future technology

Chapter 99 Clear 3 levels!

Feng Xiao went out very slowly at the beginning, probably because he had figured out the various structures on the top of the house.All the eggs "flyed" towards him.

Feng Xiao picked up the stone with one hand and the egg with the other, his movements were flowing!The people watching around saw Feng Xiao's movements, as if they were performing an art.This method, to put it in more detail, is like playing billiards, through counter-attacking, hitting the ball you want to hit into the hole.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

This sound kept echoing in the hall!

So far, nine eggs have been broken without any damage.It was the first time for everyone in the hall to get objects from a distance.Even Dong Fei, their boss. [

At this time, his mouth was wide open, and he could completely stuff an egg.No way, this is too shocking!

The last egg is more troublesome, because behind this egg is a bare wall, and there is no way to knock it down.

I saw that Feng Xiao put his hands down, thinking quietly.

At this point, it is necessary to resort to another method.This is a bit like when we play billiards, we hit one ball first, and after the ball hits the desired position, we hit another ball, and through this method, we hit the desired target into the hole.

After Feng Xiao finished thinking, he quickly punched a stone towards the wall behind him. After the stone was reversed, Feng Xiao quickly knocked out another stone again.The direction of the first stone changed quickly, and it happened to hit the last egg again!

Finally, the last egg also arrived in Feng Xiao's hands!

After all the eggs were cracked, the scene was silent for a while.Later, with Dong Fei taking the lead, everyone applauded.Everyone looked at Feng Xiao adoringly, the scene was very lively!The applause lasted for a long time, almost smashing their hands, and everyone stopped.

Dong Fei stepped forward, looking very excited, and said: "Thank you, Feng Xiao, this time, I should thank you. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would never see anyone pass all three levels in this life! Even if it is Let me die now, I also feel regretful to die!"

"Hehe, you are joking. We will all be brothers from now on, aren't we? As long as you are willing to do it, I believe that one day, you will reach the same height as me."

Feng Xiao laughed at Dong Fei.

"Brother! You will be my big brother from now on! Don't worry! I, Dong Fei, will definitely give you this certificate!"

Dong Fei seemed very excited, and there was a tremor in his voice.

I saw him stabilize his mood, and continued: "Brothers present! Are you willing to follow Brother Feng? Are you willing to hang out with him in the future?!"

"Willing!" "Willing!"

Maybe the people present are not willing?This is the real thief!The master of the eight holes!This kind of character was only recorded in historical materials before. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to hang out with such a character now. How could I not want to?

"it is good!"

Dong Fei shouted, now he completely regards Feng Xiao as his idol, and worships him from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you! Since everyone is willing to hang out with me, I am very touched! Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will reward you with food! I swear to the patriarch!"

This kind of oath is the heaviest oath in this business.If there is any violation, it will be abolished.If everyone knew that Feng Xiao didn't believe in Shi Qian, the old master, what would they think? [

This matter finally came to an end. At this time, Dong Fei drove everyone out. Seeing everyone's unwilling expressions, Dong Fei felt very sorry.In the end, I had no choice but to use force, which made the whole hall quiet.

"Brother Feng, are you going to deal with Jiang Bin? At this moment, the gangsters in the entire jx city are relatively safe and stable. Do you want to muddy the water and take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters?"

Dong Fei is very smart, and his words hit the nail on the head.Feng Xiao's general meaning was guessed by him.

After Feng Xiao heard Dong Fei's words, he nodded appreciatively.With such a subordinate to help, it will definitely save a lot of worry in the future.Although people in the Tao said that Dong Fei was both righteous and evil, Feng Xiao felt that this was his true temperament!This is what a man should do. He does things freely and freely, all according to his own mood.Moreover, Dong Fei is not bad at all, he never bullies the poor.

"Well, I did have this plan recently, because he kidnapped my sister."

It is impossible for Feng Xiao to tell the real situation. After all, it is not the time yet, and it will not be too late when the time is right.

"Oh? Then Jiang Bin kidnapped the eldest brother's sister? That really deserves to be killed!"

Just like the rumors said, Dong Fei does things completely according to his own mood, and it seems completely natural to say this sentence.

"Brother Feng, are you planning to let me steal Jiang Bin's account books, hand them over to the media, and then expose them? Will this bring Jiang Bin and all the senior officials of jx city into trouble?"

"You can't do this. First of all, if you drag the official into the water, it will definitely cause turmoil in the entire jx city, because the involvement is too wide. In this way, maybe the higher ups will pay attention to us. This is called hurting the enemy. How do you fish in troubled waters? Besides, you can guarantee that Jiang Bin will not be released after entering the account with the current power? Since we want to do it, we must do it the most ruthlessly! To completely eradicate the root, the only way is to kill Jiang Bin, then Only then can you sit back and relax!"

Feng Xiao patiently explained to Dong Fei.

"Brother Feng, are you going to kill Jiang Bin? It's not easy! It is said that Jiang Bin has four master bodyguards around him, all of whom are masters hired from the black boxing market at a high price, and many of them have died. .And Jiang Bin is cautious and never meets strangers alone. Even if he has business dealings with the other party, it will not exceed 3 minutes. As long as it exceeds this time, he will leave."

Dong Fei frowned and said.

"Hehe... The result I want is not just Jiang Bin's death, the result I want most is to completely disappear the entire Iron Wolf Gang from JX City!"

Feng Xiao said sadly.

"So, Brother Feng, what do we need to do?"

Dong Fei was completely dumbfounded by what Feng Xiao said.

"Hehe, let me keep this matter a secret first, and you will know about it later. The first thing to do now is to steal Jiang Bin's account books! Remember, what I want is a backup! You can Don't bring the truth over foolishly. It won't have the effect of paralyzing Jiang Bin."

Feng Xiao spoke with a strong confidence, which also infected Dong Fei.

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