Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

016 Women are not easy to mess with

【016 Women are not easy to mess with】

At this time, Huayin finally understood a truth.

You can provoke a woman, but don't provoke a woman who is cunning, smart and avoids tit for tat, because her revenge can permeate all kinds of details all the time, and you don't even know when she will suddenly attack and cannot fight back.

"What did you buy this for?" Although there were many images of her venting her anger with her purse in her mind, Hua Yin couldn't help asking.

"Today's feast for the emperor and his ministers", Tian Liang stood on tiptoe and looked left and right with the purse, with a smile on his lips, "Give it away."

Hua Yin opened his mouth to continue asking, but suddenly heard a noise ahead, screams and hurried hooves, and saw an out-of-control wild horse rushing forward, the crowd quickly dodged to the side, and the road was lying with a comatose doll...

Hua Yin never cared about other people's business, but when he saw the doll, he couldn't help feeling compassionate, and was about to tell the people around him to get away, but when he went to save people, he saw that the people around him were faster than him, with footsteps like the wind rushed over -

Li Tianliang's three steps turned into two steps, and he ran towards the doll, grabbed the child and threw it back, and threw it neatly and accurately into Huayin's arms behind him.

Seeing that the horse was trampling towards her at a crazy speed, Tianliang jumped up, and with a low shout, his nimble body jumped onto the horse's back from the side without any doubt.

As soon as she landed on the horse's back, the wild horse neighed uncontrollably, and ran forward even faster and crazily——


Tianliang cursed in a low voice, only to realize that the horse had no reins, no saddle, no pedals, plus she ignored her petite figure, and she couldn't control the wild horse at all by grabbing the mane, even though she controlled the direction and deviated The crowd, however, was bumpy and hard to get off. They could only lie on the horseback and let the horse gallop towards the distant suburbs...

Hua Yin was squeezed into the crowd with a doll in her arms, and when she managed to get out of the crowd, she found that Li Tianliang and her horse had already galloped far away without a trace.


The wild horses galloped wildly, and the wind howled.

Li Tianliang was lying on his body, with the cool wind blowing into his ears, his hands were tightly grasping the mane, and his feet were trying to relax and not clamp the horse's belly too hard...

Considering her former physical strength and height, she can tame even wild horses safely, but now with such an injured and weak body, it makes her want to curse!

When the horse went to the outskirts, Li Tianliang straightened up half of his body, narrowed his eyes and looked forward, and saw that the horse was running madly towards the lake, as if vowing to throw her who was attached to him into the lake.

What a thinking wild horse.

Tian Liang sat up straight, seeing that the lake was not several miles away, he made a calculation in his mind, and decided that when the horse threw himself away, he got up and jumped into the lake to reduce the impact of falling into the water.

Bow down, stand up, step on the horse's back with both legs, hold on to the mane and half lie on the horse's body, when it is close to the lake, Tian Liang sees the position, releases his hands, goes to the right side of the high place, turns over and jumps , jumped into the lake...

Just when her body was about to be immersed in the icy cold water, suddenly, there was a strange breath behind her.

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