Flying Immortals of All Realms

Chapter 21 Ice Soul Divine Light

On an inconspicuous hill a few miles away from the periphery of the formation, Qin Zheng du li.

Looking from the mountain, the vast forest and sea of ​​trees looks a little lonely before dawn, and the winding mountains in the distance are covered with a gloomy five-color light, they are waiting quietly, waiting for the bright dawn.

At this time, Qin Zheng had already changed his appearance and turned into a middle-aged man. A long scar on his face continued from his left eye to his chin. The scar was undulating, like a long worm, and looked extremely ferocious from a distance.He was wearing a black robe, and a large hat covered his head.Qin Zheng was very satisfied with his appearance and outfit.

Then what Qin Du said is indeed correct, it is absolutely impossible for these sects and aristocratic families to monopolize the resources of the Hehuan Shenmu Small Void.Leaving aside those idle cultivators who have no chance to join the Martial Arts.The descendants of those old monsters who are used to acting alone will not agree.If several sects want to divide up such a huge resource, it will cause resistance from idle cultivators and some inheritances.

Three days ago, under the attack of Xuanji Dominant, Tiansuan old man, and a mysterious tenth-level Dzogchen powerhouse, a huge hole was directly torn outside the formation.The old man Tiansuan has a long tradition and is good at Fengshui divination. Even the master of the Tianji Pavilion and some old monsters from the Qianji family dare not underestimate him.

The three of them not only tore apart the formations, but also set up the formation of ten thousand poisons and five gods outside the three formations. Even if you don't let us in, then you don't want to go in either.Due to the pressure from the formation and the three tenth-order Dzogchen powerhouses, several sects and aristocratic families also reached an agreement with these three people.

With the five formations as the gateway, a total of five teleportation formations were established.The formation is distributed in five directions, and a three eighth-rank powerhouse sits in charge and sets up the ring.There are ten thunderbolts next to each formation, and ten people will guard the ring, and the ring will start at [-]:[-] every day. As long as the ring guards guard the ring today, they will get a teleportation token.

In other words, from [-]:[-] noon to the next three hours, as long as you keep these three hours, you can get a token to enter the small void of the Hehuan Shenmu.But there are so many monks, but there are only fifty tokens here, and each formation can only use ten tokens per day.I have to say that the methods of these sects are really ruthless.

There are too many monks and few porridge, and they fight each other.

However, it is already the biggest concession of the sect and the family, and it is already a great deal to be able to enter 50 people every day.Moreover, the small void of the Hehuan Shenmu is only this size, although it is impossible to decipher it within a few days.But the resources in it must be limited, and the more other people enter, the less benefits they will get.

Qin Zheng used body skills. Originally, Qin Zheng wanted to turn into a monk, but now he is not proficient enough to perform Dari Tathagata Sutra and Medicine Master's Liuli Sutra. If he is not careful, he will be exposed.Now that he has made this ferocious appearance, the Blood River Spell and the Black Hell Demon Nerve can be used at that time.

Just when Qin Zheng was displaying his physical form, his spiritual sense caught a trace of murderous aura. Although it was very weak, it was difficult to hide under Qin Zheng's spiritual sense.Suddenly, a cold light shot out, and the cold breath locked Qin Zheng.Qin Zheng's face turned cold, and he activated the Eagle Claw Kungfu with the nerves of the black prison demon, and the five black demonic energy practiced in five rounds caught the attacking cold light.

What was held in the hand was a cold needle infused with poison, which was attacked and killed by someone using a secret method to hide their breath.Over there, hiding the power in the dark, seeing that Qin Zheng was able to easily grab his own hidden weapon, he secretly screamed in his heart that he was in a bad situation, and wanted to escape by trying to escape.Qin Zheng smiled coldly, wanting to escape under his own divine sense and blood river myriad shadows escape method, it was just a dream.

Just when the man got up, Qin Zheng had turned into a blood shadow and came to him.That person's aura is restrained, and it seems that he is good at this kind of assassination technique.That person also did not expect Qin Zheng to be so skillful in movement, turning into a black shadow and escaping like lightning.Even though his body skills were superb and his breath restrained, he still couldn't escape Qin Zheng's palm.

Under the urging of the black prison demon's nerves, the eagle claw skill turned into a giant claw and came towards the black shadow.Previously, when Qin Zheng's cultivation base and spiritual consciousness were insufficient, he still wanted to understand the mysteries of martial arts in his original world.After the spiritual consciousness experienced the baptism of the sun and moon Buddha and the silver thread, Qin Zheng discovered a trace of mystery.

Some of the martial arts in this practice world are no different from the martial arts on the earth, but the martial arts on the earth are more mysterious and refined.It's a pity that because of the lack of spiritual energy in the earth and heaven, the method of absorbing spiritual energy in this martial arts method has been missing.Now these Xingyi boxing techniques and some martial arts are in Qin Zheng's hands, and they have become a good means to fight against the enemy.

The Eagle Claw Kung Fu was originally a very lethal external kung fu, but now under the urging of Qin Zheng's black prison demon nerves, it is even more sinister and vicious, with amazing lethality.The assassin looked at the state of Qin Zheng's exercises and felt that he had met a person with a powerful cultivation base.As soon as he gritted his teeth, he spit out a blue cold light from his mouth.

As soon as the azure blue cold light came out, Qin Zheng's Eagle Claw Kungfu immediately condensed in mid-air, and the cold light broke through the attack like a bamboo, directly coming to Qin Zheng's body, and stabbing into the center of his eyebrows.As soon as that bright cold light came, Qin Zheng felt that his entire thoughts were frozen, and his soul felt as if it had been shattered all at once.

With great horror in his heart, he circulated the Medicine Master's Glass Sutra, and his spirit transformed into the appearance of Medicine Buddha. In the Buddha's palm, a nine-color colored glaze fire evolved to hold the raging blue light in the sea of ​​gods.The Nine-color Glazed Fire is the Buddha Fire cultivated by the Pharmacist's Glazed Sutra, and its power is unpredictable.Now this little blue light gradually wilted after struggling for a while in the nine-color glazed fire, revealing its prototype.

The prototype of the blue light is a small light of the size of a toothpick with white in the blue, and when the consciousness penetrates, it feels a biting chill, and the whole consciousness is almost frozen.For such a mysterious thing, Qin Zheng immediately sacrificed the nine-color glazed fire to train the blue light as his own.

Seeing Qin Zheng's pained expression, the man in black was overjoyed, knowing that his attack had worked.Immediately sacrifice dozens of cold needles, taking advantage of your illness to kill you.But before the cold needle was thrown out from the front of the man in black, Qin Zheng who was not far away opened his eyes, and a monster with a blue face and long fangs flew towards him, holding a trident.

"Yasha King Golem, Lu family's black prison demon nerve. No, you can't kill me." The man in black showed a look of fear, and regretted that he hadn't escaped immediately.It's a pity that Qin Zheng won't give him a chance. After King Yaksha undergoes mutation, his power becomes stronger and stronger.The man in black was immediately engulfed by the black mist, and disappeared without a trace.

After Qin Zheng digested the power of the man in black's soul, he searched on him, and found a token and a cheat book.Qin Zheng also didn't have time to look at these things. The Black Prison Demon's nerves turned into magic fire, directly burned the corpse, and then got up and disappeared into the dense forest.

When there was no one there, Qin Zheng looked at the stolen thing. On one side was a more exquisitely crafted token, with a secret word written on the front and [-] written on the back.As for the secret book is a technique called cessation of breathing, it is a pity that after Qin Zheng got the magic turtle returning to the source and locking the platform, the occlusion technique is no longer effective.

What made Qin Zheng happy was that there were a few broken pages in the secret book, which vaguely recorded an incomplete exercise called Bingpo Shenguang.

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