Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 13 Sun Moon Buddha

"Where is this place? There isn't even a light?" Qin Zheng fell onto a flat ground, and almost accidentally fell to the ground.After standing still, Qin Zheng suddenly realized that his serious injury seemed to have healed?

I was just astonished.

Suddenly, strands of light came on instantly, driving away the darkness all at once. Qin Zheng saw the scene around him. He was in a passageway. On both sides were Buddha statues with benevolent faces, and there were lights inside.If I didn't guess wrong, I must be in a small world.

"This is the underground palace of the temple where the Riyue Buddha is?" Qin Zheng said to himself, the underground palace is particularly mysterious under the light of the quiet light.On both sides are portraits of flying goddesses, wearing wreaths and sprinkling flowers in their hands, flying into the sky. Although the color is still gorgeous, the thick and mysterious feeling accumulated over time is constantly exuding.

The scene of the battle portrait I saw just now, it seems that the lama came here to plot something, and the Riyue Buddha must have been guarding something.However, if one's cultivation has reached the level of the Sun Moon Buddha, it is not impossible to open up a small space and a small world.But this place is as real as it is, and it is so vast that Qin Zheng once felt like he was under an illusion.

Qin Zheng felt that the flying goddess would fly out of the mural in the next moment.

Qin Zheng walked in the secret road, which was not long, about 100 feet long, and besides the portrait of the flying goddess, there were some classic Buddhist stories on both sides.

Suddenly, the narrow passage suddenly opened up, and Qin Zheng was stunned by the scene in front of him. It was a wide field, and a golden statue of the Tathagata stood in the middle.The golden Buddha's light made Qin Zheng feel warm and sunny all over his body, and all the evil spirits in his body were also melted away, making him extremely relaxed.

Looking up, there are Buddhist statues all around, from Buddha, Bodhisattva, monks, and ordinary people, there are eleven floors from bottom to top, a big sun Tathagata, eleven-story Buddhist caves, and there is a golden light everywhere sparkle.That one Buddha is at least as huge as thousands of statues.

On the top of the head is a hemispherical golden dome of lotus flowers, and an ever-burning lamp is lit there, and I don't know how many years it has been burning.

"Are you here?" A voice sounded.

The sudden sound really startled Qin Zheng. The mysterious Tathagata Cave hides this living person, which really makes Qin Zheng startled. It must be an old monster. Jing looked around vigilantly, trying to find out where that person was.

"There's no need to look for it, I'm here." I saw a monk sitting cross-legged on the palm of the golden body of the Tathagata, watching Qin Zheng.

"Sun Moon Buddha." Qin Zheng exclaimed.

The Riyue Buddha squeezed the Jue in his hands, and a beam of Buddha's light struck down, and took Qin Zhengju into the palm of the Great Sun Tathagata.It was only when he was approaching that Qin Zheng could clearly see the appearance of the Buddha.At this time, except for the upper body of the Buddha, the lower body is already in a semi-empty state, as if it will be wiped out in the next moment.

"Once the underground palace is opened, the poor monk will not have much time left. The benefactor will listen to the poor monk carefully." Sun Yue Buddha interrupted what Qin Zheng wanted to say, and said it directly by himself . "In the past, the poor monk accidentally got a golden book. On the golden book, there was recorded a supreme Buddhist method, called the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra. The Great Sun Tathagata Sutra is a set of martial arts skills that can cultivate great ri Tathagata Dharma, ten thousand dharmas will not invade, and all demons will not be afraid. It is a pity that the dharma practiced by the poor monk was leaked by the disciples of the temple, and he joined the Western Region Lama Jinlun Dharma King to come."

"At this time, the poor monk was on the verge of crossing the catastrophe. He was extremely weak, and finally lost to the King of the Golden Wheel and died together. Unexpectedly, the King of the Golden Wheel also possessed a golden book called the Medicine Master Liuli Sutra. He is the master of the Eastern Glazed World, which is known as the Eternal Pure Land, and this Pharmacist's Glazed Sutra is the supreme technique of the practitioner, which can strengthen the soul and restore it automatically. It is an extremely powerful technique."

"Golden Wheel Dharma King was beaten by the poor monk until only a wisp of his soul escaped, and the poor monk was too weak to return to heaven due to the use of the secret method. Because he comprehended the Medicine Master's Glazed Glass Sutra, he temporarily stabilized his soul, waiting for those who are destined to come. "Ri Yue Buddha finished his story slowly.

This Great Sun Tathagata Sutra and the Pharmacist's Liuli Sutra complement each other with a martial art and a technique.

Qin Zheng was extremely jealous, but at this moment Qin Zheng also knew that there is no such thing as a free lunch, so he took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what seniors need juniors for?"

Hearing what Qin Zheng said, the Buddha Sun Moon also said: "My disciple stole my Great Sun Tathagata in the past. After fleeing and uniting with Jinlun Fawang, I want you to marry my disciple and Jinlun Fawang. Send it to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss." A rare evil spirit flashed across the compassionate eyes of the Sun Moon Buddha.

"The world is vast and the sea of ​​people is vast. How does the junior know where the disciples of the senior and the King of the Golden Wheel are?"

"My evil disciple studies the Dari Tathagata Sutra. Although all the supernatural powers of Buddhism are similar, you will be able to feel the mystery after you practice the Dari Tathagata Sutra. As long as you meet my disciple, you will be able to feel it. The spiritual power fluctuates. So does the King of the Golden Wheel." Said the Riyue Buddha.

"Since I can feel those two people, then those two people must also be able to feel my aura. The younger generation's cultivation level is still low, if they are discovered, wouldn't they also end up dead without a burial?" Qin Zheng Although I am very eager for those two exercises, but the exercises also require life to practice.

"You don't have to worry about that. With these two pages of the golden book, those two people can't feel the method you cultivated, at least they can feel other Buddhist exercises." The Riyue Buddha said with a slight smile.

After hearing this, Qin Zheng nodded and said, "If one day the younger generation has enough cultivation, I will definitely seek justice for the senior." Qin Zheng knew that it would be hypocritical for him to talk nonsense, and the cultivation level of the Buddha in the sun and the moon is unknown. If you are too much, you don't know how to flatter yourself.

With Qin Zheng's promise, the Riyue Buddha smiled slightly, and the golden Buddha fire was ignited all over his body. The body and soul seemed to be melted by the golden flame, and two golden liquids entered together with the Buddha fire. Qin Zheng's body. "This golden flame is the poor monk's lifelong curse. If you keep your promise, you will be struck to death by the thunderbolt when you cross the catastrophe."

When the sun and moon Buddha left nothing, Qin Zheng couldn't help cursing secretly, this monk even put himself on the line when he was dying.But at this time Qin Zheng is not worried about these things, the two balls of golden liquid are raging from every inch of bones, muscles, meridians, and the sea of ​​​​divine.It seemed to occupy Qin Zheng's entire body.

A ball of golden liquid nirvana Qin Zheng's body, and a ball of golden liquid tempered Qin Zheng's soul.

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