【Project 226】

I don't know why you and Feng Aotian suddenly have a relationship, is it because you want to marry Rongrong for revenge, or because you are trying to get my attention?

In short, I have tasted a feeling of jealousy and pain that I have never had before. Whenever you cast your indifferent and decisive eyes on me, my heart feels like someone is twisting it with iron tongs. You can't think for a moment, and you can't be calm!

Impulsive and jealous, I did such a thing, planting blame and assassinating you in front of the gambling house.

I definitely don't want to kill you, I even gave orders, if I can catch you without hurting you, that's the best.My purpose is just to grab you, hide you, hide you under my wings, and not allow anyone other than me to touch you.

But you have changed, you are no longer the Li Tianliang who can be easily grasped and manipulated accordingly.

You are ruthless, confident and flamboyant, wishing to hurt people to the extreme with every word, even every time, I can see the contempt and anger towards me in your eyes.

I don't accept anyone's contempt for me in this world, but you are the only one who can.Because, you can be said to be the most important woman in my life.

I would love to have you.You are the second thing I want after the throne of imperial power.

When my thoughts are too obvious, someone will notice, and those who notice will definitely take action.That day, Prime Minister Shen pretended to be a fake news from Prajna Temple and arranged for the attack on your forest. I knew everything about it, and I rushed over to try to find a way to save you...

But before I could make a move, a masked man appeared in the chaos. He saved you, and he also had the same mysterious aura as the man surnamed Jun many years ago. "

When Feng Aotian spoke up to this point, he stopped.

Tianliang's face shook slightly, and he moved his lips dryly, "Go on."

"When I told you and me about the past, your expression was so indifferent. Only when I mentioned the masked man, did your eyes jump for joy. Whether you care or not, you don't need to use words, just a look, a look, you can tell The distinction is clear, this statement really makes sense." He smiled wryly, and slowly said, "After that man saved you, you fell into a coma. I was about to step forward, but I noticed that someone was coming from not far away. I saw that Feng Aotian brought them and many people came in a hurry. After thinking about it, I didn't show up, but followed the direction of the masked man and chased after him.

I followed him all day, and he knew it, but he didn't stop me on purpose, but deliberately led me to a remote place, where he fell on a tree and waited for me to come.

When I met him two by two, I knew that this person must have a purpose for coming here, and this purpose is also related to you, or even more likely, related to the man who had a relationship with my mother and concubine many years ago.

Before I could open my mouth to ask him why he came here, he said to me, if I promise to take you to a place in one day, he will teach me how to practice Xuan steps, so that my kung fu will be greatly enhanced and my martial arts skills will be improved.

I was startled when I heard this, and asked who he was, but I recognized the man named Jun Zuo six years ago. The man in the mask didn't reveal too much, he only said that Jun Zuo had done the same thing on the second day after he returned to Jun's house. Like all the Jun family members, they died, all of them died, and died at the hands of a woman.

When I heard this, I became suspicious in my heart. Could it be you that woman?But then I thought, how can you defeat the strongest Jun family?

I could see that the man mentioned you with hatred, so I asked him if he came to seek revenge on you, and he didn't understand why he wanted to save you. He didn't say much after hearing this, and just asked me He is willing to agree to the conditions mentioned, if so, he will find someone else..."

"Nonsense!" Tianliang couldn't help interrupting Feng Xiyun, "That mask has a very high level of profoundness and is also very strong in kung fu, why should you help take me away? It's unreasonable."

"As you said, I also found it strange that I asked the same question. He was still indifferent, and he didn't say the reason. The good reason has nothing to do with me. But later I discovered that he seemed to be unable to stay in the sun for too long, otherwise, the skin would be damaged. Will be burned by the strong sunlight, and his expression is abnormally painful. And he... seems to be unable to get too close to you, nor can he touch you, but can only keep a certain distance from you, watching from afar You, if so, he will not use my hand to arrest you and take you to where he is going."

Tianliang's eyes moved, and he remembered that when the masked man saved him, he seemed to have a certain distance from her, and later, he never appeared in front of her at close range, but he attacked Jun Xiaobao several times, it can be seen , this so-called distance is only effective for her.

In addition to what Feng Xiyun said just now, the masked man admitted that the Jun family died at the hands of a woman... When she returned to the martial rank that day, the memory of the bloodthirsty killing flashed in her mind for a moment... Putting it all together, her The thought of disappearing must have gone to Jun's house.

And at that time, what did she experience in Jun's house?And why he did such crazy things, was so painful and sad, and yelled such heart-piercing words with no clear meaning...is still a mystery.

"The masked man said that he could clearly feel the faint profound energy in my body, and that he could make me increase my skill in a short period of time and completely win martial arts, only on the premise of the simple condition of taking you to a place. After I heard it, I was naturally moved, so I agreed to let him stay in the Four Princes' Palace temporarily, so that he can also avoid the strong sun during the day.

When I found Jun Xiaobao, I once asked him if the child following you was a descendant of the Jun family. When he heard that you had a child, his eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and he rushed out to kill the child almost regardless of the scorching sun. For the sake of practice, I stopped him, but he still went out at night without my permission, and attacked the child twice without my dissuasion.I don't know if I should call it happiness, but fortunately, I was blocked by Feng Aotian both times... I told him not to show up too much, otherwise Feng Aotian will be suspicious and our plan will be ruined.Therefore, he can only hold back his hatred, forcibly withdraw his killing intent, and return to my residence to drink his hatred..."

"Your plan..." Tianliang's eyes darkened, "It means that the father pretending to be Xiaobao asked me to do some sinister things when I was in a dilemma, trying to use Xiaobao to lead me to that masked man. Take me somewhere?"

(Thanks to Bingbing 57, WINYWU, 736535739, kila84, pp_moka, pengyusen1, karin1023, 446089872 for presenting silent gold medals, and kissing 19970316ge, kila84 for presenting silent flowers, group. Thank you for your encouragement, dear ones, I must live up to it! Today Be sure to add more, I will do what I say! ╭(╯3╰)╮)

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