[345 is not him]

"Why do you bury yourself here to help me fight against Nan Zhongchang?"

Unable to let the man answer, the female voice asked urgently again: "Is your master's surname Qi? Or is there an expert surnamed Qi who can advise you? Where is he, where is Qi Xuan! Take me there!"

When this series of shouts came out, the guards were all stunned. Her anxious voice echoed on the mountainside several times, but no one answered.


Tianliang yelled sharply, his eager brows were full of anger, he raised his right hand, tightened the man's collar, and lifted him up, "Answer my words!"

The guard was strangled, and finally regained his senses, and replied in a panic: "Miss Hui, my master's surname is Ye, and we are the team that Dong Jing placed in Zhaodu to respond. My master saw that you have been dealing with Prince Nanzhong, so my master ordered me to wait I tried my best to help each other, but I didn't know a person with the surname Qi."

The guard stated according to Ye Zheng's explanation, without revealing any statement about the identity of the gentleman, and added: "My master knows the identity of Miss Xifeng, and only said that this battle does not want to involve unnecessary relations with Xifeng, so he The order was kept hidden."

"If you dare to tell half a lie..."

"We protect the young lady all the way, and we dare not make mistakes. If the young lady doesn't believe it, you can go to the southwest fifty miles from here to have a look. My master has been camping there to watch the situation..."

Tian Liang didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and shook off him, stepped forward to snatch a horse, and galloped towards the southwest direction that the guard said——

She doesn't believe it!

Someone can have such a precise plan, can have such a similar approach, can secretly help Dong Jing, and at the same time secretly send someone to protect her...

She didn't believe that besides Qi Xuan, there was another one in this world!

Driving the horse galloping, Tianliang was short of breath. After arriving at the destination, he jumped off the horse and set up the tent in front of him. He couldn't help but consider lifting the curtain to cover the main tent, panting, and stood in front of the curtain, looking around.

Ordinary camp tents are simply furnished, all the things that should be collected have been taken away, and the people have dispersed. There is no smell of incense in the house, only the lingering smell of living here.

From the inside of this tent, it can be seen that it is a bit dirty and smelly, but it can be felt that the people who have lived in this tent are extremely careless people.

And there was a jug of wine on the table, and when I got closer, it was a jug of sorghum spirits that had been drunk...

On the temporary wooden couch, half of the inside was indented, which shows that this person has an unusual weight, and he has the habit of sleeping on the inside...

Her eyebrows sank, and she exhaled lightly, her heart slightly astringent.

Not Qixuan...

Qi Xuan is not obsessed with cleanliness, but she is very particular about it. Even if it is not elegant, at least it must be comfortable and clean.

Qi Xuan seldom drank sorghum, let alone the whole pot. He didn't like booze. Mixed flavors are willing to give up.

Qi Xuan's body shape is very upright, it's impossible to lose too much, it's just right.Qi Xuan didn't even have the habit of sleeping on the inside, at least, when sleeping with her, he always slept on the outside to surround her and protect her...

Countless disappointments lingered in her heart, making her breathless.

Tianliang did not give up, lifted the curtain and went out of the tent, and searched for all the remaining tents, but the ending was nothing but disappointment, disappointment, disappointment.

Sitting in front of a tent, she touched her face, only to find that her face was covered with sweat, and her body was already drenched in sweat.

Lie down on the grass, hands and feet spread out.

Panting, looking at the blue sky above, looking at the gorgeous sunlight cast under the thick and sparse trees, Tianliang raised his hand and covered his eyes...

So tired.

I don't know if it's because of the exhaustion accumulated from the battle just now, or because of the heavy sense of disappointment. The strong sense of exhaustion is like a mountain, pressing down on her body, and she doesn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

But so full of exhaustion, it still can't fill the emptiness and sadness in my heart.

I fight, not tired.

I think, you are always helping me behind my back, you must be looking at me from somewhere, you always like to be silent like this, and plan for Li Tianliang to be wanton and mess around as much as you want. It's an exclusive stage for solving problems without leaving any traces.

So I thought, somewhere, you'll be waiting for my triumphant return.

When I win, I will go to see you who is standing calmly with your hands behind your back, full of smiles.

I thought that the interval between our reunion was very short, very short.

I am so sure now that this person must be you.


"It seems wrong."

Tianliang put down her hands, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, opened them, and faced the dazzling sunlight, "I seem to be wrong, Qi Xuan."

When evoking this name, an inconceivable warmth still flashed across her heart.

She naturally understood that these scenes might be fake, or they might be intentional, but if it was Qi Xuan, who could stop him from seeing her?If he was willing, what reason would he not show up for so long?

Unless, that's what he doesn't want.

don't want to...

These two words were all in Tian Liang's mind. When he sat up with his arms stretched, he couldn't help raising his hand to wipe his eyes, feeling the slight wetness slipping over the back of his hand...

She didn't know if it was sweat or the mist from her eyelashes, but she felt that everything in her eyes, the scenes in the world, were permeated with water and blurred.

"Where have you been hiding?"

Tianliang whispered, "Aren't you afraid that others will worry about you..."

Identity, bloodstains, and inexplicable disappearance.

At least, you should leave a message for her, just a little bit, as long as you let her know, even if he is not by her side, she can still find his way...

"Next time we meet, I will beat you up with my own hands!"

Tianliang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, jumped back on the horse, raised the rein, gave a drink, and rode back towards the sea.

The gallop was extremely fast, and it took a long time for the wind to whistle before she slowed down.

Walk along the beach, very slowly, very slowly.

She looked into the distance, raised her eyes and thought silently, and then she wanted to tell you that the person who beat you actually misses you very much.

(I'm sorry for yesterday's update. I've been really busy with work recently. I've been working overtime this weekend. I started writing as soon as I got home in the afternoon. For today's update, I can only say that I try to write as much as possible. I dare not boast about the number of words. I will go to work harder. !%>_<%)

Thanks dear 1262744536, 忎九行五, karenfu188, Li Nalisa, hgh1203, 1137600177, Feng Weiqing for giving silent gold medals, dear lanxiang123, Aimo cherry lemon for gifting silent red envelopes, dear 1137600177, Aimo cherry lemon, Hemu hero for gift Silent flowers, group! ^_^

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