

Feng Xiao and the others are only five of them, and they act very flexibly.Seeing that a head-on confrontation would not be beneficial, he began to avoid the important and play the sparrow battle.

If you can't fight, just hide, and put a sniper when it's okay.That sharp marksmanship is accurate every shot!This group of East Turkistan terrorists at this time is completely playing with the applause!At this time, the group of East Turkistan terrorists dropped from more than 50 people to more than 20 people.The little bit of confidence that I had just regained was consumed again! -

At this time, it turned into a one-sided killing. If the East Turkistan terrorists rushed to fire, other people began to help attract firepower.They had absolutely no way to fight this battle.

The number of people is never the key to victory or defeat!Feng Xiao and the five of them proved the sentence with facts!

Finally, after more than ten minutes of firefighting, this group of arrogant East Turkistan terrorists were all killed by their guns.


Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Liu Jie, who was still manly just now, suddenly knelt on the ground, crying like a child, the voice sounded so sad.That kind of sadness is like a knife, and everyone who stabs can't help feeling an inexplicable heartache.

No one went to stop Liu Jie, so he was left alone to vent.At this time, Shanmao and Tanlang also began to shed tears.All the tears of the three of them were shed for those comrades who died.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Feng Xiao also felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart, and his eyes began to moisten.

At this time, Lei Dong walked to Feng Xiao silently, and said softly: "Brother Feng, do you know? Although I am no longer in the army, my heart has always stayed there. There are so many things I want to miss There are my brothers who were born and died, some of my most cherished comrades-in-arms, and my old squad leader, old platoon leader... If my comrade-in-arms dies, I will definitely think of Brother Liu .”

Feng Xiao seemed to understand, but he was deeply moved by that kind of comrade-in-arms.

After Liu Jie and the others cried for a while, they gradually stopped.

Standing up slowly, he said, "I'm sorry, you two, I made you laugh." Liu Jie said softly.

Feng Xiao and Lei Dong didn't speak, but walked up to him silently and patted him on the shoulder.Men only see that sometimes you don't need to say hypocritical words, just a body movement, and the other party can understand your intentions.

In this way, the terrorist attack by the East Turkistan terrorists against the air crash in T city of N province was resolved by Feng Xiao, Liu Jie and Lei Dong in this way.It also shattered Tang Yuzhe's conspiracy once again.

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