Today is destined to be an uneasy day for the Killer Alliance, the largest killer organization in the world. Not long ago, Zhihu, who ranked eighth in the international killer list, suddenly unilaterally announced his withdrawal from the killer organization, and did not give For any reason, this incident undoubtedly caused a huge shock to the organization of the Killer Alliance.

Inside the Headquarters of the Killer Alliance.

Deman's face was gloomy in his office. Obviously, Paul's incident also aroused his anger.If it was an ordinary-level killer, it might not be a big deal to be betrayed.However, Paul is a super killer, and he is also a famous killer on the list. This is like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, and the waves it stirs up are undoubtedly huge.

After a long silence, Deman pressed the red button on the upper left corner of his huge desk. In less than ten seconds, the waiter who had been serving outside quickly walked into Deman's office.As soon as he entered the hall, the waiter immediately bowed his body and lowered his head.

"Go, call me all the supervisors to the meeting room, and say that I want to hold an extra meeting temporarily, and all the supervisors must be present. If you are late, you will be executed directly!" Deman's voice was very depressed, and the penetration The murderous intent in the human voice made the waiter tremble, and he quickly retreated after receiving the order. [

Deman crossed his hands, supported his chin, stood up after contemplating for a while, walked to the clothes hanger by the door, took off the black dress for the meeting, dressed neatly, and slowly walked out of the room.

After passing through the long corridor, Deman walked towards the deepest part of the Killer League headquarters. After seven or eight minutes, he finally reached the deepest part of the Killer League.On both sides of the final meeting hall, on the left and right sides stood famous men with murderous looks and sharp eyes.At first glance, he was a top killer who had experienced life and death.

The huge black heavy door is carved with a huge goat. In Western culture, goats are the embodiment of evil.It represents lust, greed and lust.And what is carved on this huge black wooden door is the most famous sheep-headed demon bphomet in Western culture.

Its name comes from the trial of the Knights Templar by the Inquisition in the 14th century.This fictional demon was actually an allusion to Islam, Christianity's greatest enemy at the time. bphomet is a variant of Muhammad \'bphomet\'mhometmuhmm.He was originally unknown, but in 1854, a French mystic Elphslev wrote a book ogmsnrtulsofhghmg, in which he hand-painted this illustration, and used \'thesbbtgot\' Sabbath sheep as its alias.It was this image that made bphomet explode in popularity.

The huge black sheep statue on the huge black wooden door was drawn in a book ogmsnrtulsofhghmg written by occultist Elphslev, and this illustration he hand-painted was used for reference.

Inside the hall is a circular hall.Inside the hall stand seven colossal statues.

These seven statues are the seven demons in "The Seven Deadly Sins".Lucifer (lufer): Arrogance (pre) (lufer is because of arrogance, unwilling to kneel to the Son of God, causing Jehovah's dissatisfaction).Mammon: Gree (false god of wealth and greed).Asmodeus (smoeus): lust (lust) (progenitor of the daemon who irritates or desires).Samuel (smel): Wrath (wrth) (anger incarnate).Beelzebub (beelzebub): gluttony (lord of flies, called "king of ghosts" in the Bible).Leviathan (levthn): jealousy (e female y) (a sea monster that symbolizes evil).Beryl (berl): lazy (sloth) (originally the Mobu mountain god in the ancient Assyrian country).

Under these seven huge statues, huge stone chairs are placed accordingly.Deman nodded at the other stewards as he walked, and walked towards the statue of Lucifer in the middle.

After sitting down, Deman said softly: "Everyone, I summoned you here, I think you already know the reason?"

Sitting under the statue of Mamen, Misai, the steward, said, "Boss, do you want to talk about Zhihu, who ranks eighth on the international killer list, blatantly announcing his withdrawal from the killer alliance?"

"Well, yes. His blatant withdrawal from the organization not only created an uproar in our alliance, but also brought huge adverse effects. Therefore, I would like to discuss the handling of this matter here." Deman pointed He nodded, expressing his agreement with Miser's words.

"Could this matter have something to do with the target he assassinated this time? This Longguo man named Feng Xiao made the blood of the second-ranked international killer go home, and then the sixth-ranked Leng Xinmo mission Failed. Then the fifth-ranked international killer Baqueluo is now even missing. Two of the three killers sent to assassinate Feng Xiao this time have been proven dead, and Paul's strange behavior shows that this Feng Xiao has Weird." This time it was Nick the steward, who was standing under the statue of Leviathan representing jealousy.

"Well, you are right. I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. The background of Feng Xiao is far from as simple as we imagined. According to the news from below, Feng Xiao has just developed ZV-1 special plastic steel material. Therefore, it has been valued and protected by the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom. Now if we continue to choose to kill him, it means that our goal will change from an individual to a country. And it is still a The mighty Dragon Kingdom. Therefore, I think that in dealing with this matter, I hope to avoid the serious and focus on the light, and shift Feng Xiao's attention to Paul. As for the Tang family who offered a reward to Feng Xiao, we just pay him a sum of compensation Already." Deman said his thoughts.

"However, this Paul suddenly announced his withdrawal from the Assassin Alliance this time, and Feng Xiao may have instigated it from behind." Traver, who represented the lazy Beryl statue, said.

"Yes, if this is the case, the situation will be even worse. If Paul belongs to Feng Xiao, and behind Feng Xiao, it represents the Dragon Kingdom. Doesn't that mean that we can't attack Paul? Then we will kill him Where is the face of the alliance?" The person who spoke this time was Vicki, who was in charge, sitting under the statue of Samuel, who represented the rage.

"Although Paul is very likely to belong to Feng Xiao, the person Long Guo wants to protect is Feng Xiao, not Paul. We can't afford to provoke Feng Xiao at the moment, but we must kill Paul. Well, this matter , Now we start to vote on these two things, please raise your hand if you agree to continue to hunt down Feng Xiao." After saying this, Deman turned his head and looked around, none of the other six seats were in charge. people raise hands.

"Okay, it seems that everyone is not in favor of continuing to hunt down Feng Xiao, so if you agree to hunt down Paul, please raise your hand."

As soon as Deman finished speaking, all the stewards in the other seats raised their hands, including Paul himself.The assassination of Paul was finally approved by unanimous vote in the meeting hall of the Assassins Alliance.

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