Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 0224 disrespect should be punished

() The second update is here, go to sleep!

However, these things are only known to the monks in the Nine Small Thousand Worlds in ancient China. As for the forces in the Mysterious Lotus Small Thousand World, of course they don't know about Qin Zheng's great reputation.The mountain gate of Chaofo Temple opened, and Qin Zheng snatched Cao Fei's golden lotus in his hands. Qin Zheng, who fell back to the original place, looked at Cao Fei with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Cao Fei's scheming against him, Qin Zheng wouldn't have taken his golden lotus.This is called what kind of cause and what kind of fruit, and Cao Feiqi, who was robbed of the token golden lotus on the other side, jumped up violently, with anger gushing in his eyes.That look almost wanted to swallow Qin Zheng in one gulp.

Qin Zheng didn't care about the mood in Cao Fei's heart, but Cao Fei stomped his feet, and then said, "Return the golden lotus token quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Hearing Cao Fei's shout, the corner of his mouth twitched Picking, I just didn't bother to pay attention to it, and after looking at each other with Huawu and the others, I went directly towards the mountain gate.

At this time, Cao Fei was holding a few magic formulas in his hand, and he was about to take Qin Zheng down, but Liu Fenghong stopped Cao Fei and said, "The monk and Qin Zheng are obviously on the same side, the power of the red lotus must be the same. Young Sovereign Cao also knew in his heart that if he took action at this time, he would definitely be besieged. Moreover, seeing that Qin Zheng's cultivation is extraordinary, I feel terrified, even if Young Sovereign Cao makes a move, it is difficult to resist."

Although I was very unhappy when I heard Liu Fenghong say that she couldn't beat that Qin Zheng, she had to admit that what she said was the truth. Just now, when Qin Zheng made a move, he just broke his own restraining stone, and it was simple and rude. directly destroyed.Although Cao Fei has seen it before, he has never seen anyone who can directly destroy this forbidden stone with one move.

This Qin Zheng's method obviously restrained himself, then he gritted his teeth, snorted coldly and gave up, Shi Zong saw this scene, and said, "There are many opportunities to go to the Chaofo Temple, wait until you find that Qin Zheng is in a predicament, we just have to take action to drive him into a place where he can never be restored, but now it's not time to do it, so let's do it first."

Both Liu Fenghong and Shi Zong said so, Cao Fei had no other choice, as the steps kept going up, some monks saw a lot of elixir growing in the flowers and plants on the side, so they immediately went to the side to pick them .Under the wind and clouds, it was almost like being swept away, a mess, Qin Zheng shook his head.

Don't say that these elixirs cannot be used, even if they are needed, Qin Zheng is too lazy to grab them. This place has been banned for so long, and it is uncertain whether these living things are really alive.After Qin Zheng finished chanting in his heart, something really happened. Those elixirs that were pulled out instantly turned into fly ash, no matter flowers, plants, trees, birds or animals.

Although these plants and animals seem to be alive and able to jump around, once they are displaced, or picked up by monks, they will instantly turn into fly ash and disappear before everyone's eyes.It's like thousands of years of time are gathered to this moment, and they lose their color, lose their vitality, and turn into powder in an instant.

The annoyed monk directly picked up the magic weapon and spells to destroy the surrounding area. Qin Zheng shook his head, and went straight forward with Ru Luan and others. Because they didn't want to meet Liu Fenghong and others, Qin Zheng and the others diverted away from him.After about half an hour, several people arrived in front of the Shanmen Hall.

The Temple of the Mountain Gate is also the Hall of the Three Gates. This is the real mountain gate. The figure of the Dharma Guardian Vajra can be vaguely seen in the huge stone arched gate. , although these king kong are just clay sculptures, but there is a trace of coercion, making it difficult for people to stare at them.

Qin Zheng took a look at the Dharma Guardian Vajra. The demon-subduing pestle held by the Vajra seemed to be a good Buddhist magic weapon, and the jeweled garment on his body was also made of good material.At this time, many monks also entered the mountain gate hall. This hall occupies a huge area. Even if dozens of people entered, it still seems limited and empty, and the top is extremely high.

Those monks saw the demon-subduing pestle in the hands of the Dharma-protector Vajra, and they said in surprise; "Those a few demon-subduing pestles seem to be Buddhist instruments, made of high-quality materials, and so are the jade robes. Could it be that these are magic weapons?" .” These cultivators seemed to have seen a huge treasure house, and directly took the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and Yingluo Clothes.

"This belongs to me." Some monks fought fiercely. Although these treasures were top-quality magic weapons, Qin Zheng always felt that these King Kongs were a bit weird, so he never made a move to snatch them.And some of the monks present are also sensible people, knowing that this temple will not be so simple, and they are not in a hurry to snatch it.

At this moment, Liu Fenghong and the others also stepped into the Sanmen Hall, Cao Fei who saw Qin Zheng snorted coldly, but stood at the door and did not go further with Liu Fenghong and the others.When Qin Zheng saw this scene, he thought for a while, whispered a few words in Hua Wuji's ear, and retreated to the side door.

Liu Fenghong and the others must know some things about this Buddhist temple, otherwise they wouldn't look calm and confident.Seeing those monks who took the shot to seize the magic weapon, they flew spells at each other in the hall, falling all around, and some Buddhist altars, lanterns, guardrails, and carved flowers were all destroyed.

But only the Dharma Guardians did not change in any way, except that they were stripped of their treasure clothes and took away the Vajra Pestle.But at this moment, the aura in the mountain gate hall circulated, and the vajra pestle and gem robes held by the monks seemed to come alive.Just look at the vajra turning into a golden rainbow, directly killing the monk holding it as soon as he lowered the magic pestle.

And the jeweled garment was also unfolded to cover the sky and sun, and when the monk was rolled up, he heard a scream from within the treasured garment, saw blood and flesh splattered, and died instantly.Seeing this scene, those robbing monks immediately came to their senses and wanted to leave.But at this moment, the Dharma Guardian King Kong on the left and right suddenly reached out and blocked a group of monks.

The clay sculpture of Vajra has now turned into a giant about two feet in size, and the vajra pestle is flying in the hall, constantly killing those monks.And Yingluo's treasured clothes were also rolled up and kneaded into meat sauce by those monks, Qin Zheng was dumbfounded.Is this really a Buddhist temple? These Dharma protectors are extremely ruthless, and they are more afraid of letting go than those people from the demon sect?

In Qin Zheng's cognition, these Buddhist people are at most saving and sealing, and there are very few cruel killing moves, but the few Dharma protectors he saw today completely overturned Qin Zheng's cognition.However, these Dharma Protector King Kong's cultivation base was extremely high, and a hundred Qin Zheng stepped forward and were immediately crushed one by one.

It must be King Kong of the Golden Core Realm, but Qin Zheng was a little puzzled as to why these clay sculptured King Kong suddenly came alive to kill these monks. After finishing solving these monks, the clay sculpture King Kong stood back on both sides again, and turned into clay sculptures in a moment appearance, and then only saw a line of words appearing next to King Kong at some point, Disrespect should be punished.

What a disrespect deserves to be punished, which made Qin Zheng couldn't help admiring the domineering of Buddhism, and then asked Ru Luan and Hua Wu; "What do you know about this Buddhist temple? How did these Dharma protectors suddenly come back to life?" ?" The two of them also came to their senses about the sudden revival of Dharma Protector King Kong who killed the Quartet.

But this matter seems to be a bit mysterious, the only people who were killed in the field were those who participated in the capture of the magic weapon, but some people standing in the hall were also accidentally injured by the power of the Vajra.After thinking for a while, Ru Luan said, "This Buddhist temple was used by the disciples of the Buddha's disciples to worship the Buddha in the past. The temple used for worship is no different from other temples. This temple needs many tributes and sacrifices. The importance of Xing, so this place seems to be supervised by the Ming King of Buddhism."

When Ru Luan said this, Qin Zheng had a little understanding that the Ming kings in the Buddhist sect were the "incarnation of anger" of Buddha, representing killing and criminal law. According to legend, there were eight Ming kings, five Ming kings, and ten Ming kings.But Qin Zheng doesn't know the specific situation, but if this place is really supervised by the Ming King of Buddhism, then Qin Zheng must be fully focused.

Otherwise, if one is not careful, he will directly fall into the realm of eternal doom. King Ming is not like those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but the embodiment of many murderous angers.At this time, all the flesh and blood in the hall had disappeared, and the remaining monks looked at the two rows of Dharma Guardians with trepidation.

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