Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 0183 Qin Zheng shot

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Ru Luan and the others listened for a while, and the useful news was basically taken into their ears, and the content of those personal chats afterwards was meaningless.Ru Luan didn't expect that he and the others didn't inquire about the news of the Buddha Kingdom, but encountered such a fun thing.This thing about the nine orifices is obviously spread on purpose by someone.

The surrounding area is full of news about Jiuqiao Stone Man and Jiuqiao Yuanlian. Qin Zheng still didn't know how to find Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo, but now it's better, so many people are looking for it.It won't take long to get the news about Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo.Then Qin Zheng looked at the old man of the Qianji family.

He said, "I don't know if Senior Qianji can deduce the relevant information of Jiuqiao Yuanlian?" The deduction method of the Qianji family, coupled with the calculation technique of Tianji Pavilion, this Qianji Road must be a deduction method extraordinary.Otherwise, Ru Luan would not have brought him to Beimo.Qianjilu shook his head after listening.

Immediately said; "I have just deduced it, but the sky in the northern desert is chaotic, and it is covered by the past method of the ancient Buddha of the lamp. Moreover, there is a powerful deduction method that practitioners confuse the sky. The information about Jiuqiao Yuanlian cannot be deduced. However, the journey of Jiuqiao Yuanlian is relatively smooth for me and others, so don’t worry too much.”

Hearing what Qianjilu said, Ru Luan also heaved a sigh of relief, but then said again; "The matter about Jiuqiao Yuanlian is still full of fog, and I am afraid that most of them are designed by someone. But even if such a treasure knows the trap, it may be infinite. There are endless monks jumping in, and there is no need for this thing, what do you think?"

Li Li and Dugu Aotian shook their heads, whether it's the fairy fetus or the Nine Orifices Yuanlianhuo, these are of little use to them.Both Li Li and Dugu Aotian practiced the way of the sword, purely the way of the sword, and what the way of the sword needs to comprehend is the intent of the sword.As long as the sword intent reaches a certain level, the body can be washed and cut, and the body can be transformed into a sword body.

Seeing that none of them had any interest in Jiuqiao Yuanlian, Qin Zheng said with a smile; "In the past, the elders of the sect bestowed a skill called the Jiuqiao Yuanlian Sutra. This trip to Beimo, apart from helping Ru In addition to looking for the Buddha Kingdom and inquiring about the performance of Huang in the door, Miss Luan also wanted to find out about the Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo. Since none of you want this strange fire, the next thing about Jiuqiaoyuanlianhuo is up to Let's do it all."

Ru Luan saw a slight change in Qin Zheng's eyebrows and eyes, and her heart trembled slightly. Is this a warning?Hua Wu smiled, he had originally practiced the Red Lotus Karma Fire, although the Nine-Aperture Primordial Lotus Fire is extraordinary, but it is useless to him, in this stone man fairy fetus has nothing to do with his cultivation method, it will come if it comes tasteless.

"These people who spread the news seem to have the same spiritual fluctuations in their bodies, and they will arrest a few people to inquire later. Maybe they can find out some news." Li Li and the others knew this in their hearts. , These individuals must have some plans to spread the news about Jiuqiao Yuanlian and Jiuqiao Stone Man.

After the people in the restaurant dispersed, Qin Zheng and the others also left, and then looking at the situation in the sky, Qin Zheng reached out and grabbed into the void, which was the direction of a departing monk.The leaving monk felt the mighty waves coming from behind, and his face changed drastically.And just as Qin Zheng grabbed the cultivator, a giant black palm came through the air.

In the day of panic, pinch the boundary with your hands, the Tathagata will not change, a statue of the Tathagata stands in the void, and the seal of delimitation is under negative pressure.But that giant black palm was filled with billowing black air, and under the sweeping black air, there was a tendency to erode the boundary seal.Qin Zheng's complexion changed slightly, this Great Sun Tathagata's method is immortal, suppressing the void will pass, and he remains unmoved.Today, it was almost broken by this giant black palm.

The monk saw the giant black palm with joy on his face, and then shouted: "My lord, save me." But the giant black palm didn't seem to have the intention of saving the monk, only heard a sound from the void With a cold snort, the cultivator suddenly exploded into blood mist.Then the blood mist melted into the black giant palm.

"Your Excellency's Dharma is profound, and I will come to ask for advice some other day." Immediately, the giant black palm disappeared into the void, and Qin Zheng put away the image of the Tathagata, and drew most of the power of faith around him, recovering his own consumption, and then from A trace of black energy was forced out of the buddha's womb, and he looked quite frightened, then he fell back to the ground and talked with Ru Luan and the others.

Said; "This mysterious black giant palm seems to be practicing poisonous techniques. I have also seen Ji Mie Poison Venerable in the past, but it is not as weird and domineering as this black giant palm. It can be eroded. I wonder if Miss Ruluan knows what kind of poisonous work this is?"

Before Ruluan could speak, Qianjilu let out a long sigh; "If the old man is not mistaken, the owner of this giant black palm is the body of innate evil poison. This body of innate evil poison can only be found in the body of innate poison There is only a very small chance that it will appear. Not to mention that this innate poison body is rare, for thousands of years, this innate poison body has never appeared before, but unexpectedly now there is an innate poison body."

"Originally, when the innate poison body is stimulated, it is highly poisonous just by exhaling one breath. And this innate poison body is a hundred times, a thousand times more violent than this innate poison body. But this body is envied by the sky, and it is accompanied by decay all year round. As long as the body of this innate evil poison has not yet reached the realm of primordial spirit, and condenses its poisonous power into the primordial spirit of innate evil poison, then it will always be human, and ghosts will not be like ghosts." Qian Jilu Those words made Qin Zheng silent.

Then he said: "This is true. The innate poison is extremely powerful. It is not evil, not righteous, not a devil, not a ghost. Today, I underestimated the hidden masters in this small world. After seeing the body of the innate poison Even if the owner is not the mastermind of this Jiuqiao incident, it has a great relationship, and we need to be careful in the future."

Hearing this innate poison body, Qin Zheng thought of his former brother Li Shaobai. If Li Shaobai had not died at the hands of the Lu family, then his innate poison body would also be stimulated.Maybe one day, he can grow to the level of the master of this innate poisonous body.But the past is always the past, Li Shaobai, Qin Yue's hatred must be avenged.

The Lu family will always be destroyed.

However, Qin Zheng finally has some clues about the matter of Jiuqiao Yuanlian, and he also knows the main person who spread the rumors.However, Qin Zheng doesn't know the purpose of the person with the innate evil poison body, but he just needs not to rob himself of the Nine Orifices Yuanlian Fire, otherwise, even Qin Zheng with the innate evil poison body will have nothing to do. fear.

He has a pure yang power in his body, and there are still many powers that have not been used. Under the pure yang, Qin Zheng does not believe that those people can make any waves.

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