() After finishing speaking, Xiao Meirou made the group of Yingying and Yanyan stand up again. When they stood up, those white thighs immediately attracted the attention of several people.

Smooth, straight, slender, tender... almost all the words to describe beautiful legs can be used on these girls.

Of course, it is undeniable that some of the girls' legs are not considered the best, but there are more than 40 people and more than 80 legs in this forest. Some flaws have long since disappeared, and the rest is only endless temptation.

Hearing Xiao Meirou's words, Cui Hao became excited, and he asked again: "Then the girl I have chosen, can you stay with me overnight?"

Xiao Meirou still had a charming smile on her face, this kind of professional smile could really make people relax.

But don't look at the charming smile on her face, but she secretly scolds Cui Hao in her heart, but she is really a good girl, so why can't he learn from Wang Wei?After being shocked, Wang Wei regained his composure, and was not at all overwhelmed by this group of mighty Yingyingyanyans.

On the other hand, Wei Zhi wanted to look arrogant and contemptuous, thinking that these geisha were no match for the pure maids in his family.

These geisha are all rotten goods, but thinking that he still has to keep a low profile and be humble, and learn from Thirteen Lang, so he continued to be expressionless, neither happy nor sad, and his temperament became more and more ruthless.

Xiao Meirou replied: "Young Master Cui already understood the rules of our Rose Square, as long as Young Master Cui can be as forthright as before, nothing is impossible."

That's right, Rose Square is not a place where geisha can choose whether to spend the night with them voluntarily. As long as the identity of the guest reaches a certain level, then as long as he can afford the price, there is nothing he can't talk about.

Sure enough, Cui Hao felt relieved after hearing this.

He had asked Xu Qingchen the same question when he was dating at Peony Square before, but the answers he got were always ambiguous, and in the end he had to get the approval of the geisha.

Cui Hao once asked Xu Qingchen to make an offer in an unsightly way, but it hurt his feelings to talk about money, and he couldn't let the smell of copper bring down the elegant atmosphere of the whole red peony.

Although Cui Hao agreed with Xu Qingchen's thoughts on the surface, he was very unhappy in his heart. He felt that this peony square was a model of being a bitch and setting up a memorial archway, so he switched to Rose Square, only to find out how happy the latter was. simply.

So Cui Hao said generously to his friends: "Everyone hurry up and choose, today is my treat anyway, if anyone wants to stay in this Rose Square today like me, I don't mind at all!"

In the end, Lu Xiang, who knew Cui Hao well, said with contempt on his face: "You clearly know that you are the only one who likes this, and you are so brazen, anyway, I came to Rose Square to have fun and relax, not to play with women. "

Cui Hao was a little embarrassed, obviously he also knew the style of these friends, although these friends did not reject coming to the various brothels in Pingkangfang, but they almost never really stayed in brothels.

Wei Zhi had many high-end innocent girls in his family for him to play with, while Wang Wei, Cui Zongzhi, and Lu Xiang were all relatively clean and self-conscious, and they were not obsessed with beauty.

Among them, Wang Wei's aesthetic views are often complained by friends. Although Cui Zongzhi and Lu Xiang are clean and self-sufficient noblemen, they have also tasted the taste of many women. They really can't understand why Wang Wei likes that kind of thin Women, it's really uncomfortable to press the skeleton. It is obvious that those plump women, whether it is touch or the feeling of being pressed under the body, are much better than thin women.

In the Tang Dynasty, the aesthetic concept of fat as beauty has basically been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is like thinness is considered beautiful in later generations. The supermodels of later generations are almost all very slender and tall. "Fat is beautiful" here is of course not fat. That kind of obesity, but plumpness, that kind of overweight existence is not a kind of beauty at any time.

Wang Wei's aesthetics are greatly influenced by later generations, so he likes thin girls very much, like his fiancée Cui Yingluo, who is relatively slender and thin, but unexpectedly, the hand feel is really good.

Regarding friends' complaints, Wang Wei has always been aloof and doesn't explain. He will not change his aesthetics just to deliberately cater to his friends.Although he can also accept plump women, he still likes thin girls in comparison. When doing exercises on the bed, there is not only one position.

Wang Wei secretly despised his friends, although women played a lot, but their skills in bed were still very monotonous, so he came to the conclusion that plump women are the best.

Several people began to carefully select the geisha they liked. Wang Wei still insisted on his point of view. He first ruled out those plump geisha. During the selection process, he had a good feeling of the beauty brought by these white thighs to him. of visual stimulation.

I have to admit that the white gauze clothes worn by these geisha are really a bit like the ancient version of short skirts. The gauze-like clothes can only cover the buttocks, and the smooth buttocks are exposed to the air. It's tempting, but it's a pity that there is no so-called black silk in this era, otherwise it would be even more exciting.

It is said that the silk weaving technology in the Tang Dynasty and the thinness of the light gauze woven make modern people feel incredible. Wang Wei feels that even if there is no technology to manufacture such elastic stockings in this era, some hand-woven ones that cling to the beautiful legs Pantyhose without elastic is not a fantasy. It may not feel as good as modern silk stockings, but in terms of appearance, the effect is probably not much different.

When Wang Wei made the choice, he was quite satisfactory. In fact, he was still too conservative and young.At this time, veterans all know that you can rub the oil with your hands to test whether it matches your own feel. Sometimes the skin of beautiful women looks fair and smooth, but some are more elastic, and some are more elastic. But it is softer, just like a woman's chest, so in order to test the feel, it is not impossible to touch it boldly with your hands.

Cui Hao is like a fish in water among these geisha, because several of them have had pleasant bedtime experiences with him, so naturally relying on their familiarity, they begged Cui Hao to choose them, because everyone knows that this is an opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop , the opportunity lies in Wang Wei.

While Cui Hao teased these geisha with ease, he also caressed those smooth thighs dishonestly, and even went straight to a certain mysterious place, which made several of his friends feel a little ashamed. This guy's talent In fact, he is not inferior to Wang Wei, but he is too obsessed with women, so his poems at this time are limited to boudoir poems. If he can travel around in the future and increase his knowledge, he will definitely be able to write eternal masterpieces.

The geisha molested by Cui Hao yelled "Cui Lang" sweetly one by one, but they also used their hands to stop Cui Hao's outrageous movements, but they regretted being fucked by Cui Hao in the past. No matter how Wang Wei chooses, he will not pick Cui Hao's leftovers, so he only hopes that Cui Hao can remember the old love and pick them, which will also greatly promote their reputation.

It's a pity that Cui Hao is a typical plucking bird and ruthless, he likes the new and dislikes the old. He quickly picked a girl with a hot body from among the geisha, but it was the woman named Yuqin before.

When Yuqin was selected, although it was a pity that she was not selected by Wang Wei, there were only five places in total, and there were more than 40 geisha present. It was a kind of luck to be selected, but Cui Hao's The salty pig's hands fumbled on her slender breasts, which made Yuqin a little embarrassed.

Although to a certain extent, Cui Hao's young and wealthy son from a family like Cui Hao is indeed a good choice to leave the brothel, but Cui Hao's attitude towards beauty is too frivolous. He hardly talks about feelings, but only pursues The joy of life.

This is indeed a guy who treats women very ruthlessly and ungratefully. The only advantage is probably that he spends more generously, unlike a certain Uncle Guo who has accumulated a lot of money but is stingy in spending it.

Wang Wei felt that there were so many women who looked seven or eighty percent looking at him with hot eyes, which put him under a lot of pressure. For a while, he felt that he was Tang Sanzang caught by the banshees. If you eat it, you will live forever.

Wang Wei finally chose a slender and tall girl with a pair of slender straight breasts. She is somewhat similar to Cui Yingluo in height, but her body is thinner than Cui Yingluo, and her appearance is naturally not as beautiful as Cui Yingluo. On the contrary, she is more charming, with a thin powder on, and the smell of dust is very strong. I think it is no longer a geisha who "performs but not sells herself", but a performer who sells herself.

This girl whose stage name is Lu Wei really did not expect that she would be chosen by Wang Wei, because she is too thin. In later generations, she would definitely have the figure of a supermodel, but she is not popular in this era, unless she meets someone like Wang Wei is such a wonderful work with non-mainstream aesthetics.

Lu Wei is very distressed about her slender body. She is the kind of person who can't gain weight even if she wants to gain weight. Her popularity is also very low in Rose Square, because there are very few people who order her. In order to make her income more, she Naturally, there are always some guests who want to taste the taste of skinny beauties, so the smell of dust is strong.

If Xiao Meirou hadn't found out Wang Wei's taste this time, maybe she wouldn't have been included in the list of more than 40 people.

When she saw that Wang Wei chose Lu Wei, even though she had been mentally prepared, Xiao Meirou's face was still slightly surprised. It turned out that the information about Wang Wei that Cui Hao had taken out before was still true. Thin beauty.

Cui Zongzhi, Lu Xiang, and Wei Zhi also quickly selected girls who fit their own tastes, but they were not too selective. Anyway, they were just drinking and entertaining, not staying overnight.


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