future technology

Chapter 95 Dong Fei

"Boy, where are you going?" Brother Zhang asked Feng Xiao, his eyes full of doubts.You must know that his stealing skills are also one of the best in the Red Tiger Gang, and he is naturally unconvinced when his subordinates say that he is not as good as the young man in front of him.

Wherever you go means messing around, Feng Xiao chuckled and didn't answer, just said: "Since you don't believe it, how about we compare?"

"How to compare?" Brother Zhang sneered.

"It's very simple. I will take one of your things in front of you. If I take the thing away, then even if I win, after winning, you will take me to see your boss. If the thing is not taken away, then How about I just keep one arm?"

Feng Xiaoyi was so bold that he asked. [

Brother Zhang thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Then I promise you! Let's see how you take things from me!" Apparently, Brother Zhang is very confident in his ability, and he doesn't believe that Feng Xiao can touch it at all. To his body, even a sleeve!

"Okay, then we've made a deal!"

After Feng Xiao finished speaking, his right hand lost consciousness, and saw the blade held between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand quickly swipe across!Brother Zhang sneered when he saw Feng Xiao's action, turned sideways, and avoided Feng Xiao's attack this time.

Feng Xiao was not in a hurry when he saw it, he smiled slightly, flicked his right wrist, and changed the direction instantly!The blade came to his eyebrows in an instant and slashed across, then withdrew his hand.All actions are between lightning and flint!

"Haha! What? You missed it?

Brother Zhang looked at his body, he was safe and sound, and laughed triumphantly.

"Really? Do you see that there is nothing missing from you?"

The corner of Feng Xiao's mouth curled up, and he said.

"Boy, I think you are confused, right? I just escaped your attack."

Brother Zhang suddenly became suspicious when he heard what Feng Xiao said so confidently, and his eyes kept wandering around his body.

"Zhang...Brother Zhang...you..."

Ma Tou, surnamed Liang, had half of his face swollen, and spoke indistinctly.

"Fuck! If you fart, let it go quickly, don't squeak there!"

Brother Zhang is now angry when he sees the horse's head, and he starts shouting and cursing.

"Zhang...Brother Zhang...you...the eyebrow on your right!"

"My eyebrows?!" Brother Zhang said suspiciously, and subconsciously touched his forehead with his right hand.He suddenly yelled: "Huh!? Where are my eyebrows?!"

"Here it is!"

Feng Xiao smiled slightly, and saw that the blade held in his right hand was still covered with clumps of black hairs, which were Brother Zhang's eyebrows!This is no longer as simple as just the speed of your hands. No matter how fast your hands are, if you don't have skill, you will definitely feel something when the blade hits your eyebrows.This is more difficult than picking objects from a boiling pan!What's more, in the end, Feng Xiao took all the eyebrows off a lot!Not a single one fell to the ground!This is even more difficult!

Seeing everything that happened in front of him, Brother Zhang fell into a slump.Of course he knew what Feng Xiao's series of actions represented. If it was him, even if that person stayed there, it would be good for him to shave his eyebrows.What's more, Feng Xiao didn't even feel it at all.Just relying on Feng Xiao's hand, it is definitely not good to cut people's clothes and get money! [

"Okay! I am willing to admit defeat! Go! I will take you in!"

This Brother Zhang keeps his word.

Feng Xiao followed Brother Zhang, stepping on the stairs and making a "creak, creak" sound.Upon closer inspection, the wooden planks above were moldy and in tatters, and people walking on them might fall off at any time.Brother Zhang led him all the way to the top floor before stopping.

Finally seeing the head of the Chihu Gang, Feng Xiao's heart began to get excited.Feng Xiao has been curious about such a legendary figure for a long time.

After reaching the door, Brother Zhang stopped, and Feng Xiao followed behind him, waiting silently.

I saw Brother Zhang knocking on the wooden door in a very rhythmic way. Generally, thieves would be more cautious. This is a kind of code word.Sure enough, shortly after the miscellaneous knock, a voice came from inside the door.

"Come in."

After hearing the voice, Brother Zhang came to the door slowly, and his movements were very slow, obviously showing respect to the people in the room.After following in, Feng Xiao found a young man sitting in the center of the room with a black cloth tied on his head.Feng Xiao knew that the young man in front of him was practicing kung fu and listening.If you want to practice listening well, you must cover your eyes and use your ears to feel all the sounds outside.This is like a blind man. Although blind men cannot see the outside world, their hearing is very keen.Even the rhythm of a person's heartbeat can be heard clearly.

The same is true for practicing listening, but it requires persistence. Without three or four years of hard work, there will be no results at all.And practice more than 3 hours a day.

Seeing that the young man in front of him still had such perseverance, Feng Xiao couldn't help but nodded.In this day and age, to have such a heart is already very good.

"Head of the house, a colleague is here."

Brother Zhang respected the young man in front of him, bowed his head and said.


The young man sitting cross-legged on the ground finally changed his tone, which also represented his inner emotions fluctuating.

"Friend, but you?"

The young man said in Feng Xiao's direction. At this time, Feng Xiao hadn't opened his mouth, but he was able to find out where he was.

"Hehe, I'm just here. It seems that your hearing has improved a little. You can actually find my location by the sound of my faint heartbeat."

Feng Xiao laughed. He still admired the young man in front of him.It takes a lot of perseverance to persevere all the time.

Hearing what Feng Xiao said, the young man sitting cross-legged on the ground finally took off the black cloth covering his eyes.Seeing his face, Feng Xiao was shocked, it was so handsome.One can tell at a glance that this person will never be more than 23 years old.

"You know I'm practicing listening?

The young man didn't ask Feng Xiao's background, but asked this sentence instead.

"Well, and I also know that you have made some achievements. You should practice for a long time, right? It should be at least two years. But if you want to really listen to the sound and distinguish the object, it is still far away" [

Feng Xiao smiled slightly and said.

Listening to sound is an extremely advanced listening skill.This kind of kung fu has long been lost, and to practice this kind of kung fu is an extreme test of a person's patience.Because practicing this kind of listening skills is extremely boring, and you basically have to spend every day covered with a black cloth.If the willpower is not strong enough, you have already given up.

According to legend, if the hearing ability has reached the level of listening to the sound to distinguish objects, just knock on the outer box, you can know what the object inside is, how big it is, and how much it weighs.

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