() Everyone has only heard of the Jiuqiaoyuan Lotus Flower, but they have never heard of the so-called Jiushen Flower.The monk seemed to have thought of this, and said, "Nine orifice fire, primordial lotus sutra, pure yang seed, flying fairy power, all heavens and myriad realms bloom one flower, one flower blooms one realm." In one sentence Contains a lot of information.

The first twelve words are the conditions for the planting of the Nine Gods Flower. The Nine Orifices Primal Lotus Fire and the Nine Orifices Primal Lotus Sutra may be rare, but they are not so rare that they cannot be found.But the power of pure yang after that is extremely rare, even the masters of the pure yang realm in the Great Thousand World are extremely rare.

And the power of flying immortals afterwards is the power contained in the realm of immortals. If there are many immortals in the Three Realms, even in the human world there are also earth immortals, and there are many human immortals.Not to mention the Immortal Realm, because the law of the Three Realms was broken in the five major states, there are many immortals in the five major states who can have five spirits in their hearts and three flowers on their heads.

Nowadays, in the time of the Ten Thousand Realms, there are quite a few self-proclaimed gods and demons, and immortals, but they are basically pure yang monks who practice the divine way.However, in an era when there is almost no immortal realm, a fairy realm exists in legends.It is difficult to find even in the vast world, and this has already existed in legends.

What is an immortal in the heavens and myriad realms?

There is a saying in the past that there will be no immortals after the five major states, but many people have seen someone ascending through the catastrophe, and there are monks who have surpassed the tenth level of Dzogchen realm.People in Xiaoqian World thought that the rumors of becoming immortals for thousands of years would eventually be broken, and now with hidden forces appearing one after another.

Many ancient secrets were subsequently understood, and the appearance of the Nine Gods Flower required the nourishment of the power of the flying fairy.Qin Zheng obtained the power of a flying fairy from the immeasurable jade in the past, and then the power of pure yang sealed in his body was due to many coincidences.This Nine Gods Flower was born.

As soon as the Nine Gods Flower appears, there will be no second flower in the heavens and myriad worlds, unless the first Nine Gods Flower Nine Flowers has fully bloomed. Today, such a mysterious treasure appears in front of many monks. I don't know how many times stronger than the previous Jiuqiao Yuanlianhuo, Jiushenhua, every time a flower blooms, the monk who gets the Jiushenhua can be promoted to a great level.

A big realm, that is to say, if one flower is opened, one can directly go from refining qi to foundation building, and opening a second flower can go from building foundation to golden alchemy, and then the Nascent Soul, Primordial Spirit, Pure Yang, Creation, Immortality, even immortality, is nothing but eight flowers of the Nine Gods.That is to say, only needing to get this Nine Gods Flower can directly go from refining Qi to immortality, and even surpass the realm of immortality.

Thinking of this, those monks are all fanatical, what is the purpose of practicing together?Isn't it just to log in to a higher realm step by step, to live forever, and to be immortal.Becoming an immortal is such a distant existence, but today this opportunity has just appeared, an opportunity to become an immortal.

Qin Zheng, who fell into a coma, was all attracted by the Nine Gods Flower, but now this area is in chaos, and the news about the Nine Gods Flower is spreading farther and farther.Fortunately, the Northern Desert has a vast area, and other Western Regions, and several major places in the Central Plains have not received any news.

However, the largest and most powerful force in the Northern Desert, Riyue Buddhism, has appeared. The Riyue Buddhist disciples wore the Riyue white monk clothes, and appeared here in a unified plan. With the emergence of Riyue Buddhism, many monks almost retreated. Riyue Buddhism has a mysterious method, which can temporarily raise one's cultivation to a great level.

Therefore, the tenth level of Dzogchen that appeared is almost invincible. The Riyue Buddhism in the Northern Desert is divided into several levels. Now all the core congregants of the Riyue Buddhism appear, divided into followers and Moonshine.Male is ri and female is month.Two rows of about 100 Sun Moon Cultists stood in the air, and the atmosphere around them was faintly condensed.

Bai Seri Moon appeared on the top of the believers, and following the sound of Sanskrit, eighteen monks wearing more ornate monk clothes slowly descended from the sky. They were all in the realm of the tenth level of Dzogchen. The eighteen arhats held eighteen magic weapons and looked at the Nine Gods Flower in front of Qin Zheng from a distance.

Immediately, an Arhat said, "This seat has already been connected with the Buddhas in the world. It is undoubtedly the flower of the Nine Gods. On the ninth day, the nine forks of the nine paths will be fully grown, and on the No. 18th and other forks." If they all grow flower buds, you can grab them." The golden bowl in the arhat's hand was shining brightly.

After pausing for a while, the arhat said again; "The Nine Gods Flower is the object designated by the Sun and Moon Buddha, and the poor monk will not give it away." The faces of all the monks have changed. This day, Buddhism has not completely gained a foothold in Beimo, so it is so domineering.

If it is true that the Buddhism of this day and the moon will gain power in the future, it will be fine, and there will be no way for the monks in the northern desert to survive?Immediately, a monk snorted coldly in dissatisfaction, and immediately the eighteen arhats glanced at it, and then said: "The decree of the Buddha of the Sun and Moon has been issued, and if anyone resists, it will be converted into Buddhism."

The so-called exorcization has been made very clear, that is, direct suppression, but if it is pulled into Sun Moon Buddhism, isn't that a dead end?Those little cultivators at the ninth level would probably be scared.However, the monks who have cultivated to the tenth level of Dzogchen basically have some means. They chose to leave in response to the intimidation of Riyue Buddhism, and many of them chose to stay.

"So what about the Sun Moon Buddha? It's not so easy for people in the Great Thousand World to come to the Small Thousand World, so what if it's the Sun Moon Buddha?" A few tenth-level Dzogchen monks made moves and looked at the eighteen arhats from afar. .What about the eighteen arhats?Before the monk finished speaking, he saw a white flower flying from the sky.

With a turn of the white flower, he directly sealed the monk and fell into the hands of the eighteen arhats, and then said, "Just now the Buddha knows that there will be people who will not obey the arrangement of the Buddha Sun and Moon. If someone does not obey the arrangement of the Buddha, then ask me The Udumbara flower in the seat's hand will agree or not."

The monks like Udumbara Flower also know something about them, they are famous existences.The tenth-level Dzogchen monk was sealed in the blink of an eye.If other people want to fight against Riyue Buddhism, they have to weigh whether they can have this strength.

At this time, a group of black men and horses slowly flew from the sky. If Qin Zheng were here, Qin Zheng would be very surprised that those black-robed monks were here. It is the tenth level of Dzogchen cultivation.When the people from the Black Demon God Sect came, the faces of all the monks of Riyue Buddhism became ugly.

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