【339 Scary person】

Li Tianxiao didn't expect that Hua Yin, who looked thin and thin, could be so serious. After so many rounds, his physical strength and martial spirit had begun to become weak, but he still insisted on fighting alone, not allowing him to intervene half point.

Nan Zhongwei's attack was extremely fierce, and his moves were life-threatening. Even if Huayin used the breath of earth to protect his body, he still couldn't avoid being infected with a little bit of poisonous mist, and the pollution was gradually infecting his skin.


Huayin's complexion was white, and he raised his injured hand in frustration and smashed it against the tree trunk beside him. He quickly turned his fingers into light, and healed himself with earthen martial arts to prevent the poisonous mist from invading the blood.

Coincidentally, at this time, a strong wind blew up, and the direction of the wind was deflected, and it was facing Huayin who was healing his wounds.

Nan Zhongwei's face was steep and unspeakably excited, and the corners of his lips were smiling, what a great opportunity!

The raging black mist overflowed from his body all over the sky, and all of it penetrated into the strong wind at an unbelievable speed. The wind surged too much, the poison was too strong, and the transparent wind was polluted wantonly, just like a black wind The wall, howling and rushing towards Huayin——

Huayin opened her eyes, her expression changed!

At this time, the poison has entered his blood, he needs to be treated immediately, but he can't change the way of energy at will during the treatment, he has been seriously injured, such chaotic martial arts will inevitably lead to madness, and his tendons will be broken.Now that Nan Zhongwei launched an attack in such a general situation, he clearly saw through this point and attacked while taking advantage of the emptiness.


Huayin lowered her heart, flipped her finger and was about to forcibly change her qi to face the battle, when her eyes dimmed and a tall figure blocked her sight.


A tiger roar broke through the sky.

The flames surged and galloped like a tiger.

A gigantic scorching red tiger jumped out of the man with raging flames. With a lethargic roar, it opened its mouth to swallow the black hurricane, and was caught in the flames. The strong force not only shocked Nan Zhongwei, but even Kanon standing behind him also felt oppressed.

It has reached the state where it can transform martial energy into other forms and attack.

Not to mention the full rank, how many people in the world can do it?

This man is too strong and too tenacious.

If he stands in front of you and you stand behind him, you will first realize that this is a shield protecting you that will never be defeated!

The howling black wind annihilated everything.

Flaming smoke billowed toward the sky.

Li Tianxiao stepped forward and started fighting with Nan Zhongwei.

One advance and one retreat, one attack and one block, the fiery red light with a majestic momentum gradually swallowed the dirty smoke under the light, and made Nan Zhongwei vomit a lot of dirty blood.

Young Master Li looked down to Xili, seeing his weakness, his eyes tightened, and his murderous aura was fully revealed.

With a wave of both hands, the flaming tiger shape reappeared, and a roar soared into the sky. The thick fog turned into fiery red in the strong wind. The ferocious fire was like a beast rushing out of the gate, opened its huge mouth, and rushed towards Nan Zhongwei to devour it. .

This situation is so astonishing and frightening, no matter how high-level warriors are, seeing this strong move will definitely try to avoid it.

But Nan Zhongwei was different, he thought he was very capable of the poisonous mist, and immediately roared, drove out the poisonous mist, and faced the Huowu with a right attack.

Two collide!

Not even a sound.

He had already seen Nan Zhongwei being engulfed by the flames and swallowed by the fire tiger——

Li Tianxiao turned his palms and sipped softly, "Break!"


The flames shattered!

The deafening sound was about to pierce the eardrums of people, and the fierce breath of fire that pervaded dozens of miles around made it impossible for any of the guards far behind to break through and approach!

Huayin was shocked by the huge shock and took a few steps back. He fell down and sat on the stone. He looked up and saw the thick smoke gradually collapsing, and the scorching fire also calmed down in the smoke. fade away...

The tall figure of the man in the smoke got closer and closer, and finally stood in front of him.

Li Tianxiao bent down, looked at his pale and bloodless face, and asked in a worried voice, "Are you okay?"

Huayin immediately looked behind him, seeing that there was nothing after the smoke cleared, she couldn't help being surprised, "Nan Zhongwei, he..."

Li Tianxiao pointed to the smoke that was about to dissipate, and explained lightly: "Because of the golden snake protecting his body, he developed a problem of conceit too early."

That force was so powerful that even if it was Li Tianxiao himself, if it came from someone else, he wouldn't have the confidence to go head-to-head, but Nan Zhongwei...

It's time to hide and counterattack.

It must be a complete death.

"Let's go," Li Tianxiao stretched out his hand, and the deep voice always had a bit of rigidity and order, "It's time to join the third sister."

Huayin nodded, didn't respond, and didn't go to meet him for help, just stood up by herself.

When he patted his clothes, he quietly looked in that direction, thinking that Nan Zhongwei had made a deadly move, and was completely swallowed up by Young Master Li's fire, and finally burst, leaving not even a trace of his body or clothes rags .

Looking at Young Master Li again, he stood beside him like a carved stone, his face was expressionless, without any superfluous expression.

What a scary person.

Huayin's throat rolled up and down, she stepped back, and immediately walked towards the direction where she met Tianliang.

Li Tianxiao looked down at his hand that Hua Yin had placed in mid-air and ignored it just now, his expression did not change, but he calmly withdrew his hand without saying anything.

It's also because his hands are too rough. Young master Hua's hands are thin and tender, and he has scruples, which is normal.

I'm afraid it's because of the abrupt gesture I made to him on the tree just now, which made this young master Hua start to be jealous of his rough hands that don't know how to restrain himself.

He turned his head to speak, but saw that Huayin had disappeared in front of him like a gust of wind, and ran away.

They ignored him.

I didn't even say thank you.

Young Master Li looked at his back, thinking to himself again, Young Master Hua said just now that no one would help him, and if he acted without authorization, he might have broken Young Master Hua's rules and did something abrupt again.

Thinking of this, Li Tianxiao quickened his pace and began to chase after Hua Yin, wanting to apologize for what he said and did just now.

Unexpectedly, he saw Young Master Hua running faster and more anxiously, as if he was about to shake him off.

Huayin crossed her arms and walked forward quickly, with a look of horror on her face, her heart was shivering all the time, and she muttered a cold sweat.

(Thanks dear hszjhy, looking up, that happiness, xjpzylove presented the silent gold medal, and hummed a little love song to present silent flowers, okay! Today there is an extra gold medal of 100 ^_^)

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