[287 Organ Map]

As the sun rises, a ray of fiery red morning glow passes through the grass, bright and bright, Tian Liang raises his hand to block it, sees that Feng Aotian has left, then stands up, quickly wanders through the grass, and climbs over the high wall , Back to my own courtyard.

After waking up little Huo Luan and feeding it breast milk, Tian Liang sat in front of the bronze mirror and began to dress up.

Xiao Huoluan was lying on the table, watching Tianliang wipe those strange things on her body, then patted her small arms and complained, "Mom is so weird, Mom is ugly..."

"That's very good." Tianliang patted Xiao Huoluan on the head, very satisfied.

It's not surprising that she still doesn't wear makeup, she's not very good at makeup, but she is good at putting on wound makeup.

On the neck, collarbone, and arms, draw what you want, look at it, and smile with satisfaction.

Xiao Huoluan is very strange, she doesn't understand why her mother is covered in strange wounds, and she is smiling so happily, so treacherously... Mom is so scary.

It really wants to find Dad!

Huo Luan thought about it, so she stopped moving her little wings, and tried her best to use her two legs to stand up. Its two short legs were still delicate and not used much, so when it supported its slightly fat and furry body, it stood up. , It is inevitable to wobble and stumble.

At this moment, Tianliang had just packed up his things and was about to stand up, when he saw the little thing suddenly slanted towards the inside of the table, rolling like a small fiery wheel, knocking down the copper mirror, knocking over the powder, and stained it. She was covered in rouge, and even made a big hole in the wooden table, and then fell down...

The body is not big, but the destructive power is quite strong.

Tian Liang gave it a white look, got up and looked for it at the entrance of the cave, "Come out, it's time to go."

Little Huoluan shook the rouge on her body, sneezed, and jumped out with flying wings, holding an emerald green jade bead in her mouth, and took it out.

It should be something that fell from the pearl hairpin, it is very valuable, and you can tell it is a luxury at a glance.

Tianliang caught Huo Luan and put it on the table, took down the green bead, and put it in his palm to watch.

Huo Luan was excited, "Mom, can this buy a grandma for Huo Huo?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll feed you worms tomorrow," Tianliang didn't bother to answer, and his voice was just a sarcasm.

Huo Luanmo, in the face of the cute it in the world, its mother wants it to eat bugs, mother is so cold-blooded.

cutest in the world...

Xiao Baozi, who was trying to drive towards Xifeng, suddenly had an itchy nose. He didn't sneeze halfway, but he took it back, frowned in confusion, and continued to move forward at a fast pace.

Tianliang put the green pearl in the palm of his hand and looked at it.

This is not a special bead, but it is old and has been placed for a long time.If it was Yanyue, a singer, who kept luxurious accessories, why did she keep such a bead, and it was hidden in the mezzanine under the table, such a secret place.

There must be something strange.

I flicked the marble with my finger, and it was hollow.

Tianliang pinched it between two fingers, and with some strength, the green bead shattered with a click, revealing a square handkerchief folded to the size of a fingernail inside.

She opened the square handkerchief and unfolded it, and it was only the size of a palm. On the handkerchief, a picture was embroidered with hard-to-erode silk thread—a very complicated picture of the city.

She couldn't help taking a closer look, and after a long while, she felt a shock in her heart.

No, this is not a map of the city, but a map of organs.

Dongjing and Nanzhao had been fighting again and again for many years, and most of the border cities of Nanzhao were cut off by Dongjing. It is rumored that Nanzhao got a copy of Qimen Dunjia written by Lu Yincai at that time, and they secretly wrote it according to this book. All the three cities on the border were built with city defense organs.

The three cities of Dongjing on the front have been transformed into a hard city that is difficult to attack and easy to defend. Dongjing has sent troops to attack it many times, but it always ends in the end of losing troops and burying generals. The only victory was a deployment of elite soldiers three years ago, which made A large number of spies sneaked into Nanzhao, and countless Dongjing generals attacked the city. Unfortunately, their victory only lasted until they entered the first city, and then the youngest prince took command. They didn't want to be killed half an hour after entering the city. Beheaded on the top of the city tower, and then like a group of dragons without a leader, they are scattered in the sand, winning and losing.

This silk has been around for some years, and the dressing table is rarely approached by men, so it is an extremely secret place in this era, and it is placed in the interlayer, and then think of Yanyue's time in Nanzhao and what Nan Zhongwei said Almost died in the territory of Nanzhao... It can be seen that this Yanyue was a woman who survived among the spies sent by Dongjing.

By mistake, Xiao Huoluan actually picked up such a good thing.


Tianliang caressed his jaw, frowning in thought.

After a while, he put the silk into his arms, hugged Huo Luan and put it into his sleeve, told it not to make a sound, went out and sneaked out of the palace.

Where is the Prince's Mansion in Nanzhongchang? Just ask around. It's the most luxurious mansion in Zhaodu. She didn't change into simple clothes, but dressed in brocade clothes deliberately. With a lot of torn clothes and half scattered hair, he slipped into the Prince's Mansion through the back door.

It's not entirely accurate to say that she slipped away, in fact, when she entered the mansion, many servants and servants saw her, but no one stopped her when they saw that it was her Yanyue.

As soon as Tianliang entered the back door, he grabbed a little servant girl and shouted hoarsely, "Prince, take me to see the prince, take me..."

The little servant girl is from Nanzhao and can only speak Nanjiang dialect, and only heard the word Prince in a few sentences, so she was so frightened that she had to take Tian Liang to the Prince's bedroom.

Nan Zhongchang had just passed by a side concubine, sent him down, made a cup of tea, and was sitting at the table thinking about those animal pets practicing Gu, when he didn't hear any notification, he heard a bang, and the door was knocked Open, a woman rushed in...

The woman, with disheveled hair and a somewhat embarrassed posture, was wearing a tulle dress that he personally chose for her, and her face and body were covered with imaginative bruises, from the side of her neck to her collarbone, From the collarbone to the gully on the chest, and the back of the exposed arm, there are signs of abuse.

The woman raised her face, bit her red lips, her face was contorted, weak willows supported the wind, and pear blossoms were raining. She was more charming than usual.

Nan Zhongchang paused for a moment, and after looking at her carefully for a while, he broke out in an uproar, kicking down the stool because of too much force, and his face suddenly became a layer of fire...

(Thank you dear tramplzj, joyjoy118, love's home show luo for presenting silent gold medals, group, there are more updates today!)

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