Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 0201 Beauty Pot and Udumbara Flower

() If the transformation of this extraterrestrial monster is really completed, Qin Zheng believes that no one present can escape.And now that the outside world has been shrouded in strong winds, unless this Illusory Heavenly Demon is removed, things will become more and more troublesome.Immediately Qin Zheng said to the others; "Since this Illusory Heavenly Demon can't kill us, then take this opportunity to suppress him, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Li Huayu and the two snorted coldly, now is really not the time to fight with Qin Zheng, it would be bad if this phantom celestial demon evolves into a shadowless and formless celestial demon.Immediately Li Huayu said, "Everyone, don't hide your clumsiness. If you are really successful in cultivating by this extraterritorial demon, then we and others will surely die without a place to bury them. Now we will suppress them. Who gets it depends on their own means."

A few people did not object, and they still clearly distinguish between the primary and the secondary. Although the Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo is very necessary, when life is threatened, keeping one's own life is the most important thing.The Illusory Heavenly Demon also knew that there would be such a catastrophe, and then sneered: "I said, now almost the entire Yuanlian Underground Palace is under my control, since I can't deal with you, then let Yuanlian's The master of the Yuanlian underground palace will deal with you."

After a long scream, the flower demon vigorously urged the Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo in his hand, and then saw that the Jiuqiaoyuanyuanhuo split into nine figures, standing on the left and right of the flower demon.Seeing the merging of the Illusory Heart Heavenly Demon and the Bewitching Huanxinhua, the nine people immediately scolded; "You evildoer did not expect to be escaped by you today, and you deserve to die for such a chance."

After hearing this, the flower demon laughed and said, "It's just a few distractions. Today, Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo is in the hands of my concubine. Don't the nine of you have to obediently obey my concubine's orders? You can use one-tenth of your power, but it's totally fine. Let's go now." With a pinch of the Flower Demon Art, the nine distracted eyes struggled in a trance, and became without any brilliance.

Immediately, Nine Paths of Distraction representing the Lord of Yuanlian Nine Orifices and Yuanlian attacked Qin Zheng and the others.It was really unexpected for the flower demon to control these nine distractions to deal with himself and others.But it doesn't matter, what Qin Zheng is least afraid of is illusion, thunder, water, and concealment.Jingshui illuminates the Daqian method, the Nine Heavens God's Leizheng. method, and the Zixiao's Forbidden Thunder Method are all displayed, and they move towards several of them.

Although the original owner was at the peak of Jindan, this small world has undergone major changes, and looking at the flower demon in the current scene is still unable to exert its powerful power.It was not difficult for Qin Zheng to deal with these distractions. The method of thunder escaped, and the general outline of Zixiao's forbidden thunder method turned into infinite purple thunder to drown all distractions.

This method of thunder is originally a method of restraining the extraterritorial demons. Although the nine distractions are not extraterritorial demons, they are controlled by the illusionary demons. Qin Zheng's purple sky thunder just weakened the sky of the flower demon.And several other people also resorted to tricks, and the ascetic monk's two Buddha lights flew out, one turned into a vajra subduing demon circle, and the other turned into a vajra subduing demon pestle.

The two supernatural powers of the ascetic monk did not go towards the nine ways of distraction, but directly killed the flower demon.The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle are both extremely powerful existences. The flower demon's face changed, and he raised his hand to gather a black halo in front of him, and knocked the Vajra Subduing Demon Circle and Vajra Demon Subduing Pestle into the air. A black halo covered several people.

The woman in red snorted coldly, and the long knife in her hand suddenly sprayed out pillars of fire, and then condensed into a huge long knife. Qin Zheng was slightly startled by the power contained and represented by the long knife.This long knife must be a good thing. The long knife cut out a shocking rainbow, which landed steadily on the black circle of light, and chopped the circle of light back in front of the flower demon. The flower demon He narrowed his eyes, and then said, "So it's the Huofeng sword from ancient times, no wonder it has such power. Even if it's the Huofeng sword, no one can save you today."

"I'll wait for you to survive." Li Huayu squeezed the magic formula, and Li Huayu also pinched the magic formula, and there was an ancient bronze pot in the void, and there were many beautiful women on the pot, as if he was about to leave Halfway out.Immediately watching Li Huayu and Li Huayu perform a joint attack, the beauty pot turned into a stream of light and went towards the flower demon to suppress it.

At this time, the flower demon's expression changed drastically, as if he did not expect to encounter such a treasure, and then he held a magic door in his hand, a huge black flower bloomed on top of his head, and streams of black light swept away.Then I just looked at the Nine-Aperture Primordial Lotus Flame in the flower demon's hand, slowly vibrating, as if it was casting some powerful technique.

The beauty pot condensed the void, and the bursts of resistance shattered the black flower.But even if the flower demon has already begun to transform, and her cultivation has dropped rapidly, it is not so easy to deal with at this time.The flower demon turned her palm, and the huge black flower on top of her head slowly wrapped it, trying to cover the beauty pot in it.

And Li Huayu sneered, and then pinched his palm, and the beauty pot exploded suddenly.The flower demon didn't expect this trick, and immediately retreated repeatedly.A stream of blood spat out from the mouth, causing the Nine-Aperture Primordial Lotus Fire in the hand to move again and again.Li Huayu said with a smile; "Now the Nine-Aperture Primordial Lotus Fire is starting to backfire, and the Beauty Pot of this seat has never devoured the beauties of the Jindan realm. Today is to see what happens and changes when you are refined."

Immediately Li Huayu nodded to Li Huayu, and the two joined forces and began to mobilize, only to see a small stone pot-shaped magic weapon flying out of Li Huayu's palm.That magic weapon is exactly the same as the bronze pot just now.This is the real beauty pot, known as the nemesis of women, the woman in red beside her felt the breath of this beauty pot, and also frowned.

It is absolutely impossible for Qin Zheng to watch Li Huayu and the two of them take this flower demon away. If it is really refined by him into an extraterrestrial demon at the golden core level, then Qin Zheng has no confidence in dealing with the two of them.Then unseal the pure yang power in the body, and then cast the Buddha embryo, just watch the Medicine Master Liuli Sutra turn into a Medicine Buddha.

The pharmacist Buddha held a white flower in his hand, and there seemed to be a world between the flowers.This is the Udumbara flower cultivated by Qin Zheng. The Udumbara flower that is driven by the power of pure yang really seems to contain a world. The crystal clear and pure white flower is now slowly falling towards the flower demon.

Panic appeared in the eyes of the flower demon, whether it was the beauty pot or the pharmacist's glazed sutra, the Udumbara flower made her feel threatened, her life was in danger.Now that it has reached the critical moment of transformation, the power is constantly losing bit by bit, and the Jiuqiaoyuanlianhuo is restlessly rebounding, the flower demon is very dangerous at this time.

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