【047 Cold-Blooded Woman】

Huayin wandered around the street, and finally went back to Li's mansion. When he sneaked back to Li Tianliang's window, he saw through the window paper that she had just changed into dark clothes, with a book covering her face, as if she was still there. While sleeping, I said silently in my heart, the habit of taking things to shade them while sleeping is unexpectedly the same, very similar to mother and child.

He opened the wooden window, and when he was about to sneak in quietly, he heard a clear female voice from inside the room, "Master Hua, who hates cold-blooded and heartless, is back?"

Halfway through the window, Huayin nearly fell.

Tian Liang, who was half leaning on the couch, took off the book covering his face to block the light, turned his head to look at the creeping someone, slightly raised his eyebrows, "Do you regret it?"

Huayin glanced at her, pretended to be wronged silently, and didn't speak.

His overflowing sympathy is nothing, being ridiculed by Miss Li here is the most painful thing!

"I'll give you a chance to redeem your sins." Tian Liang stayed on the bed, put on his boots, and was clearly wearing a man's clothing, "Take me to a place."

"Okay, I can carry you." Huayin had no reason to refuse, and readily agreed.


Li Tianliang took out a rattan chair-like thing from the corner of the room, and handed it to Huayin, "On the back."

"What is this?" Huayin looked at the strange thing, puzzled, "Why should I carry it?"

"Do you think I will always let you hug for nothing?" After glaring at him, Tianliang hung the chair behind him.

The tie was secure, Tianliang jumped up, sat firmly on the chair, leaned back, patted the armrest and said with a smile, "Anbu does things properly, and it's quite comfortable."

The weight hit her back in a daze, Huayin's body shook, and then she realized that she was carrying the chair on her back, so it was to make Miss Li, who can't do light work, more relaxed and comfortable.

He was angry, "Li Tianliang, I'm not a carriage, get down for me!"

"A word of promise is hard to follow." Tian Liang glanced at him and smiled, "I still haven't forgotten what you said to me earlier."

Huayin blushed, and finally gave a long sigh, and had to accept his fate. He turned his head and asked: "You never wanted to contact these Anbu killers before. When did you arrange a mission for Anbu? Also, you actually want Anbu to kill them?" Those masters, to do trivial things like making rattan chairs, they actually agreed?"


A person who is knocked down by her within thirty moves and who plays some tricks can be called a master.

Nature will agree.

Chair or fate, which one is more important?

She went there with real ammunition.

"In a few days, Anbu will start recruiting again." Tian Liang's eyes lightened, "I laid off a few people."

"How many?"

"Not much, fifteen."

Huayin caresses the forehead.

There were only twenty assassins in total, but she drove away fifteen?I don't know that killers are hard to recruit these days!

She is really... a tough and helpless cold-blooded woman.


Thank you dear kila84 for presenting silent flowers~. ~

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