() The second one is here!

The two venerables Kasyapa and Ananda are the servants of Dari Tathagata. Although the Kasyapa Bodhi sword held by the Kasyapa Venerable is extremely powerful, the Dharma image of Dari Tathagata still suppresses it. Under the seal, the image of Venerable Kassapa immediately disappeared.

Although this monk is also at the peak of Qi refining, he is much higher than Qin Zheng in terms of the use of spiritual power and the strength of his strength.After Qin Zheng's observation and confrontation, the monk seemed to be only using his Kasyapa Bodhi sword, and as the image of Venerable Kasyapa was suppressed by Qin Zheng's Tathagata palm, it was shattered.

The monk was not much surprised, and then looked at Qin Zheng and said, "Forget it, this is the first volume of the Great Kasyapa Heart Sutra, which records the method of Kasyapa Bodhi's sword power. If you practice the Tathagata Sutra, if you want to achieve great success , you must practice the ten volumes of the Great Kassapa Heart Sutra and the ten volumes of the Ananda Heart Sutra. You can keep this volume of the Great Kassapa Heart Sutra, as for the first volume of the Ananda Heart Sutra that still exists at this level, it needs fate."

After the monk finished speaking, it turned into dots of new light and disappeared into the void, while the volume of ancient scriptures fell into Qin Zheng's hands.Venerable Kasyapa is also called Mahakasyapa.It is one of the two attendants of the Tathagata Buddha. Among the six Buddhas, the Lantern Ancient Buddha has no attendants or bodhisattvas to worship around.

And the Tathagata Buddha enshrined Venerable Kassapa and Venerable Ananda on the left and right. When Qin Zheng opened the first page of the scriptures, each word of the scriptures flew out. , just fly out a word.And Qin Zheng's Buddha's womb was also condensed, and all the words of the Great Kasyapa Heart Sutra were gathered and gone during the circulation of the golden books of the Da Ri Tathagata Sutra.

On top of the original Tathagata Heart Sutra, the Great Kasyapa Heart Sutra was added, and the original golden book was also solidified immediately, and when Qin Zheng performed the Da Ri Tathagata Dharma, the present around him also faintly appeared A statue of Kasyapa guards the left and right.Originally, Qin Zheng never thought it was difficult to practice the Dari Tathagata Heart Sutra.

Only when there is enough original force and the realm is improved, can one be able to practice the Heart Sutra of the Tathagata to Dzogchen, but now it seems that this is far from the case. <>Dari Tathagata Heart Sutra is the main one, but it also needs the Da Kasyapa Heart Sutra and Ananda Sutra as supplements. Only after the completion of the three scriptures can the Dzogchen Tathagata be the Buddha.

And now Qin Zheng has only one volume of the Great Kasyapa Heart Sutra in his hand, and the next two to ten volumes need to be found on the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion.But now that the first volume of the Great Kassapa Heart Sutra has been comprehended, the following Sutra of Ananda's Relationship is hidden. Qin Zheng circulated the Great Sun Tathagata Heart Sutra and the Great Kassapa Heart Sutra, hoping to help.

But no matter how Qin Zheng operated, the Treasure Pavilion remained unchanged. Then he stopped the method, activated the power of Bodhi, and then quietly observed the surrounding situation.Recalling the information about Venerable Ananda in my mind, Manjushri Bodhisattva once praised Ananda's majesty and knowledge: "The appearance is like the full moon in autumn, the eyes are like green lotus flowers, and the Dharma is like the sea, flowing into Ananda's heart."

Among the top ten disciples of the Buddha, Ananda has the strongest memory, and his appearance is handsome and dignified, which brings joy to those who see him.He was the youngest in the Sangha at that time, intelligent and well-informed.Not only did the Buddha like him, but he was also popular with the public, especially the women.The power of bodhi wisdom in Qin Zheng's mind continued to deduce, and then he observed the surroundings and the cabinet containing treasures corner by corner.

With the deepening of the search, Qin Zheng finally discovered the strange place, that is, a small half of the silk yarn was placed in the inconspicuous place of the cabinet, and it was the kind of silk yarn used by women.It is a strange thing that there are silk yarns used by women in Buddhist temples, and the only one who has a good relationship with those nuns is Venerable Ananda, so Qin Zheng speculates that this piece of silk yarn may be the finding of Ananda’s Affinity Sutra key.

Qin Zheng wanted to grab the piece of silk yarn with his hand, but something obstructed it. Everything on the cabinet here was sealed with restrictions. Although the silk yarn was placed in a corner alone, it was still full of restrictions.Directly block Qin Zheng's spells and spirits.Qin Zheng was the least afraid of the restrictions, and the small spirit lamps flew out, and the lights burned these restrictions one after another.

This spirit lamp is the best magic weapon to break the restriction, as expected, the restriction is continuously melted and broken under the spirit lamp.Obviously, there is no resistance under the spirit lamp, and after a while, the restriction will be completely broken.And just when the last point was left, the restrictions in these four weeks suddenly changed, and instantly returned to the original state, and it was faintly more powerful than before.

Qin Zheng looked at everything before him in disbelief, because the power of the Qianling Lamp's destruction, restriction and ablation has never been missed, even the restrictions of the Pure Yang Realm have been deliberately broken.But today is useless?Qin Zheng didn't believe it was useless, and activated the spirit lamp again to erode the restriction.

As before, these restrictions were easily broken by Qin Zheng's Qianling lights, but at the last line, they were restored instantly, and even more powerful.After Qin Zheng tried several times, he had to accept the fact that this restriction cannot be broken by a magic lamp.

But without the lights of Qianling to break this restriction, what should we do?I wondered in my heart how the magic lamp, which has always been very powerful, is useless at this time?After thinking for a long time, Qin Zheng had a general understanding that the restriction here was imposed by King Ming, whose power had already reached the realm of immortality, even though this spirit lamp was also a treasure of that realm.

But the spirit lamp that Qin Zheng is holding now is a reduced version of the spirit lamp that is a part of the spirit lamp, which is quite different from the spirit lamp in the past. There are not many ways.But Qin Zheng didn't believe it, since the monk wanted to grasp the opportunity just now, then he must have a way to get the silk yarn.

Then the Buddha's womb flew out, and he squeezed the magic formula with his hands, the Heart Sutra of the Great Sun Tathagata, and the Heart Sutra of the Great Kasyapa.Qin Zheng's Buddhist supernatural power turned, and the Kasyapa Bodhi sword fell into the hands of Venerable Kasyapa, and then blossoming golden lotuses flew towards the restraint.

Under the Kasyapa Bodhi sword of Venerable Kasyapa, those restrictions were cut off a little bit. Qin Zheng saw that the restrictions were broken, and he was delighted to think that only this Buddhist method might be able to break.Then Dari Tathagata squeezed the boundary seal with his hand, and it fell steadily, consuming the slightest restraint again.

However, Qin Zheng's restrictions on these consumptions are just a drop in the bucket in Qin Zheng's eyes. Then the Buddha's light behind him turned, and a black long knife with a Buddha's head and body appeared in front of Qin Zheng. The Buddhist supernatural power that was realized with Abi's three swords, Abi's Buddhist sword.

The Abi Zhen Buddha Knife is extremely fierce. With the cooperation of Tathagata God's Palm and Kasyapa Bodhi Sword, the A Bi Town Buddha Knife penetrated into the restraint, and a trace of black air diffused to corrode the surrounding restraints.Qin Zheng didn't expect that the Abi Town Buddha Knife was so powerful, and then he directly used the Abi Dao Three Swords, and the Infernal Hell activated the Abi Town Buddha Knife.

However, Qin Zheng's A Bi Dao San Dao aura had just been exposed, and the restraint seemed to sense some aura, and he counterattacked violently, trying to resist Qin Zheng's restraint.Seeing this scene, Qin Zheng was overjoyed. He hadn't responded to the restriction before, but now he suddenly became irritable. He must be afraid of his own Abi Suppressing Buddha Knife.

Ah Bidao unleashed his three knives, and suddenly a five-color light flew out of the restriction, which seemed to be an illusory five-color feather.However, under the Infernal Hell, the five-color feathers were suddenly shattered, and this restriction was also torn open a small crack. Qin Zheng seized the opportunity and directly snatched the silk yarn out of it.

As soon as the silk yarn fell into Qin Zheng's hands, it was spun by the power of the Buddha, and the silk yarn turned into quicksand and flew around, and then disappeared into a scripture. .Qin Zheng got the Sutra of Ananda's Affinity, and then the monk appeared and looked at Qin Zheng again; "Originally, I wanted you to comprehend the forbidden law, but I didn't expect you to break it and take it out, let's just drink it and peck it. , who can tell the gains and losses?"

After all, the monk disappeared in front of Qin Zheng again.Qin Zheng was puzzled as he watched the monk suddenly appear and then disappear, but since the first volume of Ananda's Affinity Sutra has already been obtained, it can be regarded as a great success.But just now the monk said to let himself understand the restriction. Why?

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