Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 0229 Red Lotus Buddha Lord

() The legendary treasure of the three-eared yin-yang gossip alchemy furnace is the biggest nemesis of Jingyumen, no one, the number one restraint, restraint without any means of resistance, complete restraint.The alchemy furnace that circulated the energy of black and white landed heavily on the crystal jade barrier, and the crisp crackling sound could be clearly heard instantly.

Shi Zong gritted his teeth, and threw three blue and white crystal jade balls. These small balls stood in mid-air, maintaining the barrier. If Qin Zheng breaks through this defense.Then Shi Zong thought it was doomed, and then he glanced at the surrounding situation and said to Cao Fei, "You also use your strength to resist for a while, and when everyone's formation is completed, these people will be on the verge of death."

Cao Fei squeezed the formula with his hands, and three big valves appeared around the two of them, gushing out waves of power, swallowing all the power of the three-eared Yin-Yang Bagua Alchemy Furnace into the valves.And Cao Fei's complexion gradually became unsightly. Obviously, the power of the three-eared Yin-Yang Bagua Alchemy Furnace is too domineering.

The Qianling Lamp, the Three-Erved Yin-Yang Bagua Alchemy Furnace, the Wanjian Gourd, and the Hunyuan Treasure Clothes are the four most powerful treasures of Qin Zheng today.As for the two-page golden book, the Bodhisattva and the Blood River Token are all good, but they all have flaws and limitations, big or small.This magic weapon, which has been neglected by Qin Zheng all the time, has been used to the greatest extent by restriction.

Cao Fei and Shi Zong exerted force at the same time, and Qin Zheng didn't hold back his hand. While raising his hand and spinning, the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Transformations and One Futian began to work, and suddenly the three-eared yin-yang eight-diagram alchemy furnace spewed out three-color flames, red and orange , the tongue of the red three-color flame rolled over the spar shield, and it could melt a large area.

Although the three small blue and white balls provide a steady stream of crystal jade power, they cannot compare to the melting speed of this Eight Diagrams Furnace.Shi Zong was also secretly anxious, and Qin Zheng dodged the nine-day drowning flying rain ladle at this time. Whenever the boy flashed a drowning light, Qin Zheng directly used the blood splitting magic power to condense the blood shadow to resist that boy. attack.

The only magic weapon that threatened Qin Zheng lost its effect. Cao Fei and Shi Zong could only defend against Qin Zheng's attack. In a short while, Qin Zheng melted the spar, and then Da Ri Tathagata Dharma Scroll, Shi Zong did not respond Before coming over, the four blue and white balls were directly sealed in the Udumbara flower.

Seeing that his magic weapon was collected, Shi Zong almost vomited blood in distress. These four spheres are the foundation of cultivation, which can continuously produce the power of crystal jade.This crystal jade body training formula relies on the transformation of the power of crystal jade, but the crystal jade in a world is limited after all, and this kind of magic weapon that can provide the power of crystal jade is extremely cherished.

These four small blue and white balls were rewarded by the elders in the sect. They are called Jingyu Birthday Spirit Beads.In fact, Qin Zheng received this magic weapon because he wanted to give it to Li Li to practice at that time. Li Li was born with supernatural power, and he had cultivated the indestructible body of the diamond. If he could practice this ancient skill again, his cultivation would be greatly improved.

But the premise is that Qin Zheng can capture the technique of the Crystal Jade Gate, and then looked at Shi Zong, Qin Zheng's three-eared yin and yang alchemy furnace rolled out flames and went towards Shi Zong.At this time, Shi Zong had no way to deal with this magic weapon, any Jingyumen cultivation technique could not resist the power of this flame refining.

Seeing this scene, Cao Fei immediately turned the three gates and flew towards Qin Zheng, and Qin Zheng looked at these flying valves with a little fear in his heart.Afterwards, Da Ri Tathagata's divine palm condensed a delimiting seal, which came towards Cao Fei like an overwhelming force.The attack was so ferocious that even Cao Fei felt apprehensive.The palm of the Tathagata plus the seal of delimitation is extremely fierce. On the other hand, Qin Zheng rotated the Udumbara flower and headed towards Shizong, intending to seal it.

At this critical moment, Cao Fei decisively squeezed the magic formula, and the three big valves burst open immediately, and the violent power destroyed all the Udumbara Flower and Tathagata Palm.And the two also got a breather, fled to the side, and at this time looked at Hua Wu and Liu Fenghong.Relying on the power of the red lotus magic mirror, Liu Fenghong also crushed Hua Wu.

Just now Liu Fenghong had already noticed the situation of Cao Fei and Shi Zong, but he had no energy left to fight against Hua Wu.Then, after glancing around, he reached out and grabbed the swirling red lotus magic mirror in his hand, then looked at the sky and threw it, and a formation flag was separated from his hand and flew up.

As Liu Fenghong's formation flag swayed, the surrounding forces continued to circulate, moving towards Liu Fenghong's formation flag, and then Liu Fenghong said, "Cao Fei, Shi Zong, what are you two waiting for? If you don’t do it now, when will you wait?” Following Liu Fenghong’s words, Cao Fei and Shi Zong also looked at each other.

Afterwards, the two of them pressed the method one after another, and saw red spiritual power surging from Shi Zong's body.During the circulation of spiritual power, Shi Zong turned into a crystal clear crystal jade appearance, and the spiritual power continued to circulate.On the other hand, Cao Fei turned into a huge door, and the huge arched door was covered with dark red lines, which was very mysterious.

All of this happened in an instant, Qin Zheng didn't understand what the three of them were doing all of a sudden, but feeling the power emanating from it was extremely palpitating to Qin Zheng.Then he said to Hua Wudao: "I'm afraid this is the last resort of the people in Xuanlian Xiaoqian World. Master Hua Wu should not hide his means. Otherwise, it's no wonder I'm in trouble later."

And endless red lotus karma spewed out from the magic mirror of the red lotus, and the gate transformed by Cao Fei was also filled with mysterious light, and Shi Zong was nourished by two rays of light and turned into a crystal blood se lotus platform.Turning around, Liu Fenghong turned into a giant Buddha several feet in length, holding a precious mirror, with immeasurable Buddha light behind her.

At this time, all the monks in the Xuanlian Xiaoqian world shrunk and fell onto the frame of the dark red gate, turning into Bodhisattvas and Arhats.The power of the Buddha around is condensed between the hands of this big Buddha.Seeing this appearance, Hua Wu's face changed drastically, and then he said, "This is the Red Lotus Buddha Lord, one of the Buddhas who cultivated the red lotus karma in the past."

The Great Buddha is extremely powerful, and Qin Zheng can feel that the power of this Buddha is not as powerful as that of the Golden Elixir, but also infinitely close to the power of the Golden Elixir.Seeing this scene, Qin Zheng glanced at Ru Luan, and said coldly; "If Miss Ru Luan is still thinking about how to get the most benefit, the end will be extremely miserable. Now the best way for your Qianji Pavilion is to Suppress this Red Lotus Buddha Lord, otherwise you and I will not want to leave."

Originally, Qin Zheng thought that Ru Luan was a very shrewd and capable person, but after a few contacts, Qin Zheng realized that this woman's chest is too small, no wonder she can only control the Tianji Pavilion in Xixiao City.Ru Luan has no choice but to promise Qin Zheng, Xu Wei, and Xu Wei to stay by his side, and what they want to do is Qianjilu.

At this time, the cultivation base of Qianji Road has skyrocketed, and he holds three copper coins in his hand. These are ancient imperial coins, which contain the power of morality and heavenly secrets.Qianjilu looked at the Red Lotus Buddha Lord and said, "You Xuanlian Xiaoqian World seems to have been born and has been taken away by someone. The Little Thousand World already has an owner. Could it be that this Red Lotus Buddha Lord is your current Little Thousand World?" Lord of a thousand worlds?"

The big Buddha didn't answer, and directly held the Wanzhuan red lotus magic mirror and shot towards Qianjilu and the others. Qianjilu practiced the secret technique of heaven and was not afraid of the power of karmic fire.Turn the copper coin in your hand.Surrounded by merit and virtue, the power of morality circulates, and I am not afraid of these powers at all.And Qin Zheng is practicing the Tathagata Heart Sutra, and he is also practicing ghost fetuses, and he is not afraid of the red lotus karmic fire.

As for Huawu, she is cultivating the power of the red lotus, and she has a lot of resistance to these powers.Although a few people are not afraid of the special ability of the red lotus karma fire to ignite karma, after all, this Buddha Lord condenses a power that is infinitely close to the golden core, which is also a great danger to the three of them.

The majestic power spurted out from the precious mirror, turned into one after another power, continuously condensed in front of Qin Zheng, a long knife condensed, and the long knife several feet long contained mighty power , It seems that the power of the Treasure Pavilion has been aroused all at once, and the Buddha power around is vast, accumulated on the long knife, and fell towards the top of the heads of the three in an instant.

Qin Zheng, Hua Wu, and the old man Qianjilu all changed their expressions drastically. The three of them could feel the power of this knife from a distance, but Naihe couldn't think of a corresponding method for a while.

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