【341 Fengling Sword】

The little bun shouted eagerly, "If there is any change, please remember to catch it—!"

Tianliang could hear her child's cries from both sides, she didn't know where to look, she just frowned in confusion, what to catch?


A blast of scorching wind whistled past her ears, instantly igniting the meridians all over her body, filling her body with saturated martial aura instantly.

Tianliang subconsciously raised his head towards the source of fire and martial arts, and when he raised his eyes, what he saw was the upright fire that filled the sky.

"Mom, Huohuo is here to help you!"

Huo Luan stood right above his head, shouted loudly, and spun around in a circle, thousands of red lights flashed, dazzling.

Unable to react from everyone, Huo Luan turned his head around and turned into a three-foot-six-inch long sword with a phoenix engraved on the top of the sword blade, and the sword light is cold and cold!

Cutting through the air, he rushed down with fierce sword energy.

With a whistle, it went straight to Tianliang's right hand.

As soon as Tianliang touched the phoenix pattern on the handle of the sword, he suddenly felt that his right arm was poured with fire, his blood began to rush and burn, and a potential force swam around his body.

This full and harmonious energy of fire and martial arts runs through the twelve meridians in the body, a mysterious and unprecedented source of power, which made her feel a kind of boiling power that is eager to try.

This power is too strong, it fills her whole body, it's almost full, it's about to explode, it's about to burst!

"Phoenix Feather Sword..."

Baozi murmured on the Internet, "The phoenix is ​​extinct. It is said that only one out of ten phoenixes can be transformed into one of the world's magical weapons after hard work. thing..."


There was an explosion, which attracted everyone's attention!

All I saw was Tianliang swinging the sword to the side, causing explosions to explode on the right side of her body, and she couldn't hide the pain on her face, her brows were deeply furrowed, and her tightly clenched right arm was surrounded by balls of intense flames. The right arm began to spread, and slowly spread to the neck, chin, nose, eyes...

Jian Shaotang, who was fighting with the Tengu from above, looked from above, his eyes slightly surprised, "Could it be that..."

Baozi also paused, "So fast?"

At this time, I saw the red light spreading from Tianliang's side, like sunlight, gradually enveloping the entire cliff.

The martial energy gathered, haunting the person holding the sword.

She closed her eyes and did not move, and everyone could only see that the dark blue sea water around her had been turned into fiery red by Huo Wu, and swirls were boiling and rolling beside her...

Finally, when she turned her right hand and opened her eyes suddenly——

Bang bang bang!

It was as if countless bombs had been dropped in the sea, and there was a violent bang, and countless water jets were shot out, straight into the sky!

The scale of this violence was so large that it rained in the sea area for several miles.

The upright martial energy rushed to the top again and again!

The long sword was burning with flames, the scabbard sounded, and the blade hummed. As she swung it, a fire mark was drawn in the air!

"This is... another breakthrough!"

Huayin, who just arrived and was about to board the ship, looked at the cool sky, and shouted in disbelief, "My God, in less than two months, she broke through the ninth step, can this woman be more amazing!"

As soon as Li Tianxiao arrived, he saw a lot of sea water with a fiery aura falling from the sky, then he grabbed Huayin with one hand, hugged his thin body between his arms, kicked his right foot, and led him to jump towards the warship in the sea— —

He's... so skinny.

Young Master Li was taken aback when he touched it, he didn't want to be able to almost wrap around Huayin's waist with two hands, but he himself, with a slight bow of his body, could cover Huayin in his arms, forming an inseparable shape. The trend of ventilation.

He subconsciously let go of his hands, and was very worried about what marks his hands would make on this Young Master Hua's waist.

But Young Master Hua, who was suddenly stood on tiptoe, was very dissatisfied. At this moment, seeing his backer was also arrogant, he turned around and shouted dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing! Put me down, Young Master! My qinggong is much better than you. "

Young Master Li only cared about hiding from Mars, and had no spare time to pay attention to him.

Seeing this, Huayin raised her elbow and attacked his chest forcefully.

First Young Master Li raised his hand to grab it, then grabbed his arm, looked down at him, and frowned, "Make more trouble?"

The sound was as heavy as a ghost brake.

Young Master Hua shivered in fright.

And when he saw this man's dark and cold face again, he remembered the dead Nan Zhongwei, and was shocked by his tone and shut up.

It's not a question of dignity... it seems that no one has seen him come back, it's not safe, it's not safe...

At this moment, Li Tianxiao had led him to jump onto the deck.

Seeing this, Li Tianxiao nodded with Li Tiannuan, and then walked into the cabin with Huayin without any explanation.

Seeing this, Tian Nuan was startled and puzzled, "Brother...why did you bring Young Master Hua onto the boat in such a way..."

Besides, isn't the eldest brother not good at words and apologizing, now... have you reconciled with Young Master Hua so quickly?

"Master Hua seems to have just been through a fight, and now I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand the fire and martial spirit in the sea. I just blocked it just now, so I can protect Young Master Hua from being affected." Fan Cong explained dutifully.

Tiannuan nodded clearly, looked up at Jian Shaotang who was fighting with Nan Zhongchang, his eyes showed worry.

"Fifth Miss, Mr. Jian is not injured, and he is not afraid of the fire and martial arts. Mr. Jian is a master of martial arts, and now he has the blessing of the Heavenly Dog, so he will definitely not lose. You don't have to worry, I think he will be fine..."

The captain of the guard, Fan Cong, continued to perform his duties, but Fifth Miss coughed lightly, nodded hurriedly, and then turned to another part of the deck to check the situation.

Fan Cong was hit hard, he didn't know why, did he say something wrong?

After bumping into him, a guard beside him shook his head and reminded in a low voice, "Captain Fan, you know too much."

Saying this now, doesn't it mean that all three thousand of their guards saw the incident that Mr. Jian held Miss Fifth's little hand that day?


Huayin's side was dragged into the cabin by Young Master Li, and seeing that most of the guards didn't come in, they were watching the battle on the outer deck, and they were shocked and panicked.

He opened a pair of panicked eyes, and saw Boss Li standing upright in front of him, with his tall back blocking all the light, and with one hand in his bosom, as if he was about to take a murder weapon, his expression immediately changed, bringing With a trembling voice of fear, he shouted in a low and spineless voice, "You...you...you can't kill people..."

(Thanks to dld1968, Cannonyun, Acacia Rain 5000, yayadepi, Liwaer, mxq453140fhl, everyone who gave you silent gold medals, group ~~ Thank you for your support, I will make up for the addition of gold medals ^_^)

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