() As soon as I came back from the urban hospital, I rushed to rush the manuscript. The first one was delivered, and the second was delivered before twelve o'clock. By the way, please get a ticket!

The Buddha Cave is fifty or sixty feet high and twenty or thirty feet wide. Buddhas, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and all living beings of the world are carved on it. It is very similar to the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes on Earth in the past, but even more magnificent than it.Although Qin Zheng wanted to suspect whether this place was a maze set by evil spirits, he couldn't do anything about it.

Firstly, I don't know how the evil spirits are cultivated here, and secondly, it's dangerous, if you go there recklessly, you may fall into a trap.Whether it is the Formless Heavenly Demon encountered in the void outside the Floating Sword Island, or the Illusory Demon Head suppressed in the Yuanlian Underground Palace, they are all terrifying people.

When ri is in the void, it is because of the help of experts from Tianjianyuan and Lanzhuxianyuan that he can escape from danger, while in the Yuanlian underground palace, because of the upright transformation of the phantom demon, he is the most vulnerable. Almost dropped to zero.That's why Qin Zheng and others took advantage of it.

But there won't be so many good things today, because this place is a Buddhist country, and the demons that can be suppressed by the ancient Buddha who burned lamps in the past must not be simple demons.Qin Zheng sat in front of the cave like this, staring at the three largest Buddha fetuses. The past, present, and future three Buddha statues were handprinted, with their eyes half-opened, showing compassionate gazes.

Under the Divine Turtle Returning to Yuan Gutai Jue and the Art of Cracking Blood and Transforming God, Qin Zheng turned into a small drop of blood and hid himself in the sand. It is difficult to use an ordinary method to restrain all the breath.Qin Zheng wanted to see what this Buddhist cave was.

On the second day, a monk entered the Buddhist cave one day, but he never came out.On the third day, the three monks went into the Buddhist cave together, but also did not come out.The four monks who entered the cave were all Dzogchen monks of the tenth rank. Qin Zheng could roughly conclude that the cave was useless to look at from the outside.

Then with a movement of the divine mind, the Buddha's light shrouded, the Kasyapa Bodhi sword shrouded the surroundings, and golden lotus flowers bloomed one after another, combining with the Udumbara flower.Eighteen golden lotuses are looming and guarding Qin Zheng's body.Qin Zheng discovered that in this Buddhist temple, the power of Buddhist exercises can be doubled or doubled.

Except for Taoism and swordsmanship, other methods have been suppressed to varying degrees, and it is difficult to develop a little bit of cultivation.Even so, Qin Zheng was not in a hurry, turned his palm, and the still water turned into an ancient bodhi mirror, which was held by Qin Zheng in his hand, and shone towards the Buddhist cave.

Under the mirror light, it is impossible to discover the mystery of this Buddhist gate, as if it is an ordinary Buddhist cave.Qin Zheng didn't believe that it was just a simple Buddhist cave, otherwise, why didn't the four monks who went in come out for a long time?Unexpectedly, Jingshui Zhao Daqian couldn't find a different place, so he could only enter the Buddhist cave to find out the news.

After circling the cave for a few times, Qin Zheng walked in from a hole hidden behind the three big Buddhas.A groove was dug out at intervals on the four walls of the cave, and a small Buddha statue was holding huge pearls, illuminating the passage.The four walls are very smooth except for the dug out lamp niches.

However, there are also traces of swords, various weapons and spells on this smooth wall. There must have been many battles. Dispersed, as the passage entered, the death energy became more and more intense.

If other people can't discover this dead energy, then long-term erosion will leave a lot of hidden dangers, but for Qin Zheng, the so-called dead energy is nothing but nourishment for ghosts.The ghostly fetus was holding a formula in its hand, and the dead energy around it rushed towards it one after another, devouring it all.

There must be something different in this place, otherwise, there would be no death energy in the Buddhist temple, even if a few people die, it would not produce death energy, and a ray of death energy needs a lot of resentment to gather together before it can be condensed.At this time, the death energy was swallowed all the way in the ghost fetus, not only did not decrease, but became more and more intense.

After walking for about an hour, Qin Zheng found a corpse, which was the first monk that Qin Zheng saw a few days ago to enter the cave.Qin Zheng lowered his body and inspected the monk carefully. The monk's face was pale, as if he had lost his color, and all the blood in his body was also lost. On the contrary, the magic weapon on his body was not lost.

He likes to devour the blood of monks, as long as the monster race, evil monks, demons, and ghosts.No matter which one it is, it shows that this Buddhist cave is not a good place. Qin Zheng carefully looked through the things on the monk, and found that they were not good things. After taking away a few magic weapons that were still interesting, The sound of reincarnation is unfolded.

It can also be regarded as the monk's reward. Since this monk can die here without any injuries, then there must be dangers hidden in this passage, dangers that Qin Zheng does not know about.Except for the Kasyapa Bodhi sword and the Udumbara flower outside the body.Sanqing Tianzun Miaoxuanjing and Wanjian Gourd are also on the defensive.

Therefore, I don't know where the danger is, and the bodhi mirror is also in the hands of Qin Zheng, and the mirror light covers the whole body for three feet.This mirror water illuminates the Daqian method, but it can even illuminate the poisonous dragon with evil thoughts in the heart, and the phaseless heavenly demon in the realm of primordial spirit.It is impossible to be useless here, and after walking for about an hour, Qin Zheng found two corpses.

These two corpses are two of the three monks who entered the Buddhist cave later. The appearance of these two monks is the same as that of the monk I saw before. They are all pale as if they have lost their color. The whole body is full of blood.At this time, Qin Zheng didn't even turn over the magic weapon, so he speeded up and headed towards the depths.

Qin Zheng wants to see what is the mystery here.After walking for about two hours, Qin Zheng saw the fourth monk, who swung the magic weapon in his hand and beat around.The monk was already in a state of insanity, and only after the monk was exhausted, a black wind rolled out from the depths of the passage, and the black wind rolled around the monk.

"Ah, get out, get out, ah..." The scream lasted for more than a dozen breaths, and then I saw that the black wind was about to flee.Qin Zheng snorted coldly, and pinched a Dharma door with his hands. The Dari Tathagata Dharma Aspect was as panicked as the sky, not being moved by evil spirits.Squeezing the palm of the Tathagata God, carrying the Tathagata Fire of the Sun, he moved towards the cloud of black wind.

Hei Feng seemed to feel the power of Tathagata of the Great Sun, and the mysterious power circulated, strands of black wind turned into sharp ice thorns, and a huge roar sounded, as if to shatter Qin Zheng's palm of Tathagata.But the Buddhist exercises are originally designed to restrain these demons, especially the method of Dari Tathagata, which is even more powerful.

The palm of the Tathagata changed into a delimiting seal, which fell like a mountain in the sun. After hearing a scream, the black wind quickly fled towards the depths of the passage.And the arm that had been shrouded in black mist fell down.There was a strong dead air lingering on that arm, and the ghost gave off excited emotions.

Qin Zheng directly operated the Zhenfo Abi Knife, and then used the Abidao Three Swords to refine the dead energy little by little. With the refining of the dead energy, the arm seemed to melt down, and finally only a white bone was left. The bones turned into powder under the breeze.Qin Zheng was a little surprised by such a strange situation, but then he couldn't help but become more curious about the scene deep in the passage.

However, these monks will go crazy, which is probably related to the dead energy around them, because Qin Zheng is not afraid and can refine these dead energy, so he will not be disturbed.And these monks were unable to detect and resist the attack of death energy, and were confused by the special means contained in death energy.

The existence in the depths of the channel is to take advantage of the madness of these monks, and after they are exhausted, they directly attack and devour their blood, anger, and souls.These methods are really unnoticed. Fortunately, I have condensed the ghost embryo, otherwise I will get tricks here, Qin Zheng thought.

But the monster just now is obviously formed by the condensation of death energy, but it can be condensed into such a monster, so what is the place and method?Although Qin Zheng was very worried, he was still curious about the depths of this passage.If one can find something powerful and condensed, it must be a great opportunity.

The most difficult thing for Qin Zheng to condense is the ghost womb, the devil womb, the two primordial wombs, as for the sword womb, the Tao womb, and the Buddha womb, they can all be cultivated.Only Qin Zheng didn't want to do the practice of ghost and devil fetuses, so he has been dragged until now and has become the bottom of the existence.

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