Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 11 The Art of Blood River Explosion

(Happy New Years Day everyone)

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Qin Zheng's tone was flat, without the slightest ups and downs.He glanced coldly at the rogue warlock and the big leader.

"I didn't expect you, a little bastard, to practice fisting. Let's see how Lao Tzu's fierce tiger will tear up your reckless bull." The big leader is now mad with anger.The Rogue Warlock over there also had a gloomy face, as if he wanted to eat Qin Zheng.Holding the magic formula in his hand, the blood rainbow trembled and was about to fly in the next second.

Qin Zheng also didn't talk too much nonsense, his fists were concentrated in his hands, and his feet were galloping.

Mang Niu Quan's intention is to move forward bravely, with a lot of strength.But when Qin Zheng used the Mang Niu Shenli Fist, the leader over there also swung out the Tiger Roaring Fist, resisting Qin Zheng together.And the Rogue Warlock drove the blood rainbow to kill Qin Zheng.Under the attack from front to back, Qin Zheng didn't talk too much nonsense.

When he came to the big leader, the mang ox's boxing intention suddenly changed, and a mighty mang ox formed behind him, with two sharp horns and hooves like iron pillars, stepping down with one hoof and directly smashing the opponent's tiger roar fist intended to crush.Qin Zheng also killed the big boss with a punch with his martial arts figure.

Now that the blood rainbow keeps coming, Qin Zheng's body is as light as a cat, and he has dodged it several times.

The three leaders stopped Xue Hong, then stood in the distance and looked at Qin Zheng and said, "I didn't expect that you have already cultivated the martial arts, elder brother, second brother's death is not wronged." The eyes of the three leaders gradually turned blood red , the surrounding blood energy is also filled with more and more intense.

"Although this short section of the Blood River Jue will consume my lifespan, but if I don't kill you today, I will not be able to solve the hatred in my heart." The rogue warlock was full of murderous intentions, and the three of them depended on each other.Now that he has finally made it through, the elder brother and the second elder brother have all died at the hands of this little bastard, the hatred in the heart of the rogue warlock.

This short section of Blood River Jue was obtained by chance, it was just a short section of method, and the blood rainbow was recorded in it.Now that the Blood River Jue is being activated, the rogue warlock's body is filled with blood, which gradually thickens, like a small river of blood.The rogue warlock standing in the center was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the blood river wrapped the Rogue Warlock, who looked like a moving blood man from a distance.

The Rogue Warlock moved, turned into a blood shadow, and came to Qin Zheng's side in an instant.Qin Zheng's complexion changed drastically, and his martial arts method condensed and walked towards the blood shadow.But the river of blood was like a stream of mucus, entangled with the martial arts in the void.That bloody paste eroded the martial arts appearance a little bit.

Qin Zheng would find it unbelievable, this martial arts method is the condensed martial arts will, what kind of method is this Blood River Jue?It can actually urge the blood river to devour his own martial arts form. If the martial arts form is destroyed, then his martial arts will will be severely damaged.

"Quack quack, this blood river tactic is designed to deal with you warriors, and you will die." Seeing that his blood river can restrain Qin Zheng's martial arts, the rogue warlock couldn't help feeling a little bit happier, but he still quickly stimulated the blood river With all his strength, he wanted to take Qin Zheng down in one fell swoop and devour him completely.

Of course Qin Zheng wouldn't just let it go, but this Blood River Jue is really weird, that blood river can dissolve the fist's intentions and dharma.Qin Zheng is a strong martial artist, but he really has no way to deal with this blood river art.The Rogue Warlock over there is also getting more and more anxious.

This Blood River Jue is just a small section of exercises, and these methods are all enlightened by rogue warlocks on top of this method.This incomplete Blood River Jue consumes a lot of blood energy and soul power.If the Rogue Warlock doesn't deal with Qin Zheng quickly, he will be tortured to death by this Blood River Art.

In desperation, the Rogue Warlock turned into a blood shadow, pointed at Qin Zheng from a distance.

There was a rainbow of blood between those fingers, and Qin Zheng felt the blood in his body surging.This warrior was originally full of blood, and this Blood River Jue seemed to be a natural way to deal with warriors.Qin Zheng had an illusion that if he was pointed out by this, he would definitely explode and die.Instinctively, the black prison demon nerves in the body were activated.

Rolling demonic energy, black enveloped Qin Zheng, and the stepping bull turned into a black monster.

Qin Zheng didn't expect that the black prison demon's nerves would become like this in his own hands?The rogue warlock over there was also quite surprised, the young man in front of him was also a warlock.The billowing black magic energy is to feel the strength of the other party's skills.The demon cow with red eyes and black air roared.

With four hoofs stomping, all the plasma wrapped around his body will be destroyed.

Now that the method of the Demon God has been revealed, there is no need to hold back.Under Qin Zheng's urging, the black mang ox opened its bloody mouth, only to see the souls of the first leader and the second leader were devoured by the mang ox.A whole body of blood is refined as much as possible.The Rogue Warlock couldn't believe that the opponent's spells were more domineering than his own.

It actually directly devoured the opponent's soul and blood one by one.

Looking at the devilish energy, the Rogue Warlock felt a little puzzled, as if it was very similar to the nerves of the black prison demon mastered by Mrs. Lu.But it's not the same, and the Black Prison Devil Nerve is the core technique of the Lu family, which is difficult to cultivate.It is impossible for Qin Zheng to cultivate so well even if he has the nerve of the black prison demon, and it is even more impossible for Mrs. Lu to pass the nerve of the black prison demon to Qin Zheng.

Thinking of this, with a single pointing, the blood rainbow blessed.

Over there, Qin Zheng also didn't have time to pay attention to the changes in the nerves of the black prison demon. The demon cow stepped on the black cloud to meet the blood rainbow.Groups of black clouds and magic cows flew over, covering the sky and covering the earth.The billowing demonic energy also made it difficult for the river of blood to surge up.This Blood River Art is very powerful against warriors, but it seems to be much weaker in front of practitioners.

The magic bull stomped the blood rainbow to pieces.

The Rogue Warlock's complexion changed drastically, but he was extremely unwilling in his heart. He realized a forbidden technique in the Blood River Art, and today it seems that he is doomed.But even if he dies, he still wants to keep this little bastard.All of a sudden, blood surged all over the Rogue Warlock's body, as if extremely irritable.Qin Zheng also felt these changes.

"Little bastard, today I will use the Blood River Primordial Explosion technique to save your life even if I risk my soul being shattered today." Qin Zheng's face changed drastically, this rogue is going to die.Looking at the situation, it is obviously a way to risk your life.If you push Yasha King by yourself, it seems that you can fight against the enemy.

But whether the Yaksha King can persevere under this Blood River Primordial Explosion technique, and whether he can survive is also a big problem.So Qin Zheng didn't stay longer, and ran to the depths of the red forest again.There is already a wilderness over there, and this generation is the place where the land is the most barren, with high and low potholes.

After a burst of red light surged from the Rogue Warlock's body, it turned into an afterimage and swept towards Qin Zheng.It was very, very fast.Qin Zheng strenuously walked away, this kind of law that hurts both sides certainly does not last long, as long as he persists, it will be fine.But the Rogue Warlock didn't seem to give Qin Zheng this chance.

The river of blood condensed into a blood rainbow three or four feet long, and directly killed Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng turned around and punched the blood rainbow, and the magic cow galloped towards the blood rainbow amidst the billowing magic energy.The two collided in the middle, and a soaring force swept away.The solid iron wood was also broken in large pieces.

In the end, the demon cow lost to the power of the blood rainbow, and was filled with blood, turning into a spirit that filled the sky.

The martial arts method was destroyed, Qin Zheng also suffered a lot of trauma, and a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.Although the rogue warlock over there destroyed Qin Zheng's magic cow, after all, he was affected by the aftermath because of his two-two resistance.Looking at the distance from Kiba, Qin Zheng is also ready to fight for the last time.

Not far away is a lake, the lake is not small, but not big, quite deep.

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