Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 0203 Infernal Hell

() Recently, I was in Wuhan, tragedy, this one, the second one is in the process of drafting, and I will send it later!

Abi Dao's three swordsmanship is the swordmanship that stimulates the strongest killing intent and resentment in the monk's heart. As long as you have enough hatred and enough resentment, you will have enough powerful swordmanship for a long time.An ordinary person, if the resentment in his heart has reached a certain level, he can still perform the A Bi Dao Three Swords.

But the end result is that these monks or ordinary people are directly backlashed or directly reversed into nothingness because of the power of the Abi Dao's three knives.To be able to practice the Ah Bi Dao Three Swords successfully, in addition to having enough resentment in your heart, you also need a strong enough mind not to be confused by the sword technique, and you also need a little bit of luck.

Many people look down on the word luck, but in the practice of one, luck is also very important, except for personal talent and hard work. Some people fall off a cliff and die, but some people fall off a cliff but they can get heaven and earth Treasures and peerless exercises.Some people don't know what a magic weapon is all their lives, but some people just pick up a piece of junk and it's a magic weapon.

Wait, wait, there are many examples.

Some people come into being, and some people go against the road.For Qin Zheng, A Bi Dao's Three Swords is a method that he does not want to use very much.But now Sanqing Tianzun Miaoxuanjing is difficult to deal with this beauty Hu Yuanling.Because the beauty pot was self-cultivated by a master in the fairyland, although Qin Zheng's kung fu is powerful, he can't use the beauty pot spirit in his hands.

Now the best way is to use A Bi Dao's three knives to cut off the beauty pot Yuanling, and then Qin Zheng will use the Sanqing Tianzun Mysterious Sutra to refine it into his own magic weapon or swallow it directly.If A Bi Dao wants to use the three knives, Qin Zheng must touch the memory in his heart.Although Qin Zheng has gradually let go of it now, those memories are still extremely deep.

Under the cohesion of Abi King, Gui Daoyuantai has already understood a lot of Abi Dao's three knives. Qin Zheng touched the depths of his heart, and a blood-colored reincarnation appeared in his eyes, and the originally dark eyes appeared. Now it has become a bloody red wheel.As if blood was about to drip from the eyes, a jet-black primordial fetus slowly jumped out from Qin Zheng's celestial spirit cover.

The pitch-black primordial womb exuded a strange aura, and the white primal spirit seemed to be very afraid of the power of this primal womb.The power of the ghost way is originally the method of cultivating these souls and primordial spirits, but it is a method of focusing on the soul, primordial spirits and the like.This beauty pot, this primordial spirit, is already a dilapidated remnant of power, with only a little bit of instinct and strength left.

The few people present also looked at Qin Zheng in surprise. They originally thought that Qin Zheng was good at swordsmanship and Buddhist methods, but they didn't expect to be able to use this ghostly method that not many monks would use anymore.Qin Zheng looked at the beauty Hu Yuanling coldly, then glanced at Li Huayu and his brother and said, "Now I'm too hungry and thirsty, I'm going to die."

Raising his hand, Qin Zheng grabbed it in the air, and a blood-colored wheel slowly fell into Qin Zheng's hand, and finally turned into a blood-colored long knife with simple and mysterious lines flowing on the long knife.And then the black power in the ghost fetus permeated the blood-colored runner, adding a bit of weirdness and mystery to it.

A burst of trance came from Qin Zheng's mind, and then the Taoist, Buddha's, and Sword's embryos all suppressed this counter-surge force.Then Qin Zheng smiled fiercely, lifted the bloody long knife in his hand with difficulty, and then slowly, slowly, according to a trajectory, cut through the void and stirred up the surrounding forces.

These people could obviously feel the power around them, and the inexplicable power was moving towards this bloody knife.It seemed that the resentment and resentment in his heart were all outlined.The few people who were able to enter this Yuanlian underground palace were all extraordinary people, and within a moment they forcibly suppressed the strange feeling in their hearts. If the emotions in their hearts continued to be amplified like this, there would be some unpredictable and serious consequences.

But even though these people suppressed the emotions in their hearts, how many monks and souls were buried in this Yuanlian underground palace, and the resentment contained in it was extremely huge.However, such a huge amount of resentment accumulated on the blood knife, condensing it into the appearance of a pitch-black skeleton. There seemed to be many grievances crying around, and the whining sound continued.

Li Huayu and the others also felt the continuous wind blowing around them in bursts, which caused biting pain.The exercises that Qin Zheng is performing now are extremely powerful.Li Huayu and the two brothers would not sit still, holding the method in their hands and trying to urge the beauty pot to suppress Qin Zheng, but at this time the Yuan Ling seemed to be very resistant to deal with Qin Zheng.

But now it is Li Huayu who controls the beauty pot after all. After playing a few spells in his hand, the beauty pot flew towards Qin Zheng, and Li Huayu also turned his hand, and the red luan star blade flew out, turning into a scarlet The arc flew.Although the Red Luan Star Blade is a magic weapon, it is not an extremely powerful treasure.

At least it was not comparable to Qin Zheng's Ten Thousand Swords Gourd before, let alone the Abi Dao Three Swords method of the Lord of the Eighteenth Hell of the Three Realms Hell in the past.The long arc drawn by the Red Luan Star Blade disintegrated instantly when it encountered the black long knife, and then streaks of red light merged into the black knife.

Li Huayu's Red Luan Star Blade was tempered with the blood of many women, and it contained a lot of resentment.This magic weapon was easily destroyed by Qin Zheng, Li Huayu also spit out a mouthful of black blood, this star blade is now his natal magic weapon, after the red luan star blade was swallowed, the black long knife also gained momentum One point.

But it's not enough, it's far from enough, the blood-colored wheel behind Qin Zheng is getting bigger and bigger, as if it is about to break through the Dao Yuanlian underground palace, and many monks outside Huoshi Mountain are also feeling extremely irritable, suddenly it seems that there are many things in their hearts Resentment is drawn out, fueled.It became more and more dense, and the visible black air was moving towards the Flint Mountain, and the range was getting bigger and bigger, and there were strands of dark clouds stirring on the Flint Mountain.

"Surrender, or die." Qin Zheng looked coldly at the beauty pot Yuanling. spirit.Although Qin Zheng didn't know whether it was true or not, but to Qin Zheng, the level of immortality was superior.

Until now, Qin Zheng has seen that the strongest cultivation base is only the state of the three flowers gathered at the top of King Abi.Although King Abi's cultivation base was only restored to one percent in a thousand, it still left an indelible impression on Qin Zheng's mind.This beauty pot may be of great use to Qin Zheng's future cultivation.

The beauty Hu Yuanling looked at Qin Zheng, and there seemed to be two forces competing in his mind, making it difficult for him to choose.The long knife in Qin Zheng's hand was drawn slowly, and a black rainbow broke open, as if a Shura hell appeared in front of everyone.The surroundings of Huoshi Mountain also attracted a series of scenes, which is such a magnificent scene.

"Three knives of Abi Dao, endless hell." The monk in charge of Xuner Fengshen Bag Phantom of the Wind and Sand Monster Clan said tremblingly, if there is a method in the world that is not affected by many influences of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and wind, it is the way of ghosts.Except for thunder, the method of catching ghosts is almost invincible.

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